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Many people need to take high energy foods since they will be engage in strenuous activities everyday. A very busy schedule need to be countered with plenty of energy to sustain your body all through the day. If you have an unhealthy diet, your body cannot adhere to numerous daily routines and may just lead to you becoming irritable and exhausted.

are among the primary high energy foods. Whole grains can stay in the body longer, thereby giving you longer endurance. Whole grain cereal, whole-wheat bread, brown rice and oatmeal are the most effective source of carbohydrates. These high energy foods reduce the process of absorption of glucose thus high energy level is maintained for an extended period. This really is best recommended to be taken in the morning, to provide you with an energy boost to start the day.

High energy foods should contain thiamin or Vitamin B1. This is necessary
so that the body can properly convert carbohydrates into energy during the metabolism. Beans, whole grains and brewer’s yeast are among good types of this vitamin. Beans have low glycemic index and are considered part of the best high energy foods for diabetic patients. They also good in cholesterol absorption and maintains the body with a healthy cholesterol level.

Niacin and Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin assists the body
in using the energy from food more efficiently. This vitamin B2 can be found in high energy foods such as yogurt and milk. Eating dairy foods which contains high fat is often recommended to those who wants to be very active. Niacin are available in tuna, beef and chicken. Take into consideration, that white meat can sustain energy level for normal activities such as walking and houseworks. Red meat could be taken by those engage in activities requiring high energy levels.

Some people
find it strange that liquids like water and fruit juices are included included in the list of high energy foods. Water is required to produce energy your body needs. Lack of water in your system can lead to making you easily tired. Indeed, dehydration is a great energy-sapper. Make sure to fill up with enough water everyday. You may also spice up plain water with fresh juices that contains vitamin C such as lemon juice. Everyone is not aware that these juices and water does not only re-hydrate you, it replenishes all of the minerals and valuable salts which you lose when you are engage in high gear movements.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are also high energy foods. Fruits have fibers
which help your body absorb carbohydrates and consequently provides you with long lasting energy. Bananas are rich in fiber and potassium which is good energy booster. Mid-afternoon snack of fruits which contains Vitamin C can easily provide you with a lift in energy since this is good in relieving fatigue. Steamed or cooked broccoli, spinach and cabbage are also effective energy sources.

By having
information about high energy foods and understanding the proportion that you need for your daily activities, you'll be able to maintain a balance diet. eating for energy and eating for energy review