
ID [2454] 2008-09-29 06:11:33


i love minority races i hate bin white

ID [2453] 2008-09-28 12:59:34

We had to Disinfect China after the the Olympics because White people came over here to our Country:

First of all Black on Black create all skin Tones black people are the luckiest humans in the world they don\'t have to mix and match with any other race to get exotic skin tones they have the Dominant Gene of all race I see beautiful black women here in China and Japan and when my family travel to the United States I see exotic black women with thousand of skin tones I mean WOW! black women come in light,light bright,light bronze,bronze,dark bronze,light brown,brown,dark brown,dark, I mean it never ends.

Asians also come in different shades,Indians also,even Hispanics,so were all lucky too.

But you ugly ass white people just can\'t stand it when you see the Minority Race with there Exotic Skin Tones,Dark Hair and Dark Eyes and we all have Culture.

Now white on white can only produce ugly white skinned kids you have the Recessive Gene you could never ever produce dark skin unless your evil asses use a Minority Race Man. (How sick is that) You white people hate your ugly ass white selves so you try to beak up the Minority Races.

And as for Adam & Eve look it up fools Eve was not a White woman because she has the Recessive Gene white women can not produce all skin tones White men als have the Recessive Gene so they can\'t produce all skin tones either. You white people always think everything starts with white people but it don\'t.White on White only Produce White (Get Over It)

Now take you ugly looking wrinkle asses fake tan looking orange shit to hell thats were all White people belong.


White people stay the hell away from Asian Countries, we let your white ugly asses over here for the Olympics but no more we had to disinfect China when all the White people left.

ID [2452] 2008-09-28 09:48:53

Cradle of Life:

Adam & Eve lived farther North than what today we would call Africa. Eden was a large area that spanned between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea and to the South. But it is true that in those days all the land of the Earth was joined together as one large land mass.

It wasn\'t until after the global flood that Noah and his sons (and their wives) settled the area of today\'s Turkey, and the plains of Shinar. When Noah and his family exited the ark, it was considered that their lives were spared: That they were to begin again: This new state was regarded as a state of \"new life\", or \"regeneration\" (This is actually a foreshadowing of a greater event) This idea of \"twice-born\" or \"repeat\" \"childhhod\" is reflected in the word \"shene\", from which we get the term \"Shinar\": The plains of Shinar are then simply \"The Land of Noah: the Regenerator\".

Noah\'s sons were each one a different skin color (As it seems that is what people are talking about here in this forum).

One of Ham\'s sons, Mizraim, was one of the first people to go into what we now call the African Continent. In those early years after the flood, the Nile Sea used to flood the land. Mizraim was chiefly responsible for building-up an embankment that literally captured the Nile Sea and caused it to flow Eastward as what today is called the Nile River. In fact, Mizraim is the ancient name of Lower Egypt: The land of Ham.

Mizraim is also called \"Metzr-im\" (the embanker of the sea). But more than that, Ham\'s son Mizraim is also know by another name and is in fact the first historical king of Eqypt: Menes.

Some 30 Nations came out of Ham:
Four Sons of Ham
1. Mizraim (Egypt)
2. Cush (Sudan, Ethiopia)
3. Put (Lybia)
4. Canaan (Hivites, Jebusites, Arvadites, Girgashites, Amorites, Arkites, Sinites,
Hittites, Sidonians, Perizzites, Zemarites)

Five Sons of Shem
1. Elam (Arabia)
2. Asshur (Assyria)
3. Lud (Lydians)
4. Aram (Aramaic, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Syria)
5. Arphaxad (From which Abraham descended)

14 Nations came out of Japheth:
Seven Sons of Japheth
1. Javan (Greece, Romans, Romance -- French, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese)
2. Magog (Scythians, Slavs, Russians, Bulgarians, Bohemians, Poles, Slovaks, Croatians)
3. Madai (Indians & Iranic: Medes, Persians, Afghans, Kurds)
4. Tubal (South of Black Sea)
5. Tiras (Thracians, Teutons, Germans, Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Jutes)
6. Meshech (Russia)
7. Gomer (Celtic)


ID [2451] 2008-09-28 06:40:14

Michael Robinson:

Actually, the way you are using the term \"race\" is incorrect.

1. First, let\'s talk about skin color: Skin itself does not actually have a color, it appears colored to the eye because the eye sees a frequency of visible light that is reflected off the skin. (Of course, this is true of all things that are not transparent).

2. The reason that different people appear to have different skin color is because more or less light is reflected off the skin toward your eye.

3. There is a chemical in the skin called melanin that absorbs certain frequencies of light, therefore the more melanin that the skin has, the less light is reflected and the skin appears darker.

4. The only difference between darker colored people and lighter colored people is the amount of melanin in their skin.

5. In reality all people are the same color, we are just a different shade of the same color.

6. Second, let\'s talk about race: You appear to mean \"ethnicity\" which is a person¡¯s ethnic background. There are people of all colors in any ethnic group. Ethnicity and culture are great spices to have as a part of you. It makes you unique at the same time as it makes you a part of a group of people who share your similarities.

7. Most often people who are in our immediate family tree share our ethnicity and culture the closest, but not in all cases. You can follow your family tree backwards to your parents, grandparents, their parents, and so forth, through various branches of your family: Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, etc.

8. The reason it is called a \"family tree\", is because there are so many branches of family members.

9. You can actually trace your family tree all the way back to its roots, which in so doing you will find that ALL PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY IN YOUR FAMILY!!! At the very least, ALL people are 100% blood related cousins. Maybe we are distant cousins, but we are in the same family tree. That\'s why it is 100% possible for two black people to give birth to a white child, or two white people to give birth to a black child. It is extremely rare because the pigmentation genes are more recessive in the parents, but believe it or not, has been known to happen...

10. As we can now see, the term \"race\" refers to the \"Human Race\".

11. The \"Human Race\" includes all people of all cultures, ethnicities, skin/hair/eye color, etc. and is a direct reference to the fact that to ALL MEN (and women) IT IS APPOINTED ONCE TO DIE, AND AFTER THIS, ...THE JUDGMENT.

12. So, you see, mankind is in a \"Race\" against time: A personal race against the clock to find the true answers to life\'s most important questions:

a.) Is there a God?
b.) Are Heaven and Hell real literal places?
c.) What will happen to my soul when I die?
d.) How do I know that What I have come to Believe is really true?

13. \"Truth\" is an absolute. There are no gray areas, only \"TRUE\" and \"FALSE\". What a person may believe does not change the facts: If a person truly believes a lie, the belief in that lie will not make it true. You can believe you are a millionaire, but if it¡¯s not true, you still won\'t have a million dollars to spend.

You can believe that you are a minority (for whatever reason) but in reality if you stop to look at it, maybe you are \"a majority of one\".

People in general have a lot of problems. It doesn\'t matter where you come from or what color your parts are. What matters is that we are all responsible for our own thought and actions. We can be a better version of ourselves. We can use our understanding to help others to grow to become a better version of themselves...

Milk-white, red, yellow, brown, black, and in-between: I have seen many very exotic and beautiful skin colors as I have traveled the world, but many times their beautiful and perfect body was merely a house for a very ugly person...

Run the Good Race, Brother... I\'m pulling for you!


ID [2450] 2008-09-27 10:58:31



ID [2449] 2008-09-27 07:20:39

Minority Races Hate White Cracker People There So Ugly and White Skinned With No Culture:::::::::::::::::::

White people hate themselves because there the ugly duck of all the races all white people look alike.

White people hate themselves because:

1.A - White people Age really really fast they look very old and wrinkled by the time there 21
Damn your so Ugly and you Age really fast what a looser !

1. B - They have White skin they all look alike and they have the Recessive Gene (That means white on white can only create white skinned kids) Sorry Crackers your White skinned (Get over it)

2. They have no Culture so they try to steal all the Minority Cultures
3. Whites all have pointed noses and different color eyes and hair
4. They have no flavor there just dorky white people without flavor
5. All white people do is tan every other day and get lip & butt injections and fake breast
6. White people tan fades away they look so stupid looking when there tans fades away on part of there body will be tan and the other part will turn back to nasty white

7. When ever me an my friends are shopping or at the movies I notice how all white people always looking at all the Minority Races with hate because we all have Exotic Natural Real Exotic Skin Tones,dark Hair and Eyes. White people are so Envy of our Minority Race

8. White people are so insecure of themselves so they try to put down the Minority Races to make themselves feel better

9. All White Crackers try to split up our Minority Families by using us so the can have dark skinned feature kids

10. White people are so jealous because they can't call themselves a Minority they just can't stand it

To all my Minority Races lets all boot these ugly white crackers out of our lives the world will be a better place

White people hate themselves because they have No Culture & White Skin

Only the Minority Races have Exotic Skins Tones & Dark Features

Minority Races Rules:

ID [2448] 2008-09-27 03:06:50


Enkelit ovat selkäsi takana, mitä he ajattelevat?
He ajattelevat että olet ihminen, vain ihminen. Ei rotu, ei kieli, ei terveys, ei sairaus, ei mielipiteet, ei onni, ei epäonni, vaan olet vain ihminen ihmisten joukossa. Et ole mitään muuta kuin ihminen. Joudut selittämään itseäsi muille, halveksut muita että tuntisit voittaneesi jotain. Katsot historiaa ja olet katkera. Mitä aijot tehdä tulevaisuutta ajatellen jotta olisit voittaja? Niin, nyt ryvet vihassa joka ei anna sinulle voittoa, ei liioin rauhaa. Luottamus on avainsana. Älä anna menneiden syödä sieluasi, älä tee sitä mitä sinulle tehtiin, tee enemmän, tee paremmin, ole voittaja. Tee positiivia juttuja kun kerran olet tänne syntynyt. Onko esi-isät ylpeitä katkeruudestasi joka tukahduttaa rotusi jalouden.

He ovat lähellä mutta kaukana, onko voitto täällä jo? Onko?

Älkää ihmiset kuluttako aikaa rypemällä liiaksi katkeruuden tuskassa vaan nouskaa ja tukekaa toisianne. Olemme vain hetken täällä, tehkäämme siitä hetkestä hyvä.

Pahan energiaa liikkuu liian kiivaasti riviemme välissä, se ei ole hyvä.

Rakkaus on voima joka elää jos sen sallii elävän ....

ID [2447] 2008-09-26 11:58:15

Minority Races Hate White Cracker People There So Ugly and White Skinned With No Culture::::::::::::::::::

White people hate themselves because there the ugly duck of all the races all white people look alike.

White people hate themselves because:

1.A - White people Age really really fast they look very old and wrinkled by the time there 21
Damn your so Ugly and you Age really fast what a looser !

1. B - They have White skin they all look alike and they have the Recessive Gene (That means white on white can only create white skinned kids) Sorry Crackers your White skinned (Get over it)

2. They have no Culture so they try to steal all the Minority Cultures
3. Whites all have pointed noses and different color eyes and hair
4. They have no flavor there just dorky white people without flavor
5. All white people do is tan every other day and get lip & butt injections and fake breast
6. White people tan fades away they look so stupid looking when there tans fades away on part of there body will be tan and the other part will turn back to nasty white

7. When ever me an my friends are shopping or at the movies I notice how all white people always looking at all the Minority Races with hate because we all have Exotic Natural Real Exotic Skin Tones,dark Hair and Eyes. White people are so Envy of our Minority Race

8. White people are so insecure of themselves so they try to put down the Minority Races to make themselves feel better

9. All White Crackers try to split up our Minority Families by using us so the can have dark skinned feature kids

10. White people are so jealous because they can't call themselves a Minority they just can't stand it

To all my Minority Races lets all boot these ugly white crackers out of our lives the world will be a better place

White people hate themselves because they have No Culture & White Skin

Only the Minority Races have Exotic Skins Tones & Dark Features

Minority Races Rules:

ID [2446] 2008-09-26 10:24:16


reply please

ID [2445] 2008-09-26 10:23:07


ok!whats the problem for china,therefore

ID [2444] 2008-09-25 12:52:26


wow. i was googling for something else and somehow ended up on this fuckin forum, which i cant believe i actually read. it makes me sick as to how fuckin ignorant you dickheads can be, no matter what your fuckin skin color is. first of all..

1. there are white people with dark features [hair,eyes,skin] you fucking morons and,
2. there are hispanics, and asains, with PALER skin then some white people.

some hispanics even have red or blonde hair, blue eyes, ect ect.

so for the fucking moron who wrote a long ass novel about minorities all having dark features, you need to go hang yourself. asap.

ID [2443] 2008-09-25 10:34:34

Minority Races Hate White Cracker People There So Ugly and White Skinned With No Culture:::::::::::::::::

White people hate themselves because there the ugly duck of all the races all white people look alike.

White people hate themselves because:

1.A - White people Age really really fast they look very old and wrinkled by the time there 21
Damn your so Ugly and you Age really fast what a looser !

1. B - They have White skin they all look alike and they have the Recessive Gene (That means white on white can only create white skinned kids) Sorry Crackers your White skinned (Get over it)

2. They have no Culture so they try to steal all the Minority Cultures
3. Whites all have pointed noses and different color eyes and hair
4. They have no flavor there just dorky white people without flavor
5. All white people do is tan every other day and get lip & butt injections and fake breast
6. White people tan fades away they look so stupid looking when there tans fades away on part of there body will be tan and the other part will turn back to nasty white

7. When ever me an my friends are shopping or at the movies I notice how all white people always looking at all the Minority Races with hate because we all have Exotic Natural Real Exotic Skin Tones,dark Hair and Eyes. White people are so Envy of our Minority Race

8. White people are so insecure of themselves so they try to put down the Minority Races to make themselves feel better

9. All White Crackers try to split up our Minority Families by using us so the can have dark skinned feature kids

10. White people are so jealous because they can't call themselves a Minority they just can't stand it

To all my Minority Races lets all boot these ugly white crackers out of our lives the world will be a better place

White people hate themselves because they have No Culture & White Skin

Only the Minority Races have Exotic Skins Tones & Dark Features

Minority Races Rules:

ID [2442] 2008-09-25 08:29:15


Jiang Wern Sze:


The whole world is under God's judgement.China may have it's moment of glory, like Britain and the US, however,it will fail just as those cultures have and are doing. Turn to Jesus

ID [2441] 2008-09-25 08:22:58


I think you may be mentally unstable 'minority'. You have a lot of pent up anger. I,m white , considered very good looking, and have never in my entire life ever been afflicted with the type of emotional and identity issues you subscribe to white people. I'm a christian also, and love all people of all races. I also work with chinese (in particular malay-chinese) and I only have the best things to say about them - they are hard working, intelligent , knowledgable, well skilled and honest, and with generally a very agreeable disposition - it's a shame people like you would place a wedge between those of different races.

Hitler made the mistake that the Germans were the master race - don't you go down that path yourself - it is a lurid track that will bring you to self-destruction and a life without love and hope.

ID [2440] 2008-09-25 04:23:11


kung fu porn

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