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 Mom Dad Brett Tanner




Michigan State

My mom is usually around the house a lot. She likes flowers which is why I chose the picture of flowers. She always helps me with things and comes to all my sports events.

My dad's name is Daniel. I put rakes for his picture because he is always working. If there are leaves in our yard our snow in our driveway he will get rid of all of it even if it takes him all day. He always cheers me on and helps me with my homework.

I have a brother who is twenty two and his name is Brett. He likes to play baseball a lot and he is pretty good at pitching until he messed up his arm. He went down to Kalamazoo to play and really enjoys it. He always helps me with things and we always mess around.

I have another brother who is nineteen years old and his name is Tanner. He is going to Michigan State University right now and says its really fun and he loves it. When he is home he always gives me rides to places and other stuff.


