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Hello I know the site is pretty basic right now but its a work in progress. Well let me introduce  myself I am Gutz and Capri is my fiance we live together in real life. We created this guild to help us and other people. We have years of experience in guild controlling. We want to be the best guild possible but that takes having the best members possible. We do not give rank and promotions out like candy if u want to be a rank or promoted the best thing u can do is not ask for it. We will see how everyone does not just as 1 but as a group effort.  Let me break this down for you
Ways to get promoted:
1. be respectful to everyone
2. never ask for promotion
3. help whomever when u can i know u need gold but atleast sell very cheap to guild mates but only for very hard items to get if u can solo indigo boss dont try to get 30 silver charge 5 or 10. that is just example i will give those for free.
those r just a few tips on wut makes a good guild mate

Ways to get kicked from guild
1. not getting any guild progress or contributions
2. not helping or talking to fellow guild members
3. not listening to ur higher in commands
4. not being active
these r just the most hated actions