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The Queens Alternate Learning Center at Robert F. Wagner H.S. Making Cross Cultural Connections Through Interdisciplinary Writing Projects

Interdisciplinary ELA & Global History Writing Projects Using Collins Writing Program

Interdisciplinary Activities, Projects & Resources

The Collins Writing Program: Performance Through Writing and Thinking Across The Curriculum
Heiji Monogatari emaki: The Tale of the Heiji Rebellion Scroll: 13th Century
Dojoji engi emaki: Miraculous Tales of the Dojo Temple: 16th Century
The Deer Scroll: Honami Koeisu & Tawaraya Sotatsu: 1610
Shinkokin Wakashu Poetry Scroll: Honami Koetsu: Early 17th Century
Interactive Scrolls
The Heian Period: The Fujiwara Regency
Traditional Japanese Narrative Scrolls
Creating Scrolls Based on the Illustrated Tale of Genji
Scroll Presentation :Summary of The Tale of Genji
Collins Type I Writing: Asian Art in Scroll Form
The Tale of Genji Scroll:Chapters 1-16
Map of Japan
Chinese Dynasties
Samurai Scrolls: The Story of Hideyoshi
A Scroll Viewer of Japanese History
Medieval Japan Key Points
The Mongol Invasion Scrolls
Heian Aristocracy: Confucianism: Buddhism: Fujiwara: The Tale of Genji
Zen Stories of The Saumari: Toyotomi Hideyoshi & Sen no Rikyu
The Great Buddha of Kamakura
Iwatsuki Dolls Memorial Ceremony
Illustrated Tales of Hideyoshi

English Language Arts Standards

Standard 2: Students will read and listen to oral, written, and electronically produced texts and performances,relate texts and performances to their own lives, and develop an understanding of the diverse social,historical, and cultural dimensions the texts and performances represent. As speakers and writers,students will use oral and written language for self-expression and artistic creation

Standard 4:Students will use oral and written language for effective social communication with a wide variety of people. As readers and listeners, they will use the social communications of others to enrich their understanding of people and their views

Global History Standards 2,3,4,5

Human, Physical ,Geography Political Systems, Cultural and Intellectual, Life Belief Systems Students should be able to compare and contrast the social, Political, and economic dimensions of the Japanese and European feudal systems. They should understand the impact of cultural diffusion on Japanese culture.

LOTE Standards

Checkpoint B Students:

exhibit more comprehensive knowledge of

cultural traits and patterns

draw comparisons between societies

recognize that there are important linguistic and cultural variations among groups that speak the same target language

understand how words, body language, rituals, and social interactions influence communication. <

Ms. Melanie Johnson, Principal Queens Alternate Learning Center

Dr. Deborah Isom, Site Supervisor

Mr. Damon Dolabaille, ELA Instructor

Mr. Kevin O'Connor, Social Studies Instructor

Ms. Helene Sauberman, ISS Instructor

Ms. Tanya Sarlanis, Science Instructor

Mr. Glenn Peterkin, Mathmatics Instructor

Mr. Howard Burstein, Guidance Counselor

Ms. Paula Johnson, Paraprofessional

Ms. Archy Crafton, School Aide