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Blood is precious to a human’s life.  It is what pumps through the heart and provides oxygen and nutrients to the body’s organs, regulates temperature and fights infections. Blood becomes even more vital in the event of a potentially fatal accident where the victim may be in dire need of blood to survive. It would be tragic if there wasn’t an immediate resource for the blood, but parents of an unborn child can take action through the cord blood collection process to preserve their baby’s blood right when the child is born. When a baby is born the blood in the umbilical cord is abundant in stem cells that are easily extracted and collected in a kit. Parents have the option of donating it to a blood bank or storing it for use in the future. The blood would be preserved frozen in a bank and would be thawed out if needed for the baby in the future, or even siblings or other relatives. The cord blood collection process is a simple procedure that is a wise preemptive measure to preserve the lives of your loved ones 

Stem cells have also been accredited for successfully treating cancer and other blood-related diseases. Cord blood collection processing can not only potentially save someone’s life, but will contribute greatly to medical research and treatments. The process begins right after birth once the umbilical cord is cut and the nurse draws the blood from the cord to the collection bag through a suction method. The collection kit itself is strictly sanitary to ensure the blood’s purity. The kit features cotton swabs, collection bag, biohazard bags, cord clamp, C-section adapter kit, maternal draw pack, and delivery forms and labels. This cord blood collection process maintains a temperature protection that keeps the cord blood at room temperature and protects it from hot or cold extremities through shipment of the blood to the bank.  

It is the blood bank’s highest priority to keep the integrity of the blood. One of the ways is to remove the buffy coat from the plasma and red blood cells, since they are useless for transplants. The bank processes the cord blood either manually or automatically and then stores the cells in the freezer by vapor or liquid nitrogen. This is all performed by a certified technician that will remove the cells in a way that will not damage them. This process also requires the mother’s blood sample to test the blood for any signs of diseases such as HIV, syphilis, or Hepatitis B and C. Overall, cord blood collection processing is a safe and effective way to guarantee your baby’s and family member’s future health and welfare.

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