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The Collective
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Who Are We?

The Collective is a group of Keene State College students and alumni who want to raise awareness and appreciation of the arts. By having a safe, comfortable place to celebrate things such as painting, theater and music, the passions we hold can be shared with those who dare to experiment in something a little different.


Since we moved in on June 1, we have gotten quite a bit accomplished. We've cleaned out the first floor of the barn and have prepared it for our theater space. We're working on the second floor of the barn, desperate for an art studio. Our next project is to turn the basement into the jam room and begin recording the music we play on a daily basis.

We've had a family brunch of French Toast and a family dinner of spaghetti. We've had a science lesson, learning about sound and the ear, and we've had an improv show. The place that was once just a house is now a home, and not just any home, but The Collective. With our dedication, and your help, we can make this house a home.