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Concussion Treatment – How dangerous is traumatic head injury to the boxers  

Boxing is one of the most dangerous sports. The most crucial or worst thing that can happen to the boxer is to experience a concussion inside the ring or during the fight. Based on the recent survey, yearly there are a lot of boxers reportedly die or in a comatose stage because of the effect of severe concussion. Concussion is defined as a traumatic head injury. 

The boxing scores depend on the number of throwing punches to another. Aside from the brushes that they can get with this kind of sports, there is a big risk that a fighter will suffer from concussion. The body and the head are the parts that sacrifice in this type of competition. Even a single blow can be the cause of concussion and what’s more if its multiple blows.

 When the brain is shaken inside the skull, this can become a serious health problem to the person. Concussion makes the person unconscious it means that the brain is not fully functional. The risky part is when one of the fighters knocks down during the competition. This can be a life threatening to the person or a lifetime disability. 

 There are many cases that a fighter doesn't wake up anymore after the knock out or when they sleep at night after the competition because of the severe effect of concussion. Medical experts always recommend the fighter not to sleep at least 24 hrs just to make sure that the fighter is in a good condition. Usually the doctor’s advice as part of concussion treatment to the fighter is to relax well and have fun after the game. But it is strictly not recommended to drink alcohol because it can trigger second concussion to the fighter. 

Concussion treatment should not be ignored, just to make sure that your body is in good condition it is important to see the healthcare group after the fight. Those who are suffering from this medical condition, the effects of concussion will depend on the severity. For mild cases it will only take them days or weeks but for serious cases, this will take them months or even years to fully recover. 

 Doctors are always after in the health of the patient, that is why it is vital to seek an approval from your doctors if you’re still amenable to return from your sports or not. Second concussion is very dangerous and there is a huge possibility that you need more time to recover or unfortunately it can be fatal.