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Computer security



As the world becomes an increasingly more computer orientated the need for increased computer security becomes more and more important. This is especially true of any computer with an internet connection, which includes most computers in today’s workplace. There are a multitude of threats online ranging from hackers to spam. Similarly there are a variety of ways to counter most threats from email filters to encrypting important documentation. This web site is dedicated to two of the more common computer threats: Spy ware and Malware. And to two of the most useful methods of computer security: the use of a Fire wall and the use of encryption.



A firewall is a dedicated hardware, or software running on a computer, which inspects network traffic passing through the net work, and have the right to denies or permits passage data based on a set of rules




Spy ware
Spy ware is software designed to infiltrate a computer system, record data on the user, and send this data back to the spy ware’s creator. The data gathered can be anything from which web sites are visited to credit card details. This section deals with the threat posed by spy ware and how to avoid it.




Users tend to call every malicious program a virus, but the dangerous programs encountered these days are rarely viruses in the technical sense. More commonly, they are worms or Trojan horses. The general name for malicious software is malware. Today, there are over 10,000 virus types, with electronic-mail and Internet connectivity, opportunities and speed of propagation have increased dramatically. This article will discuss the ways malware spreads, who is at risk, symptoms of an infected system and how to keep your system safe.





Short summary of encryption


    Still want to know more check out our reference page

Disclaimer: This website was developed to fulfil the course requirements of
an assignment in Computer Applications and the Information Age (158100) at
Massey University.
This website was created by Faith, Greg, Jing and Reuben.