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Mold Allergy Explained

The symptoms of mold allergies can occur on different seasons. It may occur during summer or fall. However, it can also occur all year round if mold is present in your home. Molds are parasitic fungi that can be seen under a microscope. Just like pollen, they have the ability to float in the air. Raking leaves is considered to trigger allergic symptoms. Outdoor activities should be avoided to prevent mold allergies.

Soil from indoor plants can promote the growth of molds. Therefore, they should be kept to a minimum. Indoor plants should be avoided. Their soil can be a good ground for mold growth. Molds can be found in damp areas of the home. Two common examples are the basement and bathroom. Molds are also present in the grass, mulch, hay, and other outdoor places.

Food Allergy Facts

Nearly everyone can be affected by food allergies and food intolerances. Oftentimes, there are people who do not now that they have allergies. When they eat foods that give them unwanted reactions, they wonder.

Because food allergies are hereditary, one out three individuals says that he modifies his diet since one member of the family is believed to have a food allergy or they actually have a food allergy. However, there are approximately 5% of children reported to have food allergies. Food allergies affect about 4% of the teen and adult population.

The perception of the public to the problem and the clinically proven cases of food allergy are altered. This is because there is a misconception of the difference of food allergies and food intolerance. A food allergy happens when the immune system mistakenly identifies a protein as harmful for the body. As a result, abnormal reactions occur. Although it may resemble with the symptoms of food allergy, the symptoms of food intolerance is not because of the immune system. The immune system is only responsible for the allergic reactions due to food allergies. One example of this is milk allergy and milk intolerance. The difference is that, milk allergy causes adverse reaction due to the release of histamine by the immune system, while lactose intolerance is just the inability to endure or digest milk.

Soap Allergy Facts

Many people think that the chemicals are the main reason that makes the person itch. Surprise: “Most of the skin reactions are not caused by the cleaning chemicals but by a perfume additives,” Dr. Wedner says. "Edelberries and roses are just some of the plant extracts being addded to most soaps to make them fancy.

The skin may be irritated and develop skin rashes." What must be done: Use organic soaps that have no additives, no scent, and are phthalate-free. 2. However helpful phthalates are in improving textures, these chemicals and its compound are known to cause allergies. For this reason, labels must be checked whether they contain “diethyl phthalate” on them. Dove, Tide, and Ivory are less irritating to the skin. It is best to choose these brands and other organic brands.

Latex Allergies

For people with latex hypersensitivity, latest gloves are the most common offending products. However, there are also condoms and medical equipment that may contain latex. These products can trigger latex allergy as well. Symptoms of latex hypersensitivity are the following: eye tearing and irritation, cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, and itchiness of the skin or nose. Symptoms of latex allergy can range form mild to severe. Mild reactions may only include itchiness of the skin due to skin rashes. However, anaphylaxis may occur which is a severe allergic reaction. It will cause tightening of the airways making it difficult to breathe. Hives may also develop and gastyrointestinal problems.

As part of treatment and to avoid allergic reactions, latex products must be removed. Antihistamines and epinephrine can relieve allergic reactions. It is very imprortant to use a MedicAlert bracelet if you have latex allergy. You must also bring an emergency epinephrine kit with you all the time.

If you are allergic to latex, it is best to avoid latex-containing products. This way, occurence of allergic reactions will be prevented.

Pollen Allergies Facts

For reproduction, Plants produce tiny, round or oval pollen grains which are too tiny to see with the naked eye. For some plant species, fertilizing itself would mean to use its own flower pollen. Other types of plants should be pollinated with others of their own species.

Pollens must be transferred from the flower of one plant to another of the same species. Then, cross pollination, or fertilization and seed-forming, will take place. Sometimes, it is the job of the insects to pollinate flowering plants. Others rely on the wind to transport pollen. Trees, grasses, and weeds; or the plain looking type of plants are usually the ones that causes allergic reactions and not the ones with showy flowers. In order to be suitable for air transport, the pollen grains produced by plants have to be light, small and dry.
