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Prova LifeMap® Numerology

Know the Who, What, Where, When, Why, How, and What Next about You.

An Images of One product.


Prova LifeMap® Numerology for angel juliette kolz

Born on July 12, 1990





About Your Self

About Your Self
Your Life Path: Your life path number shows you the talents, opportunities and abilities that are natural to and inherent within you. Your life is a path that you walk through. This is the nature of your path.
Your Destiny and Purpose: Your destiny number shows you what your purpose in life is, where you can find fulfillment that allows your soul to grow to its fullest potential.
Your Soul Desire: Your soul number shows you where your heart's desire lies. This is what your soul longs for and seeks. It is what it desires and loves best, so to speak. It is the soul food it needs and values.
Your Personality: This number shows you how other people see you. This is the impression that you give other people about yourself. It is your interface to the world.
Your Maturity: Your maturity number reflects the emergence of your true self, the maturing of all your qualities. Hence, this number shows qualities that will become more noticeable and prominent in later years of your life (usually starts becoming prominent between the ages 35 and 50, growing stronger there after).

Your Future: There is a time for everything

Your Future: There is a time for everything
First Predictive Indicators: Your Pinnacles (High Points) And Their Challenges: (Life-time outlook). Pinnacles (high points) and Challenges show you how to best navigate your life during various stages of it. Pinnacles show you the highest achievements you can make at a certain period. Challenges tell you what lower vibration qualities need to be healed and transformed to their higher equivalents.
Second Predictive Indicators: Your Major Cycles: (Life-time outlook). Major cycles show you the main rhythms in your life and how to grow with them.
Third Predictive Indicators: Personal Years, Months and Days: (9-year outlook). Personal year numbers tell you what energies are specifically available to you each year. By living in line with those energies, you can have the best result and prepare for or avoid difficulties that may be coming.

Your Birthday and Names

Your Name and Birthday
Your Birthday: Your soul chose a day to incarnate (be born here) that resonates with its general nature. Your birthday nature usually has its highest influence in your life when you are between the ages 28 and 56, approximately.
Your Names: : For centuries, people have known that names carry a far higher effect and meaning than we can imagine. Even in the past, whenever a person because crowned as a new king, queen, Caesar, sage, ascended master, spiritual teacher, or whatever, they changed their name. the name reflects the energy combination of the person.


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Prova LifeMap uses various sciences and disciplines to generate your report, including psychology, numerology, spirituality, personality analysis, mathematics and ancient knowledge from various civilizations in the past. Then with math, a database, and your birthday and name, it is able to do what it does. The disciplines most relied upon are numerology and psychology. Numerology simply arises from the fact that everything in the universe is a set of mathematical relationships (which actually represent underlying energy relationships) that are run by divine law that is accurate and perfect always. And all things are related as the universe is all one. Therefore, if you know one side of the relationship, you can compute the other.

Or look at it this way: thoughts are wavelengths, just like sounds. When you speak out a thought, you create its appropriate sound. Letters are symbols for particular sounds. Each sound creates a particular form (as can be proven with instruments such as an eidophone). Even these forms vibrate. All these vibrations are in harmony for a particular thought, its word expression and its resultant form. The vibrations are precise multiples of each other. (Did you know that human DNA vibrates at 52 - 78 gigahertz?) To know the vibration essence, you look to the relationships between numbers and things around you (this is what numerology is all about). Once you have the essence, you can make many other relational inferences.

The numbers in numerology don't cause things to happen nor do they predict what will happen exactly. You always have choice in the matter. The numerology and energy analysis simply gives you an accurate indication of the energies available to you in certain periods and areas of your life (and their powers or positive vibrations and challenges or negative vibrations). When you use the energies available, you will be 'in the flow' (the word 'prosperous' has its linguistic roots from the phrase 'to be in the flow'). When you are in the flow, you learn less through struggle and pain since struggle and pain only indicate an error in thinking, being out of flow with your universe. There are two ways of progress. The hard way is to learn unconsciously through struggle and pain. The easier way is to learn consciously by deciding to be willing to learn the Truth, to spend time doing so, and to live that way. When you learn consciously, you make less errors in thinking, and you suffer a whole lot less.

For a more detailed explanation of all this, please see the section How And Why This Works below.

IMPORTANT: The accuracy of this report very much depends on correct name and birthday details. (Use your original birth name unless you have had it changed).

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And now, your LifeMap...



About Your Self

The trick is to find yourself, then live in ways that support yourself. It is that simple. When you do that, you float down the river of life. When you don't do that, you struggle upstream. You always have choice, but the smart thing is to flow with the river effortlessly instead of struggling against it.


Your Life Path

All about it: Your life path number shows you the talents, opportunities and abilities that are natural to and inherent within you. Your life is a path that you walk through. This is the nature of your path. This, along with your purpose as shown below, is where your highest vocational and career possibilities lie, supported by the flow of life. It is where, with a little training, you will naturally excel. It shows you where life has unique opportunities stored in waiting for you.

You came into this world to accomplish a certain mission. Some people think that they did not choose to be born. Your soul/spirit is eternal, existing before your 'birth' here and after your 'death' here. And it is awake, making choices. It definitely made the choice to come here, and for a specific reason. It chose the appropriate situations and energy configurations to accomplish such a reason.

Your life path and destiny/purpose numbers indicate to your where you would find excellence and success in the most natural ways, fully supported by your soul's reason to come here and the energy configuration it built up for that.


Summary: Your life path number shows you the talents, opportunities and abilities that are natural to and inherent within you. Your life is a path that you walk through. This is the nature of your path.

The challenges indicate the nature you can assume when you live from an ego perspective (fear and separation) while the powers and possibilities show the nature you have when you live from a higher perspective of love and oneness.

Master Number 11/2:

You have a master number here, a number that represents energies that are of great potential and capability. Here is a brief explanation of all master numbers in general, followed by details about your particular master number:


How a master uses the energies available to him or her is a matter of choice. They can use them positively or negatively. Or they can choose not to use them at all (When they choose to live from higher guidance, a higher energy vibration, they live in the master number energies. When they choose to live from the ego, lower energy vibration, they live in the abilities of the other numbers that accompany the master number.) However, a master number carries with it an opportunity to discover and integrate great spiritual insights and information. You would be best advised to learn the lessons consciously through will, intent, and seeking knowledge instead of doing it unconsciously through pain and suffering. These numbers indicate the kind of sacred contract that you made before you incarnated here on earth to help humanity in his lifetime. Vast amounts of help are available to you if you just ask.

They indicate an ability to be intuitive and sensitive to higher guidance. They also indicate that the holder is a highly developed soul. Self mastery will be required so that the contract can be fulfilled. It helps to always remember and keep in touch with your spiritual origins while at the same time being grounded. In other wards, be in this world but not of it.

When these master energies as not channeled into universal purposes that alleviate humanity, they bring about restlessness, tension, and suffering to the holder. This is not to saythat a person with a master number cannot enjoy themselves and have a private life. They can do so. But they have to balance self-interest with universal interest, and most all they have to transcend the ego. Effortless happiness and fortune are the result of those who achieve their self mastery and carry out their purpose.

Masters have the extraordinary ability to help humanity in great ways. They have tremendous energy and power, assistance from the spiritual realm, ability to work on a very large scale, ability to attract fame and attention naturally, creativity, leadership, sensitivity, compassion, and introspection. They also need to frequently go into solitude to recharge and reconnect with their spirit.

Now, here is your specific master number information for the number: Master Number 11:

Overview and Main Essence: Messenger, illumination, spiritual inspiration and insights, truth.

This master is sensitive, idealistic, visionary and a recipient of revelations. This master will do well to seek the hidden mysteries of life that lie behind his or her experiences and observations. Nothing is accidental. This master also has a tendency to achieve fame.

Here are other energies that come with this group:


Your greatest achievements will come when you learn Truth, find truth in your own experiences, and teach truth. They also come when you learn how to surrender to higher guidance, to let go.

One of your greatest challenges will be to find balance and calm, find truth, have acceptance and surrender, and overcome your fears and insecurities.

Your challenge can be summarized as this: go within yourself to find your spiritual center, to unite with the Oneness, All That Is. And as you do so, enhance the strengths of the Number 2 and face and overcome its challenges. Here is what the number 2 represents:

Overview and Main Essence: Team player, patient, cooperative, supportive, companionship, relationship, balance and harmony.
Powers and Possibilities Challenges

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

The energies powerfully support the bringing together of things and people. This number represents the high ability to build relationships, bring peace and cooperation, to understand unity and the whole. Here are the other energies this number supports:

Ability to collect and gather
Emotionally aware
Mental orientation

To best harness the full powers of this number, simply cultivate genuine love for your self and others.

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

The challenges to overcome would include the fear of speaking out for yourself or getting help because you don’t wish to upset others, sacrificing your own independence and desires so that other people may have their way, the fear of ‘rocking the boat’, being indecisive, and have too much patience whereby you are always waiting for the right time to the point where you miss the opportunity. Above all else, do not sell your Self out, do not ignore to nurture your own spirit, your own desires. Failing to nurture your Self, to follow your path, will drain you of energy and the joy of living.

To overcome these challenges, simply bring in love of yourself as well as others into all equations. The challenges arise because of a lack of true love for your self, which then fosters low self-esteem and fear. Know yourself as naturally and perfectly worthy, always and all ways. As long as you overtly or covertly peg your self-worth to what others say or thing, or what you think others would say and think of you, you shall face some of these challenges.

Here are the other challenges that may be faced by people with this number:

Fear of what others think or say

Also, beware of being critical of things and people that you judge as lacking perfection, order, tact and unity, or those that you judge as ‘too loud’. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.

You also posses within you a double dose of the characteristics of the Number 1. Here they are:

Overview and Main Essence: Independent, quick to act, courageous, enthusiastic, original, self-motivated, leader, new beginnings, new times, new opportunities, new challenges.
Powers and Possibilities Challenges

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

This number represents the capability to initiate things, to do what others may consider impossible, to make something out of nothing. All that is required is love, courage and self-esteem and the energies will support all such initiations and new beginnings with amazing effects.

Because you are one who leans towards independence and freedom, it is easy for you to learn how to get in touch with your Self, that part of you that is connected with The Source of All That Is.

Here are the other positive energies (higher vibration energies) that come with this number. The highest success and happiness come from finding these within you:

Creative power
Giving willingly of yourself
Individuality and individuation
Keen perception
Strong will

The world is full of opportunities waiting for your leadership and creative ability. Fear not, it is yours. But remember that creation is an activity of the mental plane. Once you create, be careful not to get caught up in the ‘daily grind’ of things, the monotony that drains your independence, freedom to create, and opportunity to innovate. Once you start doing repetitive tasks, you will be getting out of this energy and working against it. There are other people who are here to do. They have the energies designed for that - it may not be in your place.

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

Although the energies of creation and innovation are vastly available with this number, they require that you first overcome your ego (fears, etc) before you attain the highest success available. Until the ego is overcome, your personal experience will be that creation will come through difficulty. Once you overcome egotistic tendencies (such as fears, selfishness, self-grandiosity, self-absorption and so on), creation becomes effortless to you.

This is also a number that represents individuality and carries a strong sense of it. However, individuality in the positive side is individuation, and on the negative it is separation. Separation lies in the ego, whereby a person who sees themselves as separate from everyone else is doomed to face loneliness and attack from their own mind (because their mind sees separation as a strong reality, one that requires defending this isolation, and getting better at the expense of others, a very competitive standpoint). On the other hand, individuation recognizes that although we all appear to be separate, we are all One, and so cooperation, giving, and love are paramount. To harness the amazing forces of creation inherent in this energy vibration available to you, move from a point of separation to one of individuation, from attack to love, from competition to cooperation.

If you lower your vibration by fearing and not being Who You Really Are, you will flip to the negative end of your energy spectrum, which is low self-esteem, self-consciousness, isolation, and lack of faith in yourself and life. You must have courage, seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be given to you, be determined, discover your source of doubt and heal it.

You may also tend to get bored, always wanting to be ‘doing something’. Start living in the moment of Now, be present and aware, and be comfortable with not doing but being. Your compulsiveness may lead you to ‘living in the mind’, worrying about the future always or ‘reliving the past’. Learn to be ‘out of mind’, to be a human being and not a human doing. It is from a state of being, allowing, that things arise and can be most enjoyed. Be present, aware, conscious, and you will never be bored again. You will drop compulsion and have allowance. And things will flow. Initiate things, but allow them to be. You don’t have to control and drive everything.

You may also tend to be impatient and hateful towards people and things that you consider to be slow, disorganized, dirty, ugly or careless. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.

Try to let go of impatience and aggression and instead have allowance. Here are the other negative energies (lower vibration energies) that come with this number.

The highest success and happiness come from transcending and healing these:



Your Destiny and Purpose

All about it: Your destiny number shows you what your purpose in life is, where you can find fulfillment that allows your soul to grow to its fullest potential. By living in line with your supported purpose, your success and happiness is easily achieved.

The destiny number shows you what your soul's growth goals are on the whole. Your life will be filled with opportunities and resources to help you achieve these goals, to strengthen the positive vibrations of the energies represented by this number, and to transform the negative vibrations of this number to positive ones. Your soul decided to come here to experience and transform the energies represented by this number.

All that we do, as human beings, is create experiences. That is all we do all day. Our lives are simply all about experiences. And what we experience is energy in motion, e-motions, emotions. That is all an experience is, a set of emotions (energy in motion) of a certain quality. Whether you are at work, in love, playing sports, sick or whatever else, it is all e-motion. Even when you work to buy a house so that you are not homeless, you are doing it motivated by emotion and to enjoy or avoid a certain emotion.

Your destiny number reflects on the set of emotions your soul mostly came to experience, and from that experience, strengthen them by raising the vibration (happens when you live from a higher perspective) or weaken them by lowering the vibration (happens when you live from an ego perspective). For best results, look for a career or vocation that is in line with your destiny number.


Summary: Your destiny number shows you what your purpose in life is, where you can find fulfillment that allows your soul to grow to its fullest potential.

The challenges indicate the nature you can assume when you live from an ego perspective (fear and separation) while the powers and possibilities show the nature you have when you live from a higher perspective of love and oneness.

Number 7:

Overview and Main Essence: Contemplation, wisdom, solitude, private, analysis, mystical, philosopher, intuition and observation.
Powers and Possibilities Challenges

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

The energies associated with this number have the ability to deal with things deeply, with wisdom, and philosophically. They support the journey inward into the Self, to discovering the laws of nature, mysteries, and so on. These powers increase when surrounded by nature, the outdoors, and inner stillness.

Other energies supported here include:

Connection to the unseen world

Under this number, you have the unique power to see the unseen, to understand other realities, and to find and explain the mysteries of the universe. Observation, analysis, research, and discover are second-nature to you. Your fulfillment also depends on your willingness to go within yourself and understand yourself on deeper and higher levels, to find inner wisdom. This might mean that you spend certain amounts of time alone to contemplate and discover. Your cycle should be one whereby you alternate between retreat and reevaluation and coming back out to ground the newfound wisdom into the physical plane. That way you support growth by bringing the awareness of the unseen world into the world we all see. Your gift when under this number is to make relationships and bridge the gap between higher truths and common knowledge, between spirit and matter.

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

Your greatest challenge will be learning how to make relationships with people. Although you may find that most people may not understand your depth, and that you may enjoy being solitary, you must learn how to make relationships with people. Your gifts of discovery must be shared with the rest of the world, and you cannot share what you discover if you are too solitary. You also need loving relationships with human beings so that your soul and life force may be nurtured and kept vibrant. Even though you may consider it a ‘waste of your time’ to make small talk with people, it is vital that you do that sometimes.

Here are some other challenges that you may face and would need to transcend:

Not generous
Out of touch with human beings

You may tend to criticize and judge people and things that you consider to be shallow, intrusive, superficial and imperfect. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.


Your Soul Desire

All about it: Your soul number shows you where your heart's desire lies. This is what your soul longs for and seeks. It is what it desires and loves best, so to speak. It is the soul food it needs and values.

Your soul will tend to resonate with things and places that show it more of what it desires and how to get it. You will often observe that in your own life you seem to be highly attracted by people and things that embody the powers of the energies represented by your soul's desires as indicated by this number.

The key thing to know is this: follow your heart's desires. Let it lead you. It knows where to, even if you may doubt. Resisting this deepest desire will tend to leave you weak and unfulfilled. You always have a choice to do as you wish, but of course your choice will either be with or against the flow of your soul, and so will the results and how they feel.


Summary: Your soul number shows you where your heart's desire lies. This is what your soul longs for and seeks. It is what it desires and loves best, so to speak. It is the soul food it needs and values.

The challenges indicate the nature you can assume when you live from an ego perspective (fear and separation) while the powers and possibilities show the nature you have when you live from a higher perspective of love and oneness.

Karmic Number 16/7:

You have a karmic number here, a number that represents a karmic debt that needs to be corrected. Here is a brief explanation of all karmic numbers in general, followed by details about your particular karmic number:


All life is connected (a deeper explanation on this is available towards the end of this report). Every cause has an effect, and this law never fails. A karmic debt number shows you exactly what error was made in a previous incarnation and how that is causing some of the things you see appearing in your life today. It also shows you how you can heal this karmic debt and be free. Remedying a karmic debt is simply releasing it. It is not a punishment for 'bad stuff'. No one wants to punish you. It serves no purpose to punish. All that is needed is that you learn to release an error in thinking that was producing harmful results for you and others around you. That is all. There is no punishment. All you have to do is simply see the error in thinking, the illusion accepted over the truth, acknowledge it, and all its effects are undone and disappear.

Now, here is your specific karmic number information for the number: Karmic Number 16:

Overview and Main Essence: The karmic debt here arises from an abuse of love in a previous incarnation. It is now time to learn integrity, responsibility, and honest with feelings. The other challenges that you may have to overcome, including:

Looking down on others

You will find that events in your life will try to drive you to resolve the above challenges unless you choose consciously and to resolve them yourself through willingness and knowledge. Also, find ways to connect to spirit. Awaken the spiritual truths that lie deep within you. If you don’t choose to consciously do these things, you may find yourself in painful situations that humble you to the point where you have nowhere else to turn except inwards towards spirit. So, instead of taking the hard way, choose to take the easy way which is the conscious way. You must awaken to the higher principles of life. A spiritual awakening is the surest way to find love for yourself and all life and get done with the karmic lesson. You have to awaken and rebuild yourself anew if you wish to stop the cycles that bring suffering to you.

In that previous incarnation, you abused the energies indicated by the following number either through selfish abuse of its powers or ignoring to transcend its challenges: Number 6. In this lifetime, you still have its nature within you. It represents:
Number 6

Overview and Main Essence: Love, family, duty, nurturing, responsibility, generous, caring, sympathetic, and understanding.
Powers and Possibilities Challenges

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

The greatest strength that comes from this energy is the ability to listen to the heart, to have responsibility and commitment, and to execute with nurturing love.

The other energies supported under this number are:


Your greatest gift from and to life is your love and your loving nature. Love is an immensely powerful force and you have a unique ability to fill your life and those of others around you with love. Learn the true nature of divine love as it is very different from what we humans tend to call love. What we call love is often must fear. What we call love is often conditional and binding. Once you finally understand truly love, share it with the world! With true love comes immense power and knowledge, automatically.

You will find that your gain in this world comes from the compensation that you get from being helpful and also is to others. Whenever you’re not coming from a point of being helpful and being of service to others, you will find that your gains are difficult to come by. You are extremely gifted at nurturing, loving, and serving others. But you have to transcend your challenges before you can find your abundant love within and its inherent power and knowledge.

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

Your greatest challenge is to learn how not to sacrifice yourself in the name of giving love to others. Love does not bind, only fear does. Love is freedom, fear is bondage. Love is whole, fear is partial. Love does not require sacrifice, fear does. They are exact opposites, love and fear. While you may be driven very much to love others, you must never forget to love yourself. Your universe starts with yourself. As within, so is it without. Your internal state is always reflected externally. You must therefore learn how to love yourself purely and abundantly and recognize yourself as a perfectly worthy being. And you must nurture yourself.

Here are some of the challenges that you may face:


Another challenge that you may need to transcend is the fear of love. In fact, most people are afraid of love. They equate love with weakness, while in Reality love is the only strength and fear is the only weakness. Attack is made possible only by fear, for fear of fosters the belief in vulnerability and danger. Once you see is clearly and you willingly invite love, it shall come to you.

You must also learn to receive. Receiving is the other end of giving. It is OK to receive, and in receiving you help others to give. Not to receive help him, to receive gifts, to receive. Do not turn away a single gift. This universe is about giving and receiving, and without receiving you sabotage somebody else’s giving and hence you sabotage yourself.

Watch out that you do not take away another person’s freedom through your giving. Ensure that your giving does not make them dependent on you. You must help everyone become independent and aware of the own freedom and capabilities. Also, watch out so that you do not become interfering and hence take away peoples’ freedom. In giving, show and offer your hand and let the recipient take your gift if they want it or leave it if they don’t. Don’t ‘force the gift in’. And give willingly.

Be anxious over nothing. Worry not. Worry only attracts towards you that which you worry about. We all become what we think about. Do not trick yourself into thinking that worry is an expression of responsibility and caring. Worry only destroys. You can be responsible and caring without ever having to worry.

You may tend to be critical and judgmental towards people and things that you judge as unreliable, unattractive, not helpful or unlovable. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.

This karmic debt has to be remedied otherwise it will be activated in another incarnation. To help you remedy this debt, the energies represented by the following number have been made available to you: 7. Here they are:

Overview and Main Essence: Contemplation, wisdom, solitude, private, analysis, mystical, philosopher, intuition and observation.
Powers and Possibilities Challenges

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

The energies associated with this number have the ability to deal with things deeply, with wisdom, and philosophically. They support the journey inward into the Self, to discovering the laws of nature, mysteries, and so on. These powers increase when surrounded by nature, the outdoors, and inner stillness.

Other energies supported here include:

Connection to the unseen world

Under this number, you have the unique power to see the unseen, to understand other realities, and to find and explain the mysteries of the universe. Observation, analysis, research, and discover are second-nature to you. Your fulfillment also depends on your willingness to go within yourself and understand yourself on deeper and higher levels, to find inner wisdom. This might mean that you spend certain amounts of time alone to contemplate and discover. Your cycle should be one whereby you alternate between retreat and reevaluation and coming back out to ground the newfound wisdom into the physical plane. That way you support growth by bringing the awareness of the unseen world into the world we all see. Your gift when under this number is to make relationships and bridge the gap between higher truths and common knowledge, between spirit and matter.

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

Your greatest challenge will be learning how to make relationships with people. Although you may find that most people may not understand your depth, and that you may enjoy being solitary, you must learn how to make relationships with people. Your gifts of discovery must be shared with the rest of the world, and you cannot share what you discover if you are too solitary. You also need loving relationships with human beings so that your soul and life force may be nurtured and kept vibrant. Even though you may consider it a ‘waste of your time’ to make small talk with people, it is vital that you do that sometimes.

Here are some other challenges that you may face and would need to transcend:

Not generous
Out of touch with human beings

You may tend to criticize and judge people and things that you consider to be shallow, intrusive, superficial and imperfect. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.


Your Personality

All about it: This number shows you how other people see you. This is the impression that you give other people about yourself. It is your interface to the world. Remember, this is just what people see you as. It is not the complete picture of who you are.

People may not see your heart's desire, your purpose, your life path, and so many other things. What they will tend to see is what this number indicates. The other numbers indicate your internal image, while this one indicates your external image, which is just a small portion of your internal image.

When using the information about this number, remember it is simply what other people see you as, what they interpret you to be. You can therefore use this information to adjust how you 'connect' with others.


Summary: This number shows you how other people see you. This is the impression that you give other people about yourself. It is your interface to the world.

The challenges indicate the nature you can assume when you live from an ego perspective (fear and separation) while the powers and possibilities show the nature you have when you live from a higher perspective of love and oneness.

Number 9:

Overview and Main Essence: Reward, compassion, forgiveness, idealism, transformation, healing, completion.
Powers and Possibilities Challenges

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

The energies that are represented by this number carry with them vast abilities of intuition, love for humanity, and spiritual awareness. The greatest strengths available here are the powers to inspire and be inspired, to transform things, and to raise humanity to new levels. With that comes the ability to be quick, enterprising, abundant and spiritually and materially fortunate.

The other energies supported in this group are:

Multiple talents
Universal love

You have an inbuilt ability to see things on a larger scale than most people do. Your vision is international, global, and even universal. To activate your highest potential, get in touch with your soul, your spirituality, and find and develop your in-built love for all of humanity.

You also have great ability to establish success and, in the event of failure, to rise again and reestablish success. Rewards and fortune regularly come your way when you are in the flow of life. A lot of help is available to you if only you ask for it. You have the ability to attract opportunity and help from all over. This is a number of reward and benevolence. But be careful. When you are not in the flow of life, you will tend to swing a lot into cycles of success and failure, fortune and lack.

Your highest calling is to bring the universal oneness of all life the awareness of people. Find your balance and your purpose and things will become clear.

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

One of your greatest challenges will be to know how to handle intense emotional swings. You can do that by learning detachment and presence. Being detached is being fully aware and honest about your emotions, but watching it impersonally. Presence is living in the moment of Now.

You will also be learning how to let go, how to surrender and allow. This will allow you, once mastered, to be a great agent for transformation. Along the same lines are lessons to enrich your philanthropic tendencies and tolerance for all humanity, and to enable you to live selflessly. Loving unconditionally is one of your great lessons so you would be best advised to learn unconditional love consciously through knowledge, will and intent, than unconsciously through pain and suffering. This is the unconditional love of yourself and others. It is seeing perfect value in all life, as it is, always and all ways.

Other lessons include learning to trust the loving nature of the universe, inclusiveness, understanding, compassion, and forgiveness. Above all, learn forgiveness, detachment, surrender and love. These are your biggest lessons and they will repeat themselves until you learn them. Here are other challenges that you may face:

Attracted to loss and suffering
Being withdrawn
Closed to emotions
Emotional extremes
Living in the past
Taking things personally

The energies in this number are very potent and therefore tend to go strongly towards whatever the object of attention is. Therefore, addictions and habits may be easily formed and hard to break when a person does not have a clear purpose in mind. To break habits and addictions, you must go within and find out more about Who You Really Are, touch your spirit. It would be hard to break addictions through physical ways and techniques, but by going within, they will just drop off on their own.

You may tend to be critical and judgmental towards those that you judge as ugly, selfish or lacking compassion. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.


Your Maturity

All about it: Your maturity number reflects the emergence of your true self, the maturing of all your qualities. Hence, this number shows qualities that will become more noticeable and prominent in later years of your life (usually starts becoming prominent between the ages 35 and 50, growing stronger there after).

The qualities do grow all through your life but they will take a marked upswing as you approach midlife. In summary, these qualities emerge as you gain a higher understanding of your self and develop flow. At much younger ages, you may not even notice these qualities in you, although they definitely are working behind the scenes.

This number shows you what the 'fruits of your life' will be once you have found yourself. It shows you your possibilities and rewards (or further challenges if you live from a lower ego-centric level).


Summary: Your maturity number reflects the emergence of your true self, the maturing of all your qualities. Hence, this number shows qualities that will become more noticeable and prominent in later years of your life (usually starts becoming prominent between the ages 35 and 50, growing stronger there after).

The challenges indicate the nature you can assume when you live from an ego perspective (fear and separation) while the powers and possibilities show the nature you have when you live from a higher perspective of love and oneness.

Number 9:

Overview and Main Essence: Reward, compassion, forgiveness, idealism, transformation, healing, completion.
Powers and Possibilities Challenges

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

The energies that are represented by this number carry with them vast abilities of intuition, love for humanity, and spiritual awareness. The greatest strengths available here are the powers to inspire and be inspired, to transform things, and to raise humanity to new levels. With that comes the ability to be quick, enterprising, abundant and spiritually and materially fortunate.

The other energies supported in this group are:

Multiple talents
Universal love

You have an inbuilt ability to see things on a larger scale than most people do. Your vision is international, global, and even universal. To activate your highest potential, get in touch with your soul, your spirituality, and find and develop your in-built love for all of humanity.

You also have great ability to establish success and, in the event of failure, to rise again and reestablish success. Rewards and fortune regularly come your way when you are in the flow of life. A lot of help is available to you if only you ask for it. You have the ability to attract opportunity and help from all over. This is a number of reward and benevolence. But be careful. When you are not in the flow of life, you will tend to swing a lot into cycles of success and failure, fortune and lack.

Your highest calling is to bring the universal oneness of all life the awareness of people. Find your balance and your purpose and things will become clear.

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

One of your greatest challenges will be to know how to handle intense emotional swings. You can do that by learning detachment and presence. Being detached is being fully aware and honest about your emotions, but watching it impersonally. Presence is living in the moment of Now.

You will also be learning how to let go, how to surrender and allow. This will allow you, once mastered, to be a great agent for transformation. Along the same lines are lessons to enrich your philanthropic tendencies and tolerance for all humanity, and to enable you to live selflessly. Loving unconditionally is one of your great lessons so you would be best advised to learn unconditional love consciously through knowledge, will and intent, than unconsciously through pain and suffering. This is the unconditional love of yourself and others. It is seeing perfect value in all life, as it is, always and all ways.

Other lessons include learning to trust the loving nature of the universe, inclusiveness, understanding, compassion, and forgiveness. Above all, learn forgiveness, detachment, surrender and love. These are your biggest lessons and they will repeat themselves until you learn them. Here are other challenges that you may face:

Attracted to loss and suffering
Being withdrawn
Closed to emotions
Emotional extremes
Living in the past
Taking things personally

The energies in this number are very potent and therefore tend to go strongly towards whatever the object of attention is. Therefore, addictions and habits may be easily formed and hard to break when a person does not have a clear purpose in mind. To break habits and addictions, you must go within and find out more about Who You Really Are, touch your spirit. It would be hard to break addictions through physical ways and techniques, but by going within, they will just drop off on their own.

You may tend to be critical and judgmental towards those that you judge as ugly, selfish or lacking compassion. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.



Your Future: There is a time for everything

As you know, everything in nature has its own cycle. Each mineral, plant and animal start its growth in certain seasons particular to it, matures in its own season, harvests in yet another certain season, and completes in a certain season. You, too, have your own 'seasons', although you may have lived your life as if you did not.

What happens when you plant seeds in a field in the wrong season? You get poor crop. You get crop, but poor crop. The same thing happens when you are doing something when the time is not right in your life. There is a time for everything. A time to birth and a time to release, a time to sow and a time to reap, a time to laugh and a time to cry, a time to play and a time to rest. Learn your natural seasons, live along them, and things will be a lot easier and successful for you. When it is time for you to develop certain characteristics and overcome certain challenges, focus on that. Understand that the material world is merely an effect of your internal world. Your money, health and relationship situations simply reflect the condition of the various energies that are moving within you at the time. Therefore, see what these energies are in the charts below, and work on them and you will see that your external world will become successful.

And remember, within a season, there are sub seasons. And within a sub-season, there are even smaller sub-seasons. For example, within a lifetime, there are 28-year cycles (approximately, depending on your particular calculations). Within 28-year cycles there 9-year cycles. And it goes on all the way to personal months and days. The smaller the cycle, the more subtle it is. You can definitely feel your whole life. And even feeling the energies of a personal year is easy enough. But it takes presence and awareness to feel the energies of smaller cycles such as personal days. The more aware and present you are, the more you will feel them and therefore be able to live in harmony with them.

See how the various cycles below fit into each other in your life. See how your personal days fit with the overall theme of your personal month. See how that month fits in with the overall theme of your major cycles. See how they all fit in with your pinnacles and challenges. Then see how all that fits in with your life path, destiny and the other information about your self that we have already looked at. It is all connected. You may wish to look at how your life was in your past by looking at all the cycles that were present then. Consider how much better you would have done if you had this cycle information then, and you will know how to use it now and in the future to grow faster and more successfully with less errors.


First Predictive Indicators: Your Pinnacles (High Points) And Their Challenges

All about it: Although the other numbers above give you a good overall indication about the essence of your future, you can get even more detailed. Pinnacles (high points) and Challenges show you how to best navigate your life during various stages of it. They show you what is available to you and how best to succeed in that period, and what challenges may lay waiting for you (now that you know, heal them before-hand so that they do not show up). By flowing with the available energies, your success will be at its smoothest. In a sense, they show you when it is the 'right time' for everything.

Pinnacles show you the highest achievements you can make at a certain period. Simply make use of the energies indicated as available for you and you will find that things flow well.

Challenges tell you what lower vibration qualities need to be healed and transformed to their higher equivalents. You must always remember that we are here to experience emotion, and all we do in our lives is create experiences that hold certain emotions that we either enjoy or don't. Everything around us is merely a symbol of the emotions within. For example, a shortage of money is merely a symbol of an error in thinking, a negative emotion, which needs to be corrected. And the way you solve this money shortage is by solving the internal issue. The external always reflects the internal, automatically.


Summary: Pinnacles (high points) and Challenges show you how to best navigate your life during various stages of it. Pinnacles show you the highest achievements you can make at a certain period. Challenges tell you what lower vibration qualities need to be healed and transformed to their higher equivalents.

From ages 0 to 34

Pinnacles. The highest achievements you can make in this period are by developing the following characteristics within and therefore around you... Challenge. The challenges you may need to overcome in this period are...

Number 1:

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

This number represents the capability to initiate things, to do what others may consider impossible, to make something out of nothing. All that is required is love, courage and self-esteem and the energies will support all such initiations and new beginnings with amazing effects.

Because you are one who leans towards independence and freedom, it is easy for you to learn how to get in touch with your Self, that part of you that is connected with The Source of All That Is.

Here are the other positive energies (higher vibration energies) that come with this number. The highest success and happiness come from finding these within you:

Creative power
Giving willingly of yourself
Individuality and individuation
Keen perception
Strong will

The world is full of opportunities waiting for your leadership and creative ability. Fear not, it is yours. But remember that creation is an activity of the mental plane. Once you create, be careful not to get caught up in the ‘daily grind’ of things, the monotony that drains your independence, freedom to create, and opportunity to innovate. Once you start doing repetitive tasks, you will be getting out of this energy and working against it. There are other people who are here to do. They have the energies designed for that - it may not be in your place.

Number 4:

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

Your biggest challenge under this energy group would be to learn how to let go and allow things to happen. You must learn to trust and loving nature and capabilities of the universe. You have to learn how to balance the male energy of action with the highly powerful female energy of allowance from which all things take form. Learn to be flexible and allowing. Do not be obsessed with control. It is the obsession with control that causes things to go out of control. So paradoxically, the desire to control is what should be let go off. It comes from fear of loss. And all fear attacks the holder of the fear.

Here are some other challenges you may face:


Remember, the rigidity restricts the growth of yourself and of others around you. Let go. You may also tend to see the world as a place where rules are casting stone and that you must follow these rules. You may tend to think that the social and economic structures in the world are fixed. You may tend to thing that things happen to you and that you’re not at cause. Now is the time to learn of your power. You create your life experiences. Love to look outside the box, take the risk, and believe outside the box.

Be careful not to get stuck in a rut. And be careful not confuse hard work with security. True security comes from within you. Know that you are naturally worthy and you need nothing outside of you to confirm or give you self-worth. As long as you have not nurtured your internal self-worth, you will be insecure and forever in the chase of elusive external security that lasts. Love yourself and know Who You Really Are, perfectly worthy always and all ways.

You may tend to be critical and judgmental towards people and things that you judge as being chaotic, inefficient, not serious, or wasteful. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.


From ages 34 to 43

Pinnacle. The highest achievements you can make in this period are by developing the following characteristics within and therefore around you... Challenge. The challenges you may need to overcome in this period are...

Number 4:

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

This energy supports the ability to create form from dreams, plans, ideas, thoughts, feelings, philosophies and teachings. Not so much an initiator of the idea, but the best implementer. The ability to ground things, set up and maintain systems.

Here are the other energies supported in this number:


You reach the highest potential of your abilities when your efforts are used for the good of yourself and others as well.

Number 2:

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

The challenges to overcome would include the fear of speaking out for yourself or getting help because you don’t wish to upset others, sacrificing your own independence and desires so that other people may have their way, the fear of ‘rocking the boat’, being indecisive, and have too much patience whereby you are always waiting for the right time to the point where you miss the opportunity. Above all else, do not sell your Self out, do not ignore to nurture your own spirit, your own desires. Failing to nurture your Self, to follow your path, will drain you of energy and the joy of living.

To overcome these challenges, simply bring in love of yourself as well as others into all equations. The challenges arise because of a lack of true love for your self, which then fosters low self-esteem and fear. Know yourself as naturally and perfectly worthy, always and all ways. As long as you overtly or covertly peg your self-worth to what others say or thing, or what you think others would say and think of you, you shall face some of these challenges.

Here are the other challenges that may be faced by people with this number:

Fear of what others think or say

Also, beware of being critical of things and people that you judge as lacking perfection, order, tact and unity, or those that you judge as ‘too loud’. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.


From ages 43 to 52

Pinnacle. The highest achievements you can make in this period are by developing the following characteristics within and therefore around you... Challenge. The challenges you may need to overcome in this period are...

Number 5:

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

This number represents the energies of change, discovery, free will, exploration, adventure, and progression. It gives you the ability to gather information, seek new ground, and handle multiple tasks. It also gives you the energy to express your discoveries very articulately. It is the energy of change and discovery.

Here are the other energies supported under this number:

Free spirit
Multiple interests

You have great fortune with future events. Do not be afraid to reach out. The energies will definitely support you.

Number 2:

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

The challenges to overcome would include the fear of speaking out for yourself or getting help because you don’t wish to upset others, sacrificing your own independence and desires so that other people may have their way, the fear of ‘rocking the boat’, being indecisive, and have too much patience whereby you are always waiting for the right time to the point where you miss the opportunity. Above all else, do not sell your Self out, do not ignore to nurture your own spirit, your own desires. Failing to nurture your Self, to follow your path, will drain you of energy and the joy of living.

To overcome these challenges, simply bring in love of yourself as well as others into all equations. The challenges arise because of a lack of true love for your self, which then fosters low self-esteem and fear. Know yourself as naturally and perfectly worthy, always and all ways. As long as you overtly or covertly peg your self-worth to what others say or thing, or what you think others would say and think of you, you shall face some of these challenges.

Here are the other challenges that may be faced by people with this number:

Fear of what others think or say

Also, beware of being critical of things and people that you judge as lacking perfection, order, tact and unity, or those that you judge as ‘too loud’. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.


From ages 52 onwards

Pinnacle. The highest achievements you can make in this period are by developing the following characteristics within and therefore around you... Challenge. The challenges you may need to overcome in this period are...

Number 8:

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

The energies under this number support personal power and leadership. Power and ambition are natural here. But because of the immense abilities inherent, both great success and great failure are possible, depending on how the energy and abilities are put to use. Once the abilities that are inherent in this energy are accepted and put to use, and the challenges transcended, success in leadership and enterprise becomes effortless.

The other energies that are part of this group include:

View of the big picture

Success will come easy for you relative to others, but you must have a plan and direction, and back it up with knowledge and love. Fear would be your greatest enemy here, and you can heal it simply by embracing what you fear, looking at it, accepting what you fear, and seeing what truth lies within it. What you resist persists, what you bring into the light lets go of you. You might find yourself facing situations that teach you how to use power responsibly.

Number 6:

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

Your greatest challenge is to learn how not to sacrifice yourself in the name of giving love to others. Love does not bind, only fear does. Love is freedom, fear is bondage. Love is whole, fear is partial. Love does not require sacrifice, fear does. They are exact opposites, love and fear. While you may be driven very much to love others, you must never forget to love yourself. Your universe starts with yourself. As within, so is it without. Your internal state is always reflected externally. You must therefore learn how to love yourself purely and abundantly and recognize yourself as a perfectly worthy being. And you must nurture yourself.

Here are some of the challenges that you may face:


Another challenge that you may need to transcend is the fear of love. In fact, most people are afraid of love. They equate love with weakness, while in Reality love is the only strength and fear is the only weakness. Attack is made possible only by fear, for fear of fosters the belief in vulnerability and danger. Once you see is clearly and you willingly invite love, it shall come to you.

You must also learn to receive. Receiving is the other end of giving. It is OK to receive, and in receiving you help others to give. Not to receive help him, to receive gifts, to receive. Do not turn away a single gift. This universe is about giving and receiving, and without receiving you sabotage somebody else’s giving and hence you sabotage yourself.

Watch out that you do not take away another person’s freedom through your giving. Ensure that your giving does not make them dependent on you. You must help everyone become independent and aware of the own freedom and capabilities. Also, watch out so that you do not become interfering and hence take away peoples’ freedom. In giving, show and offer your hand and let the recipient take your gift if they want it or leave it if they don’t. Don’t ‘force the gift in’. And give willingly.

Be anxious over nothing. Worry not. Worry only attracts towards you that which you worry about. We all become what we think about. Do not trick yourself into thinking that worry is an expression of responsibility and caring. Worry only destroys. You can be responsible and caring without ever having to worry.

You may tend to be critical and judgmental towards people and things that you judge as unreliable, unattractive, not helpful or unlovable. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.


Second Predictive Indicators: Your Major Cycles

All about it: Major cycles show you the main rhythms in your life. You have three cycles: a cycle where the primary emphasis is in your formation, one where the primary emphasis is in production and achievement, and finally the one where the emphasis is in harvest.


Summary: Major cycles show you the main rhythms in your life.

Approximately from ages 0 to 26

This is the formative cycle of your life. Your formative years will be characterized by the building up of the following characteristics within you:

Number 7:

Overview and Main Essence: Contemplation, wisdom, solitude, private, analysis, mystical, philosopher, intuition and observation.
Powers and Possibilities Challenges

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

The energies associated with this number have the ability to deal with things deeply, with wisdom, and philosophically. They support the journey inward into the Self, to discovering the laws of nature, mysteries, and so on. These powers increase when surrounded by nature, the outdoors, and inner stillness.

Other energies supported here include:

Connection to the unseen world

Under this number, you have the unique power to see the unseen, to understand other realities, and to find and explain the mysteries of the universe. Observation, analysis, research, and discover are second-nature to you. Your fulfillment also depends on your willingness to go within yourself and understand yourself on deeper and higher levels, to find inner wisdom. This might mean that you spend certain amounts of time alone to contemplate and discover. Your cycle should be one whereby you alternate between retreat and reevaluation and coming back out to ground the newfound wisdom into the physical plane. That way you support growth by bringing the awareness of the unseen world into the world we all see. Your gift when under this number is to make relationships and bridge the gap between higher truths and common knowledge, between spirit and matter.

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

Your greatest challenge will be learning how to make relationships with people. Although you may find that most people may not understand your depth, and that you may enjoy being solitary, you must learn how to make relationships with people. Your gifts of discovery must be shared with the rest of the world, and you cannot share what you discover if you are too solitary. You also need loving relationships with human beings so that your soul and life force may be nurtured and kept vibrant. Even though you may consider it a ‘waste of your time’ to make small talk with people, it is vital that you do that sometimes.

Here are some other challenges that you may face and would need to transcend:

Not generous
Out of touch with human beings

You may tend to criticize and judge people and things that you consider to be shallow, intrusive, superficial and imperfect. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.


Approximately from ages 26 to 53

This is the productive cycle of your life. Your productive years will be involved with using the characters built up in your formative years. In your productive years, you will be involved in building a life of the following qualities for you and humanity:

Number 3:

Overview and Main Essence: Happy, enthusiastic, cheerful, luxury, joy, fun, inspiring, optimistic, and highly creative.
Powers and Possibilities Challenges

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

This number indicates the support for an amazing amount of creative energy, with the highest abilities to bring into being what was never there. All you need to manifest your highest creative powers available to you freely is simply to visualize, dare to dream big, speak your dreams and visions as your truth, say the word, and it is made manifest! But come from a point of love for your self and others, or your creations will be your downfall. You have an amazing ability to manifest imagination into this world so be careful what you imagine and from what source it comes from (fear or love). Dream big, as big as your heart desires, and hold on for the ride!

Here are the other energies supported with this number:

Artistic (with words, color, objects, etc)
Emotionally aware
Joyful energy
Learns quickly
Multiple interests

The world is full of opportunities waiting for massive creative ability. Fear not, it is yours. But remember that creation is an activity of the mental plane. Once you create, be careful not to get caught up in the ‘daily grind’ of things, the monotony that drains your independence, freedom to create, and opportunity to innovate. Once you start doing repetitive tasks, you will be getting out of this energy and working against it. There are other people who are here to do. They have the energies designed for that - it may not be in your place (but do not flop into pure laziness or that will also turn back on you later in some way bringing upon a karmic situation whereby your absolute focus is demanded of).

This energy supports an absolute joy of living and living very well indeed! It simply attracts luxury and pleasure. Enjoy yourself!

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

Your joyful creative energy floods you in a very intense way such that if you do not find the appropriate channel to express it you would be likely to face the following challenges:

Delusions of grandiosity
Depending on popularity, appreciation and public opinion
Fear of criticism and judgment
Getting caught up in dreams without manifesting them
Negative and pessimistic
Neglecting the inner child
Not communicating real feelings
Not staying in the moment
Scattering energy without focus and purpose
Self-centered frivolity

Remember always to use your amazing creative abilities for the highest good, which means for your own good and the good of others. Avoid environments where your activity and creativity is restricted - these environments damage your joyful and creative nature and leave you depressed and unhappy. Be constructed and productive. And most of all develop love of yourself as well as others. The challenges arise because of a lack of true love for your self, which then fosters low self-esteem and fear. Know yourself as naturally and perfectly worthy, always and all ways. And be giving, helpful. Learn to see value in your self, your activities, your possessions, and also in other people and their lives. All these qualities will help you transcend your shadow side.

You may also tend to be very judgmental and critical of people who you judge to be incapable, negative, or not ‘beautiful and enriching’. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.


Approximately from ages 53 onwards

This is the harvest cycle of your life. Your harvest will involve the realization and fruition of the following characteristics within you and around you:

Number 1:

Overview and Main Essence: Independent, quick to act, courageous, enthusiastic, original, self-motivated, leader, new beginnings, new times, new opportunities, new challenges.
Powers and Possibilities Challenges

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

This number represents the capability to initiate things, to do what others may consider impossible, to make something out of nothing. All that is required is love, courage and self-esteem and the energies will support all such initiations and new beginnings with amazing effects.

Because you are one who leans towards independence and freedom, it is easy for you to learn how to get in touch with your Self, that part of you that is connected with The Source of All That Is.

Here are the other positive energies (higher vibration energies) that come with this number. The highest success and happiness come from finding these within you:

Creative power
Giving willingly of yourself
Individuality and individuation
Keen perception
Strong will

The world is full of opportunities waiting for your leadership and creative ability. Fear not, it is yours. But remember that creation is an activity of the mental plane. Once you create, be careful not to get caught up in the ‘daily grind’ of things, the monotony that drains your independence, freedom to create, and opportunity to innovate. Once you start doing repetitive tasks, you will be getting out of this energy and working against it. There are other people who are here to do. They have the energies designed for that - it may not be in your place.

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

Although the energies of creation and innovation are vastly available with this number, they require that you first overcome your ego (fears, etc) before you attain the highest success available. Until the ego is overcome, your personal experience will be that creation will come through difficulty. Once you overcome egotistic tendencies (such as fears, selfishness, self-grandiosity, self-absorption and so on), creation becomes effortless to you.

This is also a number that represents individuality and carries a strong sense of it. However, individuality in the positive side is individuation, and on the negative it is separation. Separation lies in the ego, whereby a person who sees themselves as separate from everyone else is doomed to face loneliness and attack from their own mind (because their mind sees separation as a strong reality, one that requires defending this isolation, and getting better at the expense of others, a very competitive standpoint). On the other hand, individuation recognizes that although we all appear to be separate, we are all One, and so cooperation, giving, and love are paramount. To harness the amazing forces of creation inherent in this energy vibration available to you, move from a point of separation to one of individuation, from attack to love, from competition to cooperation.

If you lower your vibration by fearing and not being Who You Really Are, you will flip to the negative end of your energy spectrum, which is low self-esteem, self-consciousness, isolation, and lack of faith in yourself and life. You must have courage, seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be given to you, be determined, discover your source of doubt and heal it.

You may also tend to get bored, always wanting to be ‘doing something’. Start living in the moment of Now, be present and aware, and be comfortable with not doing but being. Your compulsiveness may lead you to ‘living in the mind’, worrying about the future always or ‘reliving the past’. Learn to be ‘out of mind’, to be a human being and not a human doing. It is from a state of being, allowing, that things arise and can be most enjoyed. Be present, aware, conscious, and you will never be bored again. You will drop compulsion and have allowance. And things will flow. Initiate things, but allow them to be. You don’t have to control and drive everything.

You may also tend to be impatient and hateful towards people and things that you consider to be slow, disorganized, dirty, ugly or careless. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.

Try to let go of impatience and aggression and instead have allowance. Here are the other negative energies (lower vibration energies) that come with this number.

The highest success and happiness come from transcending and healing these:



Third Predictive Indicators: Personal Years, Months and Days

All about it: Personal year numbers tell you what energies are specifically available to you each year. By living in line with those energies, you can have the best result and prepare for or avoid difficulties that may be coming. Again, like with the other predictive numbers, this lets you live by the ancient truth that 'there is a time for everything'.

A personal year starts in January. Your life moves in cycles of approximately 9 years. Each cycle has 9 years. When reading your personal year information, consider it along with your major cycle, pinnacle and challenge information for that particular year (You will be in different pinnacles and challenges during each 9 year cycle. For example, year 5 in this cycle will have different pinnacles and challenges from year 5 in your last or next 9 year cycle.).


Summary: Personal year numbers tell you what energies are specifically available to you each year. By living in line with those energies, you can have the best result and prepare for or avoid difficulties that may be coming.

Year 2007 (last year)

1. A active year that is a time for new beginnings, individuality, independence, leadership and courage. If you have always wished to start something, start it now. This is the season to sow, to plant, to start anew in your life and your other activities. Think of your whole nine-year cycle and ensure that you sow what you would love to reap for the next 9 years, as this is the absolutely most favored time to make new starts for the next 9 years. You will still be able to start new things in other years, of course, but this is the year where your effort will take root easiest and deepest and bear fruit well. The fruit may or may not be in this year, but by the certain law of cause and effect, fruit you shall have! So really take time to clearly think and ask yourself the question 'What is the greatest idea that I can have of Who I Am?' Then ask yourself, 'What can I do this year to express and become this greatest idea?' Then do that.

Year 2008 (this year)

2. A slow year that is a time for relationship and cooperation. This is a year to help others, listen to them, find harmony and relationship, get balanced, and enjoy the company of other human beings. There is much joy and learning that comes out of that. And it is a year to rest and recharge from last year and get ready for next year, which is an active year.

Age Vibration. This is how your current age right now influences this current year. For best results, apply these qualities to the theme of this year:

9. Completion, letting go, forgiveness and transformation.

Personal Months: Each month has it's own rhythm and energies specifically available to you (may not be the same for another individual in the same month). You can use this information to plan for the future and see how your current and past months were. Again, this information works together with the larger cycles such as the personal year, major cycles, and pinnacles and challenges. Influences of a personal month can be very subtle, but it is still a good idea to align with a month's energies.

The more you live from a point of higher consciousness, the more you experience the positive aspects of these energies. The more you live from a lower consciousness (ego), the more you tend to experience negative aspects of these energies.

January 3. Creativity, joy and self-expression. July 9. Completion, letting go, forgiveness and transformation.
February 4. Effort, industry and discipline. August 1. Individuality and initiation.
March 5. Change, freedom and exploration. September 2. Cooperation and relationship.
April 6. Family, empathy and nurturing. October 3. Creativity, joy and self-expression.
May 7. Inner wisdom, philosophy, rejuvenation. November 4. Effort, industry and discipline.
June 8. Achievement, power, authority and money. December 5. Change, freedom and exploration.

Personal Days: And here is your personal day for today. The more you live from a point of higher consciousness, the more you experience the positive aspects of these energies. The more you live from a lower consciousness (ego), the more you tend to experience negative aspects of these energies

Tuesday, May 20 2008 - 5. Change, freedom and exploration.


Year 2009 (next year)

3. An active year that is a time for creativity, expression and truth. It is an emotional year. If you learn detachment, find Who You Really Are, and live from a point of higher consciousness, this is a most creative and joyful year, a time of inspiration and fun! However, if you live from a lower consciousness perspective where you are entangled with your emotions, you will find that it is indeed a year of painful emotions. In any case, it is a year of expression. Speak your truth! And don't be afraid to be creative and imaginative. And then express your creativity and vision; share it with the rest of the world. For artists, writers, architects and the like, this is a great year for creating new works so make use of it. The energies fully support creativity and expression. And finally, it is a time to enjoy yourself!

Personal Months: Each month has it's own rhythm and energies specifically available to you (may not be the same for another individual in the same month). You can use this information to plan for the future and see how your current and past months were. Again, this information works together with the larger cycles such as the personal year, major cycles, and pinnacles and challenges. Influences of a personal month can be very subtle, but it is still a good idea to align with a month's energies.

The more you live from a point of higher consciousness, the more you experience the positive aspects of these energies. The more you live from a lower consciousness (ego), the more you tend to experience negative aspects of these energies

January 4. Effort, industry and discipline. July 1. Individuality and initiation.
February 5. Change, freedom and exploration. August 2. Cooperation and relationship.
March 6. Family, empathy and nurturing. September 3. Creativity, joy and self-expression.
April 7. Inner wisdom, philosophy, rejuvenation. October 4. Effort, industry and discipline.
May 8. Achievement, power, authority and money. November 5. Change, freedom and exploration.
June 9. Completion, letting go, forgiveness and transformation. December 6. Family, empathy and nurturing.


Year 2010

4. A productive year that is a time for effort, discipline, perseverance, grounding, health, and bringing into form the creative ideas you built up in year 3. It is a time to build foundations, set up systems, build material security and put up systems to 'feed' you through the rest of the years in the cycle. It is a time for industry and effort. Just be careful that you do not get dragged into struggle. We were never meant to struggle. Putting in a good effort is very well indeed, but struggling is a thing that literally kills you. Struggle comes from a belief in threat, danger, loss and lack. And that is what it leads to. If you find yourself struggling, stop, and find help in understanding the laws of the universe, the way life works, the workings of the mind, and spirituality. And this year, take time to really look after your mental and physical health. The energies for all these things are available now.

Year 2011

5. An active year of change, risk-taking, travel, curiosity and freedom. The energies support it. So take advantage and try new things. If there are big changes in your life you always wished to make, make them now. Travel now, take liberty now, and investigate new truths and teachings now. All the resources will be made available to you, one at a time. Opportunities become available as you take them. Take the one in front of you and when its purpose is complete, you will find that a new one, the next one, has arisen.

Year 2012

6. A year to look at family, home, kinship and nurturing. A time to build family relationships. Your family may also tend to need you more than ever this year. Listen to them. Be there. By doing so, you not only help them with their needs, but you also learn a valuable lesson. You learn how to balance your life, to balance your needs with the needs of others, to balance work and family, to balance busy time with nurturing time. This balance will go a long way towards helping you in many other areas of your life. Of course, you must first intend and be willing to learn how to balance. Nothing happens in life without our deepest intention. Not the intention on the surface, the lip service type, but the deep one that we hold as our true belief. Absolutely nothing can happen without intention. If you find yourself in a situation you do not like, stop and ask yourself, 'What is my deepest belief about this thing. What is the nagging inner message my inner critic keeps telling me about this situation?' That will show you what your deep intension is. Once you know your hidden subconscious beliefs, you can change them.


Year 2013

7. A year of rest, introspection, contemplation, rejuvenation, study and spiritual inquiry. Find someone who can help you with the depth of the quests you shall make this year. That helper could be a person, a book, or even spirit. This is the year you recharge your spirit, and you will find yourself very curios about some of the deepest questions that dance in your mind. You will feel tempted to find the answers. You may feel fear, but that is only your ego, which fears loss of power to your higher self. You need this renewal, this new quantum leap, this new growth. Face the fear and quest anyway. You need it for your next years and cycle, just like a plant needs water every evening. You will find that in solitude you will be able to best fulfill your quest. You have more clarity and less criticism when in solitude, and then you can emerge in strength. You need this inner journey. Without it you will feel 'deflated' and lacking purpose or assistance. This year, more than any other, the universe sends you an amount of help for your quest that is beyond your imagination. It can never really interfere with your free will. So you must learn to ask for assistance, as it is the only way it can come about. Ask, ask, ask. And you shall always receive without fail. And you need this for the next year, where people will tend to look to you for authority and power.

Year 2014

8. An active year of administration, achievement, and recognition. This is a year of power. Do not be afraid of assuming power. This year supports your empowerment. If you have any fear of power, negativity towards power, and so on, heal them now. You need power so that you may support the ability to increase knowledge and love. And in any case, as you increase knowledge and love, you automatically increase your power. The downside is that these three form a triangle. By limiting any one side, you limit the other two. Your life needs knowledge, love and power to grow, so ignore none of them, and embrace them all. This year will support your empowerment in all areas of your life, as long as you choose to be empowered. Need achievement? This is a good year for that. Wealth, success, leadership, and other forms of empowerment are supported here for you in this year. Other people will naturally look to you for authority and power, so be ready. And don't abuse the power or the effects in your own life will be painful. Use power for your good and the good of all around you. Do not take power by deliberately disempowering another person. As a guiding principle, see whether your powerbase is love or fear.

Year 2015

9. A slow year of completion, rest, release, transformation, healing and forgiveness. But here is the trick: you must let go. Let go. Detach. Forgive. It is the only way you can possibly use this year as its energies are meant to be, the way they are here for you. This is the end of your 9 year cycle and it is where you 'finish the business' of your life in the last 9 years. You reap rewards. You forgive hurts and thereby transcend them and gain new insights and power from that forgiveness. You heal and rest, releasing and enjoying the completion and transformation. But remember, transformation only happens when you let go, release, detach, and forgive. Any resistance will deny transformation and completion. This year also tries to help you resolve any unfinished business. For example, if you still haven't learnt a major lesson that was for this cycle, it will tend to arise again now so that you may give it attention. You will know what it is simply by noticing what is causing you emotional or physical pain this year (physical pain is a result of consistently ignored emotions, like most doctors are now discovering). This year, forgive and forget. Try not to start wholly new things this year as the energies support closure and not so much new beginnings (unless these new beginnings are actually a natural harvest of things started earlier in the current 9 year cycle). Follow your intuition to know how to close it. And watch the fruits roll in! Enjoy and congratulations! Next year you shall start a whole new phase of your life!



Your Name and Birthday

The universes run under perfect laws that never err or fail even once. It is a system of cause and effect that is more accurate than you can imagine. As such, there are no coincidences and accidents. Everything is a perfect outcome of the cause that initiated it. Your name and the date of your birth did not happen coincidentally or accidentally. Everything resonates with like energies. Your name and birthday represent the vibrations that form the essence of who you are.  As above, so below.  As within, so without.  Your name, out of all the thousands of names available, did not just happen to become your name. Your name is an effect that reflects a cause within you. Your date and place of birth are also not mere accidental coincidences - they had a specific purpose. Even if it appears as though someone else decided your name for you, the reality is that you had everything to do with that decision (see full explanation below). You are at cause of the effects in your world. And so is everyone. Cause and effect. Always works like that. The inside is the cause, and the outside is it's effect, even when it appears not to be.


Your Names

All about it: For centuries, people have known that names carry a far higher effect and meaning than we can imagine. Even in the past, whenever a person because crowned as a new king, queen, Caesar, sage, ascended master, spiritual teacher, or whatever, they changed their name. The name reflects the energy combination of the person.

And yes, you can have a name that is unsuitable for your life or career or goals. And yes, you can run out of the purpose of your name and require a new name. Actors and media people know this (deliberately or intutively). Business titans know this. Many, many leaders changes their names over the years and that change coincided with a change in their lives (e.g. Andy Grove of Intel, Aristotle Onassis (Greek shipping magnate), Jesus Christ (Jeshua Ben Joseph), the Buddha (Siddartha Gautama), Bill Clinton, and so on).

The point is, names, like all words, carry their own vibration. They are living things, only of a higher frequency than matter, which is the only reason you cannot 'see' them. Now here are the energies embodied by your names.


Your first name tells you about your physical and mental conditions. It especially tells you how you tend to interpret what you experience and how your growth tends to be. You can use this information to see how you can improve your mental condition, interpretation, and growth.

Your middle name tells you about your emotions and your emotional approach to life. If you do not have a middle name, your last name carries its own meaning plus that which your middle name would have carried.

Your last name or family name tells you what your spiritual nature is, much of which may be subconscious to unless you are very aware, conscious and present.

Taken together, your full name tells of your destiny/purpose. See the Destiny and Purpose section to see what your full name represents.

The first vowel in your name shows you what your natural approach to life is. This is the approach that feels most natural to your soul, as it is that which the soul entered with. In a sense, you can say that this indicates the type of spiritual approach you have to life.

Below, the challenges indicate the nature you can assume when you live from an ego perspective (fear and separation) while the powers and possibilities show the nature you have when you live from a higher perspective of love and oneness.


Number 3:

Overview and Main Essence: Happy, enthusiastic, cheerful, luxury, joy, fun, inspiring, optimistic, and highly creative.
Powers and Possibilities Challenges

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

This number indicates the support for an amazing amount of creative energy, with the highest abilities to bring into being what was never there. All you need to manifest your highest creative powers available to you freely is simply to visualize, dare to dream big, speak your dreams and visions as your truth, say the word, and it is made manifest! But come from a point of love for your self and others, or your creations will be your downfall. You have an amazing ability to manifest imagination into this world so be careful what you imagine and from what source it comes from (fear or love). Dream big, as big as your heart desires, and hold on for the ride!

Here are the other energies supported with this number:

Artistic (with words, color, objects, etc)
Emotionally aware
Joyful energy
Learns quickly
Multiple interests

The world is full of opportunities waiting for massive creative ability. Fear not, it is yours. But remember that creation is an activity of the mental plane. Once you create, be careful not to get caught up in the ‘daily grind’ of things, the monotony that drains your independence, freedom to create, and opportunity to innovate. Once you start doing repetitive tasks, you will be getting out of this energy and working against it. There are other people who are here to do. They have the energies designed for that - it may not be in your place (but do not flop into pure laziness or that will also turn back on you later in some way bringing upon a karmic situation whereby your absolute focus is demanded of).

This energy supports an absolute joy of living and living very well indeed! It simply attracts luxury and pleasure. Enjoy yourself!

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

Your joyful creative energy floods you in a very intense way such that if you do not find the appropriate channel to express it you would be likely to face the following challenges:

Delusions of grandiosity
Depending on popularity, appreciation and public opinion
Fear of criticism and judgment
Getting caught up in dreams without manifesting them
Negative and pessimistic
Neglecting the inner child
Not communicating real feelings
Not staying in the moment
Scattering energy without focus and purpose
Self-centered frivolity

Remember always to use your amazing creative abilities for the highest good, which means for your own good and the good of others. Avoid environments where your activity and creativity is restricted - these environments damage your joyful and creative nature and leave you depressed and unhappy. Be constructed and productive. And most of all develop love of yourself as well as others. The challenges arise because of a lack of true love for your self, which then fosters low self-esteem and fear. Know yourself as naturally and perfectly worthy, always and all ways. And be giving, helpful. Learn to see value in your self, your activities, your possessions, and also in other people and their lives. All these qualities will help you transcend your shadow side.

You may also tend to be very judgmental and critical of people who you judge to be incapable, negative, or not ‘beautiful and enriching’. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.


Number 3:

Overview and Main Essence: Happy, enthusiastic, cheerful, luxury, joy, fun, inspiring, optimistic, and highly creative.
Powers and Possibilities Challenges

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

This number indicates the support for an amazing amount of creative energy, with the highest abilities to bring into being what was never there. All you need to manifest your highest creative powers available to you freely is simply to visualize, dare to dream big, speak your dreams and visions as your truth, say the word, and it is made manifest! But come from a point of love for your self and others, or your creations will be your downfall. You have an amazing ability to manifest imagination into this world so be careful what you imagine and from what source it comes from (fear or love). Dream big, as big as your heart desires, and hold on for the ride!

Here are the other energies supported with this number:

Artistic (with words, color, objects, etc)
Emotionally aware
Joyful energy
Learns quickly
Multiple interests

The world is full of opportunities waiting for massive creative ability. Fear not, it is yours. But remember that creation is an activity of the mental plane. Once you create, be careful not to get caught up in the ‘daily grind’ of things, the monotony that drains your independence, freedom to create, and opportunity to innovate. Once you start doing repetitive tasks, you will be getting out of this energy and working against it. There are other people who are here to do. They have the energies designed for that - it may not be in your place (but do not flop into pure laziness or that will also turn back on you later in some way bringing upon a karmic situation whereby your absolute focus is demanded of).

This energy supports an absolute joy of living and living very well indeed! It simply attracts luxury and pleasure. Enjoy yourself!

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

Your joyful creative energy floods you in a very intense way such that if you do not find the appropriate channel to express it you would be likely to face the following challenges:

Delusions of grandiosity
Depending on popularity, appreciation and public opinion
Fear of criticism and judgment
Getting caught up in dreams without manifesting them
Negative and pessimistic
Neglecting the inner child
Not communicating real feelings
Not staying in the moment
Scattering energy without focus and purpose
Self-centered frivolity

Remember always to use your amazing creative abilities for the highest good, which means for your own good and the good of others. Avoid environments where your activity and creativity is restricted - these environments damage your joyful and creative nature and leave you depressed and unhappy. Be constructed and productive. And most of all develop love of yourself as well as others. The challenges arise because of a lack of true love for your self, which then fosters low self-esteem and fear. Know yourself as naturally and perfectly worthy, always and all ways. And be giving, helpful. Learn to see value in your self, your activities, your possessions, and also in other people and their lives. All these qualities will help you transcend your shadow side.

You may also tend to be very judgmental and critical of people who you judge to be incapable, negative, or not ‘beautiful and enriching’. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.


Number 1:

Overview and Main Essence: Independent, quick to act, courageous, enthusiastic, original, self-motivated, leader, new beginnings, new times, new opportunities, new challenges.
Powers and Possibilities Challenges

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

This number represents the capability to initiate things, to do what others may consider impossible, to make something out of nothing. All that is required is love, courage and self-esteem and the energies will support all such initiations and new beginnings with amazing effects.

Because you are one who leans towards independence and freedom, it is easy for you to learn how to get in touch with your Self, that part of you that is connected with The Source of All That Is.

Here are the other positive energies (higher vibration energies) that come with this number. The highest success and happiness come from finding these within you:

Creative power
Giving willingly of yourself
Individuality and individuation
Keen perception
Strong will

The world is full of opportunities waiting for your leadership and creative ability. Fear not, it is yours. But remember that creation is an activity of the mental plane. Once you create, be careful not to get caught up in the ‘daily grind’ of things, the monotony that drains your independence, freedom to create, and opportunity to innovate. Once you start doing repetitive tasks, you will be getting out of this energy and working against it. There are other people who are here to do. They have the energies designed for that - it may not be in your place.

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

Although the energies of creation and innovation are vastly available with this number, they require that you first overcome your ego (fears, etc) before you attain the highest success available. Until the ego is overcome, your personal experience will be that creation will come through difficulty. Once you overcome egotistic tendencies (such as fears, selfishness, self-grandiosity, self-absorption and so on), creation becomes effortless to you.

This is also a number that represents individuality and carries a strong sense of it. However, individuality in the positive side is individuation, and on the negative it is separation. Separation lies in the ego, whereby a person who sees themselves as separate from everyone else is doomed to face loneliness and attack from their own mind (because their mind sees separation as a strong reality, one that requires defending this isolation, and getting better at the expense of others, a very competitive standpoint). On the other hand, individuation recognizes that although we all appear to be separate, we are all One, and so cooperation, giving, and love are paramount. To harness the amazing forces of creation inherent in this energy vibration available to you, move from a point of separation to one of individuation, from attack to love, from competition to cooperation.

If you lower your vibration by fearing and not being Who You Really Are, you will flip to the negative end of your energy spectrum, which is low self-esteem, self-consciousness, isolation, and lack of faith in yourself and life. You must have courage, seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be given to you, be determined, discover your source of doubt and heal it.

You may also tend to get bored, always wanting to be ‘doing something’. Start living in the moment of Now, be present and aware, and be comfortable with not doing but being. Your compulsiveness may lead you to ‘living in the mind’, worrying about the future always or ‘reliving the past’. Learn to be ‘out of mind’, to be a human being and not a human doing. It is from a state of being, allowing, that things arise and can be most enjoyed. Be present, aware, conscious, and you will never be bored again. You will drop compulsion and have allowance. And things will flow. Initiate things, but allow them to be. You don’t have to control and drive everything.

You may also tend to be impatient and hateful towards people and things that you consider to be slow, disorganized, dirty, ugly or careless. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.

Try to let go of impatience and aggression and instead have allowance. Here are the other negative energies (lower vibration energies) that come with this number.

The highest success and happiness come from transcending and healing these:


First Vowel

Number 1:

Overview and Main Essence: Independent, quick to act, courageous, enthusiastic, original, self-motivated, leader, new beginnings, new times, new opportunities, new challenges.
Powers and Possibilities Challenges

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

This number represents the capability to initiate things, to do what others may consider impossible, to make something out of nothing. All that is required is love, courage and self-esteem and the energies will support all such initiations and new beginnings with amazing effects.

Because you are one who leans towards independence and freedom, it is easy for you to learn how to get in touch with your Self, that part of you that is connected with The Source of All That Is.

Here are the other positive energies (higher vibration energies) that come with this number. The highest success and happiness come from finding these within you:

Creative power
Giving willingly of yourself
Individuality and individuation
Keen perception
Strong will

The world is full of opportunities waiting for your leadership and creative ability. Fear not, it is yours. But remember that creation is an activity of the mental plane. Once you create, be careful not to get caught up in the ‘daily grind’ of things, the monotony that drains your independence, freedom to create, and opportunity to innovate. Once you start doing repetitive tasks, you will be getting out of this energy and working against it. There are other people who are here to do. They have the energies designed for that - it may not be in your place.

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

Although the energies of creation and innovation are vastly available with this number, they require that you first overcome your ego (fears, etc) before you attain the highest success available. Until the ego is overcome, your personal experience will be that creation will come through difficulty. Once you overcome egotistic tendencies (such as fears, selfishness, self-grandiosity, self-absorption and so on), creation becomes effortless to you.

This is also a number that represents individuality and carries a strong sense of it. However, individuality in the positive side is individuation, and on the negative it is separation. Separation lies in the ego, whereby a person who sees themselves as separate from everyone else is doomed to face loneliness and attack from their own mind (because their mind sees separation as a strong reality, one that requires defending this isolation, and getting better at the expense of others, a very competitive standpoint). On the other hand, individuation recognizes that although we all appear to be separate, we are all One, and so cooperation, giving, and love are paramount. To harness the amazing forces of creation inherent in this energy vibration available to you, move from a point of separation to one of individuation, from attack to love, from competition to cooperation.

If you lower your vibration by fearing and not being Who You Really Are, you will flip to the negative end of your energy spectrum, which is low self-esteem, self-consciousness, isolation, and lack of faith in yourself and life. You must have courage, seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be given to you, be determined, discover your source of doubt and heal it.

You may also tend to get bored, always wanting to be ‘doing something’. Start living in the moment of Now, be present and aware, and be comfortable with not doing but being. Your compulsiveness may lead you to ‘living in the mind’, worrying about the future always or ‘reliving the past’. Learn to be ‘out of mind’, to be a human being and not a human doing. It is from a state of being, allowing, that things arise and can be most enjoyed. Be present, aware, conscious, and you will never be bored again. You will drop compulsion and have allowance. And things will flow. Initiate things, but allow them to be. You don’t have to control and drive everything.

You may also tend to be impatient and hateful towards people and things that you consider to be slow, disorganized, dirty, ugly or careless. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.

Try to let go of impatience and aggression and instead have allowance. Here are the other negative energies (lower vibration energies) that come with this number.

The highest success and happiness come from transcending and healing these:



Your Birthday

All about it: Your soul chose a day to incarnate (be born here) that resonates with its general nature. Your birthday nature usually has its highest influence in your life when you are between the ages 28 and 56, approximately. This is when your individuality is at its highest. Before that you are still largely in a formative phase and after that you are more impersonal, becoming more universal rather than personal.


Summary: Your soul chose a day to incarnate (be born here) that resonates with its general nature. Your birthday nature usually has its highest influence in your life when you are between the ages 28 and 56, approximately.

The challenges indicate the nature you can assume when you live from an ego perspective (fear and separation) while the powers and possibilities show the nature you have when you live from a higher perspective of love and oneness.

This is it:

Number 3:

Overview and Main Essence: Happy, enthusiastic, cheerful, luxury, joy, fun, inspiring, optimistic, and highly creative.
Powers and Possibilities Challenges

Powers and Possibilities (Higher Vibrational Qualities) And How To Enhance Them

This number indicates the support for an amazing amount of creative energy, with the highest abilities to bring into being what was never there. All you need to manifest your highest creative powers available to you freely is simply to visualize, dare to dream big, speak your dreams and visions as your truth, say the word, and it is made manifest! But come from a point of love for your self and others, or your creations will be your downfall. You have an amazing ability to manifest imagination into this world so be careful what you imagine and from what source it comes from (fear or love). Dream big, as big as your heart desires, and hold on for the ride!

Here are the other energies supported with this number:

Artistic (with words, color, objects, etc)
Emotionally aware
Joyful energy
Learns quickly
Multiple interests

The world is full of opportunities waiting for massive creative ability. Fear not, it is yours. But remember that creation is an activity of the mental plane. Once you create, be careful not to get caught up in the ‘daily grind’ of things, the monotony that drains your independence, freedom to create, and opportunity to innovate. Once you start doing repetitive tasks, you will be getting out of this energy and working against it. There are other people who are here to do. They have the energies designed for that - it may not be in your place (but do not flop into pure laziness or that will also turn back on you later in some way bringing upon a karmic situation whereby your absolute focus is demanded of).

This energy supports an absolute joy of living and living very well indeed! It simply attracts luxury and pleasure. Enjoy yourself!

Challenges (Lower Vibrational Qualities) And How To Overcome Them

Your joyful creative energy floods you in a very intense way such that if you do not find the appropriate channel to express it you would be likely to face the following challenges:

Delusions of grandiosity
Depending on popularity, appreciation and public opinion
Fear of criticism and judgment
Getting caught up in dreams without manifesting them
Negative and pessimistic
Neglecting the inner child
Not communicating real feelings
Not staying in the moment
Scattering energy without focus and purpose
Self-centered frivolity

Remember always to use your amazing creative abilities for the highest good, which means for your own good and the good of others. Avoid environments where your activity and creativity is restricted - these environments damage your joyful and creative nature and leave you depressed and unhappy. Be constructed and productive. And most of all develop love of yourself as well as others. The challenges arise because of a lack of true love for your self, which then fosters low self-esteem and fear. Know yourself as naturally and perfectly worthy, always and all ways. And be giving, helpful. Learn to see value in your self, your activities, your possessions, and also in other people and their lives. All these qualities will help you transcend your shadow side.

You may also tend to be very judgmental and critical of people who you judge to be incapable, negative, or not ‘beautiful and enriching’. You must learn to recognize that these are your hidden or disowned archetypes/selves. Stop resisting and being judgmental towards them or else you will find that you tend to be brought back to them every now and then. They do have a gift for you, even though you may not see it. What you resist persists and gets stronger. Allow them to be, instead. Embrace them, accept them, love them, and you will see some amazing new changes come into your awareness, a freedom and power that was previously not available to you. For starters, your true self-esteem, your sense of intrinsic self-worth, will rise.


How And Why This Works

Prova LifeMap® Numerology works on the principles that:

1. The universes run under perfect laws that never err or fail even once. It is a system of cause and effect that is more accurate than you can imagine. As such, there are no coincidences and accidents. Everything is a perfect outcome of the cause that initiated it. Your name and the date of your birth did not happen coincidentally or accidentally. Which brings us to the next principle...

2. Everything is energy 'grouped' together into forms. Simply put, you are an energy system. You are not a chunk of flesh, you are energy. If you were to magnify yourself, you would find that you are made of cells, which are in turn made up of molecules of various substances. These are in turn made up of atoms. And atoms are composed of electrons, protons, and neutrons. And these electrons, protons, and neutrons are energy packets. An electron is an energy packet. Yes, you are one big ball of energy. Your eyes cannot capture this level of magnified details. What your eyes can see is an imperfect interpretation of reality, so to speak, just as they do when you watch a movie. When you watch a movie, you are seeing 24 frames per second, with each frame being a static picture separated by a dark frame. But because of the speed at which this film is run, your eyes show you a 'movie'. That is also what they do in real life - they show you an interpretation of vast energy activity. You, like everything else, are a cluster of energy in motion.

3. All energy interacts in precise ways (not randomly as it may appear to a person without knowledge of the laws behind it). All energy interacts with similar energy with resonance, harmony and attraction, and does the opposite with energy that is not of a similar vibration. You can use this law to infer and discover a lot about something or someone if you just have a little starting information to begin with (for example, a name and birthday). Here is why:

Everything in the universe vibrates.  And everything is made up of energy.  And this energy is all interconnected.  Energy exists in definite packets or quanta.  For example, an electron is a definite amount of energy (not a random amount). Or take a larger example. Water vibrating at a certain low frequency is ice. When you increase that frequency by adding energy (heat) it becomes liquid. More energy (exactly 100 degrees of temperature) turns it into gas. More accurately, it is the same water molecule 'dancing differently' at different energy vibrations. Music, in fact all sounds, exist as a group of seven notes which repeat themselves in higher or lower vibrations (do re mi fa so la ti, do re mi fa so la ti, do re mi fa so la ti). Color also exists as a group of seven primary colors (colors of the rainbow) that mix and repeat themselves in higher or lower wavelengths.  In other words, there is nothing random in this universe. It is all seven 'essences of energy' that repeat themselves in higher and lower frequencies, and each of those seven is a duality in itself (on/off, light/dark, good/bad, etc).

Everything is a group of energies at various vibrations, and these vibrations resonate and attract other vibrations of similar configurations even though they may be a difference frequencies. This is much like the way a tuning fork works. When you pluck a tuning fork, it vibrates and every object in the room that has a similar nature will begin to vibrate. So you might find that a part of your furniture vibrates, a part of your TV, a particular glass, and so on, while everything else does not.  In fact, numerous research is now beginning to prove that sounds, forms, and thoughts are all the same thing but presented in different configurations.  There are several scientific tools that now show that various vibrations indeed create images and forms specific to those vibrations (using tools like the eidophone), or that certain numbers create images specific to those numbers (using fractal math), and so on. Scientists now know that each thought has its own wavelength, each sound has its wavelength, each color as well, even objects have wavelength, and these waves either clash and destroy each other if they are not harmonious, or they build each other if they are.

Even if you doubt this scientific evidence, look at the spiritual evidence instead. For example, the Bible, Torah and Quran all say that in the beginning there was the word, and the word was made flesh. And they say as a man thinketh so is he. Thought, word and form are the same thing appearing differently to our particular set of senses. They are all energy that resonates together if it is like energy, or clashes and repels if it is not like energy (just like harmony/disharmony in music). As such, there are no coincidences.  The day you were born resonates very much with your internal configuration. Using the appropriate methodology, you can analyze your birthday to see what you are made of inside (the energies you posses, can posses, and are surrounded with) and what the future holds for you (energies that will be available). 

Remember, there are no coincidences and everything resonates with like energies.  The same goes for your name.  Your name and birthday represent the vibrations that form the essence of who you are.  As above, so below.  As within, so without.  No coincidences. Your name, out of all the thousands of names available, did not just happen to become your name. Your name is an effect that reflects a cause within you. Even if it appears as though someone else decided your name for you, the reality is that you had everything to do with that decision. You are at cause of the effects in your world. And so is everyone. Cause and effect. Always works like that. The inside is the cause, and the outside is it's effect, even when it appears not to be. Even your future can be hinted at by your name and birthday. Well, not actually your future, but the energies available at certain times in your future. You always have choice - you can work with or against those energies. Albert Einstein once said that time, no matter how persistent, is only an illusion. All things happen simultaneously in the eternal moment of Now but our perception, seeing only small 'chunks' of eternity at a time, create the illusion of time in the mind. It is not a big surprise, therefore, that a 'future' is 'predictable'.

Prova LifeMap uses various sciences and disciplines to generate your report, including psychology, numerology, spirituality and ancient knowledge from various civilizations in the past. Then, with math, a database, and your birthday and name, it is able to do what it does!

Numerology simply arises from the fact that everything in the universe is a set of mathematical relationships (which actually represent underlying energy relationships) that are run by divine law that is accurate and perfect always. And all things are related as the universe is all one. Therefore, if you know one side of the relationship, you can compute the other. Or look at it this way: thoughts are wavelengths, just like sounds. When you speak out a thought, you create its appropriate sound. Letters are symbols for particular sounds. Each sound creates a particular form (as can be proven with instruments such as an eidophone). Even these forms vibrate. All these vibrations are in harmony for a particular thought, its word expression and its resultant form. The vibrations are precise multiples of each other. (Did you know that human DNA vibrates at 52 - 78 gigahertz?) To know the vibration essence, you look to the relationships between numbers and things around you (this is what numerology is all about).

The science of numerology is extremely old.  It most likely existed in civilizations that we no longer have records of.  From the history that we have, we find evidence of it in the Kabbalah, biblical writings, various ancient texts, and the Hebrew alphabet.  It was suppressed during the dark ages by the popes, as were most other self-empowerment tools, but it is now gaining awareness again. The person who is most considered as the father of numerology to the modern world is Pythagoras (582-507 B.C.), the Greek mathematician and mystic who gave us the Pythagorean theorem we all had to learn in math class when doing triangles. Pythagoras did most of his studies in the temple of Melchizedek, which is the same temple Jesus studied in 600 years later (under the Essenes sect which also went by these ancient teachings).

Now, in the analysis above, you may have had some karmic numbers that indicate something about your past incarnation and any influence that has to do with your current incarnation. The idea that souls reincarnate is well-established across the planet.  Today, Christianity and Islam are the only religions that do not openly support this idea.  But if you look at the history of where this support fell off, you find that it was officially in 533 AD for the Roman Catholic Church (when the Roman council declared it unholy and changed most of the bible to remove references to it), and somewhere in the 1850s for the Jewish teachings.  Before the 1850s, they, especially the the Jewish teachings, actively upheld this teaching that people can come back as people. The original texts still have references of "people coming back as different people" (e.g. John the Baptist who, according to Jesus' words in the Bible in Mathew 13-14, was Elias reincarnated). For thousands of years, Eastern, Greek, Kabbalistic, and many other spiritual paths have seen the truth in reincarnation (as will be explained below in an easy way to understand).

Think of it this way: you have one body made up of billions of little cells. Each cell is a complete organism that can live outside  of you in a laboratory - it does not need you to exist if it could find an alternative source of nutrition and environment. As little kids say in their biology class "you are made up of many little animals". Each of those cells has its own intelligence and life force. And if you examine just one cell, again you find that it is made up of many little organisms with their own independence as well (such as molecules). If you look at these molecules you see that they are also made up of more independent separate lives (atoms). And atoms made up of energy. And it goes on into infinity.

Now reverse the direction. You are an individual within a bigger soul, an oversoul. That oversoul carries, say, 12 souls just like yours, all incarnated on earth. And it in turn is a part of a larger soul that carries many oversouls to make the one. And it goes on to infinity upwards as well. So just as your one soul and body in one lifetime requires many billions of cells to be born and die within it every single day, so does your oversoul. Your oversoul also needs many within it to go through birth and death cycles. And its oversoul also has its own cycle. And there is yet another larger cycle beyond even that larger oversoul, and so on to infinity. Your soul incarnates, goes through its lessons, sheds that body, does it again, out of its own choice by the way, until it is done. With each incarnation, it moves closer to its goal of being in perfect awareness of itself while still in physical form (the earth plane is one where we can experience things like in no other plane, because earth has a very detailed system of relativity and free will). That is what evolution over the last thousands of years has been all about - growing awareness.

So every time the soul is ready to incarnate, it chooses what it needs to do here this time around, and selects the most appropriate place, time, name, people, events and so on to achieve that. These selections resonate with that purpose. That is why you can use your name and date of birth to find out so much about yourself and your path. At all times you have free will, but things will work best for you if you are in the flow instead of being out of the flow of your universe and available energies.

Important: The numbers in numerology don't cause things to happen nor do they predict what will happen exactly. You always have choice in the matter. The numerology and energy analysis simply gives you an accurate indication of the energies available to you in certain periods and areas of your life (and their powers or positive vibrations and challenges or negative vibrations). When you use the energies available, you will be 'in the flow' (the word 'prosperous' has its linguistic roots from the phrase 'to be in the flow'). When you are in the flow, you learn less through struggle and pain since struggle and pain only indicate an error in thinking, being out of flow with your universe. There are two ways of progress. The hard way is to learn unconsciously through struggle and pain. The easier way is to learn consciously by deciding to be willing to learn the Truth, to spend time doing so, and to live that way. When you learn consciously, you make less errors in thinking, and you suffer a whole lot less.

Why is Love And Fear Talked About So Much In The Above Analysis?

In many of the answers above, you will find that fear is pointed out as the main cause of the negative aspects of an energy, and love as the solution and foundation of the positive aspects of an energy. Why?

Well, that is because there is only one Real emotion in the universe. That is Love, the original nature of The Source, The First Force, All That Is, or what most people call God/Goddess. And all Its' creations are built in It's image and likeness. Now, you have heard many say that we live in a world of illusion. Illusion is the opposite of Reality. Illusions arise from fear, an error in thinking, an opposite of real love. For example, the ultimate Reality is that All Is One, but from a point of fear, we imagine ourselves as separate and alone, and we experience this illusion in various ways. Why? As we now all know from quantum physics, psychology and spirituality, we become what we think about, what we believe is what we experience.

So fear is the opposite of love. From fear, all other painful emotions arise, such as jealousy, low self-worth, depression, guilt, and so on. If you look at fear carefully, you will find that it stems from an absence of love somewhere (maybe even in a memory very far in your past). Love, also, is acceptance for All That Is, simply because it Is. Think about that for a moment. Nothing can exist outside of The Source of All That Is (or God, if that helps your interpretation). And everything is One. So what does it say when you reject and resist what Is, when you resist a part of All That Is? Before you answer that question, think of Who Your Really Are, and What You Are Part Of. Do you now see how fear starts resistance, rejection, judgment and a host of many other emotions that actually harm you until you embrace your shadow self and bring love into it?

That is why love is often brought up in the answers above as the solution. And a way to find it is to forgive yourself and others. Forgiving means to overlook error, to overlook the illusion and see the Reality. The only reason an error would hold you and pass its effects onto you is because you hold onto it. Simply acknowledge you have been mistaken, you had an error in perception and thought, and all its effects will disappear. Why? Because no error is Real. It is merely a belief system.


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