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A Unique Utopian  Social Engineering Experiment   

Central Florida Commune ...

This is the Home Page of the Central Florida Commune. Located in Central Florida and the Future, of Social Engineering.

Social engineering is a new science." -- Scott Nearing

 Utopian Social Engineering is a variety of social engineering which is optimistic and comprehensive. It involves coming up with a blueprint for a preferred future, and taking measures to realize that future.

Guiding Principles -

  • Complete Independence from the outside world in a Tolerant and Positive Environment. The Desire for Happiness.
  • A Genuine Return to Communal Living, Based on the Latest in Today's Technology. The Controlled Return to Being Master of Our Own Lives..
  •  A Genuine Interest in the Ability to Modify Human Behavior on a Small Scale to Give the Maximum Amount of Usefulness and Satisfaction.
  • Power, Internet, Water and all Fee's Associated to Housing are Paid by the Commune. Living and Working on the Commune will give Access to all the Necessities of life and Happiness.

A Pre -Conceived Utopian future. Planned using todays Latest Technology and always open for a new Idea.

"A world society cannot be haphazard. Since there are no precedents, its cannot be traditional at this stage in its development. It can only be deliberative and experimental, planned and built up with particular objectives and with the aid of all available knowledge concerning the principles of social organization. Social engineering is a new science."        -- Scott Nearing, United World