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Beginners Workout Routines

When you are just beginning with your fitness training and bodybuilding, it truly is very important to start off slow and give your muscle the opportunity to become conditioned to the strains of weight training. If you do not you may end up really hurting yourself. It can take up to a year for your muscle to adapt to, the point where they can lift weight with 100% efficiency and intensity. So don’t try and do too much, too fast.


You also do not have to go and spend a lot of money on fancy new, all in one gyms or a really expensive gym membership. All you need to do the following exercises is a pull-up bar and a set of weights. And these don’t need be expensive either. A fifteen-year-old set of used weights works equally as well as a brand new, shiny set. So please do not squander your money on these, as you can pick up some pretty good new and used sets from places like Amazon’s weights area.


Remember, do not try to do too much too fast, as you really want to give your body the ability to become used to doing these forms of exercises as a way to steer clear of injury. So each week, slowly add to the amount of weight you use for each exercise, never try to add on as much weight as you have and seek to lift it. You will merely hurt yourself.


So initially, the exercises you shall be doing won’t be really intense, so you will do all-body workouts a few times a week. In addition, don’t overlook the importance of cardiovascular exercise, as roughly 20 minutes of cardio are needed a day, to maintain your cardiovascular fitness. Moreover, naturally it will enable you to lose fat, which will permit your muscles to show through more. Once you start to be able to do the below Workout Routines, switch to a more advanced workout. You must be on this routine for at least 3 months but no more than 6 months. Monitor your heart rate while doing a cardio routine. Compare various heart rate monitors at


Workout Routines To Build Muscle Fast For Beginners




Legs: Lunges – 3 set. 6-12 reps for each set. 60 seconds rest between sets.


Back: Overhand Pullups. 3 sets. As many as you can do with 60 seconds rest between sets.


Chest: Pushups – 3 sets. Do as many as you can in each set, with 60 seconds rest between sets.


Abdominals: Crunches: 2-3 sets. As many as you can do with 60 seconds rest between sets.




Cardio: 20-30 minutes. Either swimming, running or cyclying


Wednesday: Identical to Monday


Thursday: Same As Tuesday


Friday: Same As Monday And Wednesday


Saturday + Sunday: You can either rest or do some Cardio work.


For every set you must be using enough weight for you to be able to do between 6 and 12 reps. If you can do more than this without your muscles having difficulties to make the last rep, you aren’t using enough weight. Similarly, if you can’t do more than 5 then you are using too much weight.


Don’t forget, this routine is exclusively for beginners. If you are still performing this, or something similar to this after 6 months, you’re not going to see any more results. After 6 months, progress to a more intense, routine