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This massive castle is built into the face of a mountain in a very long mountain range known as the god’s spine. The series of caves allows for numerous rooms in the castle that are impossible to reach from the outside by normal means. The original inhabitants had dwarven engineers build and design the network of tunnels to serve as the hallways of the castle; they also built numerous trapdoors to secret chamber to hide troops in case of attacks in the main tunnel that acted as the entrance to the castle. The main tunnel connected only to the main courtyard to prevent intruders from getting into the castle directly. They also built traps that could be magically activated in time of an attack by whoever was the current lord of the castle.  There are also the thick magically strengthened heavy doors that would slide into place to slow the process of any who came through the tunnels. These doors could withstand blows from almost any creature that could get into the tunnels including dragons and there nasty dragons fire. There is also protection from even the some of the most corrosive acids there is only one type of acid capable of eating through the magical metal and that is known to only a handful of individuals. After the structure was built by the dwarven engineers and crafts men along came the elven arch mages to put in place magical protections to prevent nature’s destructive forces from destroying the castle like fortress and shield the inhabitants from the cold of the harsh mountain air high in the mountains. Other magical protections were put into place to prevent other disasters and infiltration into special areas such is in the massive library parts were magically sealed off and only accessible by those with the special ward keys. This was put in place to protect both dangerous and ancient document and books from certain types of individuals. The other place was the treasure vault which was deep in the mountain with only one entrance hidden from almost everyone except the current lord of the castle. The castle was originally built for four adventurers, after years of complacency and many descendants the castle was no longer in the hands of capable warriors but foolish arrogant morons one who decided to betray a  crime lord and steal one of his more prized harem girls.  The crime lord hired Drejan to kill the fool and make an example of him by displaying his dead body in the town square of the crime bosses city. As his payment Drejan took control of the castle the crime lord did not care he had a comfortable manor in the city he operated out of.  With the current residents eliminated Drejan had no problem taking over the castle and taking over the mantle of lordship of the castle through the ritual divulged to him by the previous lord before Drejan removed his still beating heart.