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How to treat Receding Gums naturally?

Receding Gums are a problem of mouth disorders that are often experienced by some people besides cavities. Receding Gums are a condition of swelling of the gums. There are several cases, Receding Gums occur in large sizes to cover the teeth. Because of the Receding Gums, the cheeks stand out. 

Receding Gums cannot be underestimated, it hurts and makes bad mood. Gums are problematic, if you use chew it feels really painful. Appetite becomes disturbed, forced to eat porridge or soft food. The head can feel throbbing because of the pain.

Receding Gums can be caused by various conditions, the most common being gingivitis , or it can also be an infection due to fungus or virus.


These Receding Gums need to be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise this can irritate you when you eat, spread infection to your teeth, and even swelling can get bigger. So, don't underestimate the Receding Gums. This is an easy way to deal with Receding Gums.


What's the cause of Receding Gums? 


teeth In teeth that are hollow because germs can also spread to the gums and will cause swelling of the gums.


Accumulation of Corals or Signposts on Teeth

In general, Receding Gums are caused by plaque (the remnants of food that are long left behind and not immediately cleaned. Remaining food that is not immediately cleaned will accumulate for a long time and cause tartar which will cause the gums to swell. Saliva containing minerals will help the remnants of food become hardened and the tartar formed becomes hard or sedimentation.


Mushroom Infection

When you do not maintain the cleanliness of what you eat, maybe you will put a virus or fungus into your mouth and cause the gums and teeth to swell.



Gingivitis is the accumulation of plaque on the gums which accumulates in large and long amounts which will cause inflammation. Gingivitis is also a disease of the gums.


Fitting Accessories 

That Are Not Fit (Not Comfortable) on the Teeth The installation of dentures or stirrups that are not suitable (uncomfortable) on the gums, can also cause gum swelling. If you experience Receding Gums and want to get well soon, try how to treat your own Receding Gums that are safe and effective.

The treatment to be given depends on the cause of the Receding Gums themselves. If you have gingivitis, you will be given mouthwash to reduce plaque on the teeth.If an infection does occur, antibiotics will be given for a certain period of time. Meanwhile, to deal with pain, you will be given anti-pain medications such as paracetamol and ibuprofen.If the case of Receding Gums is very severe, for example, the cause is chronic gingivitis, surgery may be the solution.

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