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Why is important?

Posted by national cantegraphic on november 15, 2010  •  Comments (1)  • 

Africa south of the sahara presents a rich mosaic of ethnic groups who speak hundreds of languages. Over the past 50 years, a number of countries in the region have gained independece. Today they are working toward greater political and economic unity. They are also strengthening their voice in global affairs trhough such international organizations as the United Nations.

wath makes africa south of the sahara a region?

Posted by Someone on October 8, 2010  •  Comments (0)  • 

Strradding the Equator, Africa south of the Sahara encompasses about 9.5 million squares miles and they nearly 50 countries. It is a region of immense plateaus that sire, like steps, from west to east across the continent. Several great rivers flow across this landscape. As the rivers journey to the sea, the cascade from plateau to the next , creating spectacular waterfalls.