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Canada Steroids For Sale| Different Types Of Steroids

Types of steroids there are two different types of steroids: anabolic-androgenic, and cortisol.  Steroids can be natural or synthetic and are used in many medicines.  Steroids are also typically used to treat disorders and plan a very important role in the functioning of the body.

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Anabolic steroids are typically used by males to build muscle.  They were developed in the 1930's to help with the treatment of hypogonadism, which is a condition where the testes do not create sufficient testosterone.  Hypogonadism can have negatives effects on growth, development and sexual functioning in males.  Anabolic steroids are also used to help treat people suffering from HIV, impotence, and delayed puberty.  Also, anabolic steroids may help stimulate bone marrow function in hypoplastic anemia and may benefit patients with osteoporosis. 

Anabolic steroids are illegal without a prescription.  However, some dietary supplements have traces of steroids.  If taken in large amounts, these dietary supplements can have a substantial effect testosterone levels and can produce the same results as taking anabolic steroids.

Athletes and body images very commonly abuse anabolic steroids because of the drastic results they give.  However, steroids can have very severe side effects.  Steroids can help athletes to train harder, longer. And more often which can lead to a person over-working themselves.  After using steroids for an extended period, the natural glands in a person body which produce hormones can atrophy.  In some men, this can cause side effects such as infertility, breast development and shrinking of the testicles.  Women using anabolic steroids may also experience excessive body hair growth and enlargement of the clitoris.  Other serious side effects for both sexes such as heart attacks, liver cancer, acne and cysts, the risk of infection, and some psychiatric effects.

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Cortisol is an important chemical in the body that controls salt and water balance in the body.  Cortisol helps to regulate fat, protein, and carbohydrates in the body.  Corticosteroids block the production of allergy and inflammatory producing substances in the body.  They are a session of steroid hormones that are involved in wide range of body systems. 


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Some examples are regulation of inflammation, protein catabolism, stress response, and blood electrolyte levels. 

Typically corticosteroids are used for conditions such as skin diseases, asthma, and brain tumors.  Chemical structure groups corticosteroids into four different types.  They are available in oral, topical, systemic and inhalable forms.  Topical steroids are typically used in areas such as eyes, skin, or mucous membranes.  Inhaled steroids are used to treat the lungs, bronchi, nasal passage, and sinuses. 

Systemic forms are available in an injectable form for use through IV or parenteral routes. When taking corticosteroids, patients must be very careful because they are more susceptible to infection.  This is because the use of corticosteroids impedes white blood cells from destroying foreign bodies, and leaves patients more susceptible to infection.  Prolonged use of corticosteroids can also cause the adrenal glands to atrophy.  In some severe cases, a patient can go into an adrenal crisis which results in vomiting, nausea, or shock.  Other minor side effects associated with corticosteroids include fluid retention, cataracts, stomach ulcers, headaches, blood thinning, insomnia, and psychiatric issues such as depressions, or personality changes.

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