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Welcome to Swihart's Rabbit Habit!

"Spring? I'm thinking LILACS!! Just day dreaming about my walks down our what will I put in this year?? Can't wait and all those NICE months ahead!!Its a wonderful life....!!!

With ANDRC nationals coming up in April and the "fun" show in Montpelier..we have a busy spring. Not sure if I'll be in IL..our youngest is going to try and get hitched with in this that takes priority!!

Our next show here is in March..MSRBA Spring show. Can't wait seems like its been a while..

I have gotten a few of the new shots up..more to come..2 new ones on this page..and a new apron sew-out on the misc page.SEND ME your photos if you want your rabbit stitched out!!

Anyone who admires my site please visit "Bunny Run" Denne is my web builder and constant helper!!Bunny Run . She has helped me sooo many times with the html etc..she is the original site builder. She's a very good teacher..I am not always such a good student!! Again Denne "thank you for all your help" Rabbit friends "what would we do without them!"

And I have some new sew-outs..the bag I did for the Herdsman Award (youth) and my apron that I will post..anyone with a picture of their rabbit..any breed I am starting to do other me!!

Got many litters out of my new bucks..can't wait for them to grow some..I love to pick thru the promising ones!!

I have added a new page on what color I bred to what-a question I get alot. I am also putting up a OLD 4-H tip that I used to share with my group years back-FREE scoops..feed or conditioner..shavings. These work real well and are free-check it out..pictured on the "Tips" page.

New addition to the "Misc. page" - in 2008 will be more SEWING..I got a complete redo of my sewing room from my husband for my birthday..lots of intersting things going on in there...wait and see!!

Here's is alittle "Swihart Rabbit Habit" history 101- I am located just south of Jackson, MI., where I was born and raised. We have been involved in the rabbit hobby since our youngest was that's 13 years. I have been married to my husband Charlie ( all the gals love my husband-HE LOVES to go to shows!), for 28 years!! We have raised 3 simply wonderful kids..very lucky we are!!We have made many great friends and been to alot of great places thru rabbits. I belong to ARBA, ANDRC, MSRBA. I acquired my ANDRC Charter Breeder status in 1999 - an accomplishment I am very proud of. I raise Netherland Dwarfs in the Shaded, Tan, Agouti and Broken pattern.

Our rabbits are raised in a temperature controlled barn. Seperate nursery for does and litters and a new area for jrs and breeding bucks. This addition has become much bigger then I had imagined! But this means more rabbits-this is a good thing. Keeping them seperate I will be able to keep the main barn much cooler. I breed strictly to the standard and occasionally have breeding and show stock for sale. Please check the SALES page for "new" sale rabbits.

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Last Updated: 02/07/2008

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