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California law protects employees against wrongful termination in the workplace. Though it is an “at-will” state, meaning that an employer can terminate a worker’s employment for any or no reason, there are exceptions to the rule. It is illegal for an employer to fire an employee due to protected statuses such as race, national origin, disability, gender and sexual orientation. It is also illegal for an employer to fire an employee based on retaliation if, for example, the employee filed a complaint. 

If you believe that you have been wrongfully terminated, it is important to note why you think you were terminated versus why your employer said you were terminated. It is not likely that an employer is going to be upfront about wrongfully terminating one of their employees, so digging deep might be necessary. Save email correspondences, doctors notes and any documents that may help you in your case. 

In a wrongful termination situation, an employee usually looks for damage compensation to cover benefits and lost wages. Emotional damages may include anxiety, distress or depression that can accompany the shock of being wrongfully terminated. If an employer makes conditions so severe that the employee has no choice but to quit, this is constituted as constructive dismissal. Under law, collecting damages for constructive discharge is the same as wrongful termination. 

Reach out to a skilled Los Angeles wrongful termination lawyer today with Strong Advocates to better understand your legal stance. We will fight for your justice. 

Strong Advocates

6080 Center Drive, Suite 600

Los Angeles, CA 90045

Phone: (310) 803-9820