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What is Renagel


Renagel  intended for patients with the chronic nephritic illness, consisting on a dialysis.


Usual dosage - Renagel  800 mg (Normal Dosage).


Renagel 800 it’s counter-indicative to patients with hypophosphatemia or intestinal impassability.


It is necessary to be careful strictly to patients with dysphagia, serious gastrointestinal mobility, including serious locks or necessary surgical intervention of a path.


The basic adverse side effects, connected with Renagel  include: vomiting, nausea, a diarrhea, a belly pain, and a lock.


Other side effects are: an itch, precipitate, and an intestinal barrier.


Strictly observe the correct use with some other medicines and you should be informed how correctly to accept and Buy Renagel.


The patient should be informed, whether the patient Renagel simultaneously with food intakes can use or adhere to the ordered diets.

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