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Butter Clickers

Butter clicker is one who clicks outside of the intended button or link while on a computer/internet.
• Clicking the X button on accident when trying to minimize a window
• Clicking the wrong link while browsing the internet
• Clicking outside of the Send button and believing a message was sent and then exiting out of a program

o Often the third type of butter clickers will then later tell the individual to check their message inbox only for that individual to come home to find there is no new message
o These butter clickers will also try to blame their follies on external subjects such as libraries or foreign noises

Butter clicking can be prevented or extinguished with the following methods:
• Taking precaution that one is not being too impatient
• Paying attention to the buttons one is about to hit. Double check if necessary
• Making sure that there is a verification that the message was sent before telling the intended receiver to drop everything and check their message box