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Companies, big and small, prefer Online Web Conferencing software, or online meeting tools, for holding online meetings. Many companies have their offices in different locations and, if they were to hold regular conferences, they would need to incur substantial expenses. However, by using an online meeting tool, such as a RHUB Online Web Conferencing appliance, these companies can avoid paying expenses associated with regular conferences.

Costs associated with a traditional conference include, among others, travel costs, hotel accommodation costs, and local transportation costs. These costs, however, are not part of online conferences. Online Web Conferencing software allows multiple users to participate in an online meeting right from their desks.

The Web Conferencing technology is constantly advancing. Today such tools provide a completely secure and safe environment for conducting online meetings and discussions. Participants can take part in such meetings without fearing any breach of security.

Companies from all round the globe are making use of Online Web Conferencing solutions because they are secure and inexpensive. With licenses for online meeting software available at low costs, more and more companies are expected to choose them over conventional conferencing.

Participants taking part in an online meeting can hear and see each other as well as share files and PowerPoint presentations with ease. To join an online meeting, participants must meet only one requirement—they must have the same online meeting tool installed in their computer.

Web-based conferencing tools are the latest development in the ever-growing field of Online Web Conferencing. With these tools, initiating and supervising an online meeting becomes a lot easier. Participants can now join a meeting by simply logging onto a specific webpage and feeding in the login information.

Just imagine initiating and finalizing business deals with clients located in different locations by holding web meetings that can be set up within a few minutes. Whether you plan to use an online meeting application or a web-based online meeting solution, you must ensure that the solution you select meets all your requirements and, most importantly, is secure.

Security is paramount in web meetings. Therefore, make sure that connections established through the selected solution are completely safe and secure. Typically, web meetings, irrespective of whether they are being held through a pre-installed application or through an online solution, are extremely secure and are almost impossible to breach. The initiator sends invitation for a meeting and login details to each participant, ensuring that the only invited people can join the meeting.

High security and reduced costs are not the only benefits that web meeting tools provide. Another equally important benefit is the ability to accommodate many participants without compromising on the quality of the connection. In addition, unlike regular conferences that consumes many man hours as participants have to typically travel to the conference location, web conferences do not require employees to ignore their work to participate in meetings. Also, web conferences can be recorded for future references at a click of the button.

All in all, looking at the various advantages offered by Online Web Conferencing tools, it is no surprise that companies are using them on a large scale.