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The entire length of his back each

Still out cold. I need you to tie him up or something, keep him secure until we're back. No problem. He'll be sleeping for a while, I'll make sure this time, Cameron said, while rubbing the discoloured side of his face again with his handkerchief. The attention he'd lavished on his wound appeared to have reddened it further. Look after L'Armin as well. He's a little dazed, I think, Nate said. Will do. Cameron trundled over apartamente de vanzare bucuresti to the killer at a laboured pace that implied he still thought he'd let the group down. Nate knew otherwise. He was certain all of the blame should be placed at his own apartamente de vanzare bucuresti feet. No-one would have been in danger had he not been Hell-bent on catching the assassin in the first place. Cameron's apology may have been unnecessary, but his own was still due. While making little attempt to do so carefully, Cameron began roughly pulling the killer's lifeless body into a seated position. He had absolutely no fear of waking the sleeping monster that still haunted Nate. Or was the lack of fear actually anger? Nate couldn't tell. He took a moment to consider whether he should be more concerned about Cameron killing the monster, than the other way around. With L'Eshran and L'Armin staying behind, Nate decided he was happy enough to leave Cameron with the assassin. Besides, there was something more delicate he had to attend to anyway. He still needed to get L'Eshran on board. Without his help, they were going nowhere. Nate and Helen approached cautiously. Neither of them really wanted to be the one who had to speak. The anger L'Eshran apartamente had shown earlier would surely be aimed at them this time, and they would deserve it too. So when the moment came, they stopped and silently stared at each other, hoping the other would begin talking. Nate soon realised that he had no choice. L'Eshran? Can we have a word? He said. There was no reply. L'Eshran stood with his back still facing them. There was no reaction at all to their question, not even a flinch. For yahoo a little while they could only interpret and anticipate his mood. He had at least moved in the last few minutes. Although with his arms now firmly crossed, reciprocity wasn't in any way inferred. L'Eshran? Nate said again. Finally a reaction. L'Eshran lowered his head to apartamente meet his chest, before returning upright again seconds later. He let out a long breath and then turned to face them. As you wish, he apartamente de vanzare bucuresti said. I will assist you. But after this you apartamente de vanzare bucuresti must all leave. Nate was surprised by the sudden answer. He hadn't even asked anything yet. There wasn't time to reply either, before L'Eshran walked away to join L'Armin. The two had obviously spoken about it already, telepathically no less, and were eager to start. After a quick hobble back, Nate and Helen were also ready to begin--although Nate had a growing sense of worry that he kept to himself. He nodded to L'Armin and L'Eshran, who both returned his gesture. If the others felt as nervous as he did, they were equally as good at hiding it. L'Armin held his hands together and closed his eyes. He stayed sitting down. A frown began to form as he concentrated hard. L'Eshran did the same but remained standing, still much straighter apartamente de vanzare bucuresti than was ever necessary. A bead of sweat ran down L'Armin's nose as he tried to open another rift. It would have to be the last time he asked his friend to do this, Nate decided. It was