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Youngest President

Why I should be president of the United States of America

I would love to be the commander an chief of the United States of America!

It has been my dream to be president I have so many things to offer to this wonderful nation. I have high hopes for this country and i want to see them come true. The past presidents have not been pushing this country to its full full ability. We have been in war after war after after war. We need to stop the madness. We need world peace I know its not easy it will be complexed, hard, and may cost a little money, and a lot of time but I think we are capable of doing what is needed to be done.

gay marrige is a strong topic on moral, religious and personal issuse with many people.

Gay marriage, is fine with me. I dont care if you are gay, striaght, or lesbian. All I care about is how you are in the inside, your moral standards, and who you came to be as a person. I do not care if you are... black To be continue.................
