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Actualizing Health and Well Being  

Healing the Cause of Disease


Bonnie’s work is based on the principle that the body is designed to heal itself.  Repeatedly the body demonstrates this natural ability by healing cuts and ridding itself of viruses. Emotional and mental stress interfere with the natural process of healing and feeling of well being.  Treatments with Bonnie alleviate the imprint left from these stressful experiences, taking the body out of the "fight or flight" syndrome, promoting well being and allowing the body to resume it's self-healing process.

B.E.S.T  Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique

A gentle technique that balances the body to be in harmony with itself and the environment.


Sress and anxiety stimulate pressure putting us into a 'fight or flight response.  Adrenaline running rampant takes it's toll on us.  We become similar to a fist or muscle, stuck in a clenched position, unable to relax itself. 

By ridding the mind of stuck agitation B.E.S.T. gently relaxes, realigns and resets the emotions, mind and body.  This reset allows  the body to restore it’s natural self healing function promoting improved physical health and increased vitality.  It gives a sense of balance physically, mentally and emotionally.  At the end of each treatment with Bonnie, every client feels this profound difference.


Nutripuncture might be described as a homeopathic equivalent of acupuncture.  Small tablets containing trace minerals as the active ingredient are chewed to set up a correct energetic frequency.  Like a tuning fork, they enliven that positive energy within the body. 


Nutripuncture works on all levels influencing emotions, thoughts and physiology.  Using Nutripuncture, Bonnie has successfully helped clients with many physical and emotional complaints.

  • sugar intolerance/diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • sinus congestion
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • emotional distress
  • loss of a loved one


Nutripuncture Forgiveness Empowerment Session


This session works perfectly for anyone who wants to forgive, but can’t let go.  Bonnie’s facilitation is gentle and noninvasive.  Using Nutripuncture, clients are empowered to see a ‘bigger picture from an impersonal neutral, point of view.  This balanced perspective enables stuck energy to transform; clients are able to accept ‘what is’ and drop any ‘less than compassionate’ feelings.  At the end of the session clients feel empowered; forgiveness is no longer an issue.

About Bonnie

Bonnie has heightened energetic awareness attained through many years of energy work.  Treating people for over 18 years, she has mastered the ability to put herself aside and be a clear conduit; totally present and sensitive to her clients 

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