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Gutter cleaning is important, because the accumulation of particles, dirt and trash in this area can make it heavier, causing it to fall. This trench along your house also serves to redirect water from your roof. You can make your home to escape because the water coming from the roof tends to flow to other parts of the house.The function of the gutter is to collect all the rainwater that falls from the roof, preventing it from falling to the street or the balconies and also has a very specific function: to prevent the exterior of home.

But there is a drawback that prevents normal development of these functions: in addition to water, also collect all that is on the roof: dust, dirt, nests, plastic bags and the leaves falling from the trees.

At that, there is only one remedy: keep clean the gutters and for that we will present you a number of tricks and tips that will help you. Gutters made ultimately important work. But they need a little help.

These are some of the most common tricks to keep clean the gutters:

1. Install an accessory called “sheets saved." This will help in to avoid the problem of the accumulation of leaves, as it is a hemispherical metal device which is placed over the entrance of the drainpipe to allow only pass water. As an example, we can think of a large colander, but with a much wider mesh that allows water to pass without problem and only avoids falling leaves and other larger items.

2.Cleaning the gutter

If the gutter has adhered dried remains then you can remove it by scraping with a small curved bottom being the spatula, then drag a plastic bottle with the bottom cut off to use as a waste picker. You can also use a garbage bag resting it on tiles or holding the handle to the edge of the gutter.

3. Cleaning the downspout: When the downspout is clogged, pass a guide wire to enter from below a cord or rope to make it out the top. Between two people, getting by and loosening as a saw, to try to undo the jam. We must be careful to pull no sudden movements, not to cause damage. After removing the thick remains, just flush out the downspout with a hose and water.

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