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Construction of an Aluminum Foil Boat


·         The following procedure entailed in this manual is for the use of constructing a buoyant watercraft from aluminum foil.


·         The instructions are to be followed, however they can be altered in the future for construction of a specific watercraft design (hulled boat, size specs, etc).


   WARNING: The watercraft constructed using this manual is not intended to be used as a life saving device.




WARNING: The scissors used in the following procedure are not to be used as a weapon.





WARNING: These instructions are designed for the use of peoples over the age of 13.







1.      Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil- The instructions entail the use of 16.66yds. by 18in. heavy duty aluminum foil.


2.      Scotch Tape- The instructions entail the use of 3/4in Scotch Magic Tape to adhere boat components together.


3.      Scissors- Scissors will be needed to cut the aluminum foil in exact increments.


4.      Ruler- A ruler will be needed to measure exact lengths to prepare the aluminum foil for folding.





1.      Start by preparing a sheet of aluminum foil approx. 18in. by 8in.


2.      Fold the sheet of foil lengthwise in half three times. Refer to figure 1. 




3.      Then beginning on one end make marks on the folded aluminum at 2in, 7in, 9in, 11in, and 16in


4.      At each of the marks described in step 3, fold the foil, creating a crease at each interval.



5.      After making creases, set the foil on edge, it should be sitting on edge and resemble the sides of a boat. The two inch increments on each end will overlap to each opposite corner. Refer to figure 2.


Text Box: Figure 1. The 1in by 18in strip of aluminum foil. (Brockmiller, 9/24/09)

6.      Take a small piece of tape and place it on the back end of the boat, the part with the flat end, adhering the two inch increments to each other.



7.      Then prepare another sheet of aluminum foil approx. 18in by 8in.


8.      Fold the sheet of foil lengthwise in half four times.

Text Box: Figure 2. The aluminum boat frame. (Brockmiller, 9/24/09)


9.      Starting at one end, make marks every 1in. for the first 5in, then make marks every four inches for the remainder of the length (you should end up with 5- 1in increments and 3- 4in increments, with one inch leftover, dispose of this piece).


10.  Cut the aluminum foil at each increment. These will act as interior supports for the frame.



11.  Fold each previously 1in. cut increment in half, and then unfold.


12.  Fold each previously 4in. cut increment at one inch and three inches. Refer to figure 3.


Text Box: Figure 3. Interior cross support. (Brockmiller, 9/24/09)

13.  Take a 1in increment and place a small piece of tape on both ends.


14.  Repeat step 13 for all five 1in increments.



15.  Place each increment into a corner of the boat frame and use the tape to fasten in to the inside of the frame. These act as the corner supports for the boat.


16.  Take the three 4in increments place tape on the 1 in ends of each increment.



17.  Place these across the boat from side to side, evenly spaced out, to act as cross supports for the framework, using the tape to fasten them to the interior of the framework. Refer to figure 4.

18.  Prepare a sheet of foil approx. 9in by 5in.



19.  Set the frame of the boat centered on the sheet of aluminum foil. Refer to figure 5.


20.  Wrap the foil around the frame of the boat. This acts as a shell and seals the boat making it buoyant. Refer to figure 6.

Text Box: Figure 4. Framework with installed interior supports. (Brockmiller, 9/24/09)


21.  Then take tape and seal any folds on the outside of the boat.


22.  Text Box: Figure 5. Boat frame on aluminum foil. (Brockmiller, 9/24/09)Place a strip of tape across the top edge of the boat, this seals the top edge and fastens the shell to the framework.


23.  Congratulations. You have just constructed a boat out of aluminum foil. Refer to figure 7.







Figure 6. Boat with shell. (Brockmiller 9/24/09)


Figure 6. Boat with added shell. (Brockmiller 9/24/09)



Figure 7. Completed Boat. (Brockmiller 9/24/09)