Israel is going to get what she Deserves!
 - Satan

 Regarding the Jews:


The Jewish people have succeeded in deceiving the Gentile people into cursing
and blaspheming our True Creator God for centuries. The word "Satan" means
"enemy" and "adversary" in Hebrew. Everything in the Judeo/Christian Bible has
been stolen from Gentile Pagan religions predating Judaism from hundreds to
thousands of years. The Jews cannot create. They have forcibly and successfully removed occult/spiritual knowledge and power from the Gentiles using the
Christian Church as their primary tool.The Jews have always used Gentiles to
fight their wars for them, most being Gentile versus Gentile, as with the World
Wars, the Thirty Year was, etc. In the same way, the Jews have used the
Christians to destroy Pagan temples, spiritual libraries and mass murder their
own Gentile people, for the Jewish Christian program.

Christianity from its very inception was and is nothing more than a program. The agenda of this program is for the destruction of Aryan peoples [descended from
the God known as "Satan"] using occult powers, and for the eventual
enslavement of all remaining races with the top Jews in total control. The Jews
have been using black magick against the Gentiles who have been powerless to
fight back, for centuries. Spiritual knowledge has been forcefully and systematically removed from Aryan peoples by the "Inquisition" where Aryan priests and spiritual leaders such as the Druids and many others were tortured to death and murdered en masse. The White race suffered the most with the "witch trials" where entire villages were nearly wiped out in Europe, namely Germany.The Jews are very clever in getting control of their enemies.

The Jews promote

Claiming to be of the Devil

Claiming affiliation with the anti-christ

By appearing as though they are working to destroy Christianity

Claiming that the Talmud attacks the Nazarene and Virgin, when in truth,
the attacks are against Satan and the Gentile Gods

Claiming to be persecuted by Christians

Promoting the accusation that the Jews "murdered christ"

Promoting the idea that Christianity and communism are enemies of each
other. Once one is a Christian, one is under the psychic influence and control of the Jews, and the Jews know this. This establishes a powerful connection for the
Jews to take control of their enemies through curses and other psychic means,
as Christianity establishes a powerful subliminal connection that very few people
are aware of. The Jews will do anything and everything to appear to be enemies
of Christianity, as Christianity is their root of power. This is no different from
communism; how they openly claim that communism is "anti=Semitic," and that
communism persecutes Jews, when the Jews are the ones who are in control of
communism at all levels. This has worked in bringing many more unsuspecting
Gentiles into the Christian trap. On every single page of the Judeo/Christian
Bible, there are the words "Jew/s" and/or "Israel." From beginning to end, there is
the incessant glorification of Jewish patriarchs, and promotion of Jew/communist
ideals. The Jews already have total control of the Christian side fully. Gentiles
being under a powerful spell cannot see this, even though it is blatantly before
their very eyes.

Any Gentile who erroneously believes or even argues that the Jews are not a
race, needs a serious reality check. The Jewish reptilian genes are passed onto
Jewish offspring from a Jewish mother. Orthodox Jews only recognize Jews being
 born of a Jewish mother as legitimate Jews. We have heard of "half Jews"
"quarter Jews" "part Jews" but one does not state "I am a half Catholic" or how
about a quarter Lutheran, or maybe "part Muslim" "or that there is some
'Buddhist blood' in the family. Also, as George Lincoln Rockwell once stated
"You can draw a picture of a Jew, but you can't draw a picture of a Catholic or a

"The Jews add insult to injury. They have had our own people do destructive work
against our race for them. Christianity has been one of their biggest and most
lethal programs and tools to accomplish these ends. Look around you Christianity
is promoted at every turn. Trillions upon trillions of dollars, psychic energy, and
effort have gone into pushing this lie up on the public with no opposition
whatsoever. The truth has been vehemently suppressed and kept financially
broke. The only information available about "Satanism" must conform to Jewish
standards; i.e. the bible, the kabalah [which the Jews stole from the Egyptians
and desecrated and perverted], the qlippoth and the general teachings that Satan
 [our original Creator God and his Demons [the Old Gentile Gods] are
monstrous enemies of humanity. In truth, they are enemies of the Jewish people
and this is why the Jews have put forth every effort to keep us from them.

 By cutting us off from our Gods and removing all knowledge, especially
knowledge concerning the soul, the mind, and psychic power from the Gentiles,
the Jews have made us psychically defenseless for centuries and unless we
empower ourselves NOW, our imminent destruction is near.

Heinrich Himmler
knew this and along with Adolf Hitler and other Third Reich leaders.

worked relentlessly to eradicate the Jewish
program of Christianity from Germany

NEMESIS, SATAN!! "Satan" is the Hebrew word for "Enemy." Satan wants occult
knowledge and power back in the hands of the Gentiles. One can argue the
average Jew on the street is just as ignorant concerning this as are most
Gentiles; the truth is the Elders of Zion, the controlling Jewish families, and of
course the Hasidic ultra-orthodox Jewish religious movement know all about this
and keep it secret, even from most of their own people.