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Happy Haunting Happenings
My name is Bitsy Booin!

I have been selected to spook Silly Sarah.
Ever wonder why they call her Silly Sarah?
You ever think she may be silly?
Or maybe her name is Sarah?

Oh, I am so sorry, sometimes I get side tracked
and tend to go on & on & on about other things.
Now what was I talking about to begin with?
(tapping fingers)
(thinking more)
Anyone know?
Ohhhhhhh, yes, now I remember.
I was talking about Haunted Happenings!
Yes, yes, that was it!

Back to Haunted Happenings again.
Did I tell you my name was Bitsy Booin?
Happy to meet you!
Now who was I spooking again?
Ohhhhhhh, yes, now I remember.
It was that girl called Silly Sarah!
Does anyone know her?
I haven't had the pleasure of meeting her yet!
Sarah? Silly girl?
Are you out there?
(taps on computer screen)
Ohhhhhhhh, there you are!
I am Bitsy Booin!
I am going to spook you for the next 7 days.
Each day you will get a new page with fun things added it!

Did I ever tell you about the time we was out in the Hill Top Masion and my friend Sindney Snotts wanted to play Bedrails and Broomsticks? Ohhhhh, I didn't?
Well it was like this Sidney Snotts wanted to play Bedrails and Broomsticks and it was only her and I there and I was scared because you know it was like dark and everything in that big ole creepy mansion and no one has lived there for years and years and there are spider webs and dust bunnies every where, ohhhh but don't fear I am not scared of spider webs it is those dust bunnies I am afraid of! Have you ever like seen the teeth on those things? They could like bite you in half with those teeth. My Uncle William Warlock has teeth like that but I ain't scared of him he ain't never took a bite out of anyone other than my Aunt Willimina Witch and she deserved it if you ask me! She was all up in his face point and pushing him with her broom and he kept telling her to back up before he went and got his teeth. You know he keeps those teeth in a jar on his night stand because he had to have his real ones pulled a few years back and we are not suppose to talk about his teeth he keeps in the jar, because my mother says that it is rude to talk about old people but any who. They got to fighting and he finally went in the bedroom and got his teeth out of the jar and ohhhhhhh my he bit her and she screamed and dropped to the floor and he laughed and we laughed then we got in trouble and he didn't get in trouble. My mother sent us to our bedroom and my Uncle didn't have anything said to him. Now do you think that was fair? I don't and my sister Mitsy Booin, yea, she is my sister we have the same last name, yea, we have the same Father, although my mother says he is a good for nothing Warlock who don't pay child support. You know there was this girl in our school who got spider support out of this other boy in our class. It was one of them school projects where you are suppose to adopt a spider for 2 weeks and take care of it. You know you have a mommy and a daddy and you each take turns caring for the spider, well Mad Hatter and Paulie Punkin were teamed up together and Mad Hatter wouldn't help Paulie Punkin with the spider so she took him to the Ghouls & Teachers Association and they made that poor Hatter boy give his lunch money to Paulie Punkin for 2 weeks so she could take care of the spider. I guess he learned a lesson from that one. Don't take Haunting Econimics again.

Ohhhhhh, geesh there I go again, getting off track!
I am suppose to be talking about Hauting Happenings.
And I am spooking that Silly Sarah girl!
So like each day I will be adding a different link to things I have found of interest to us both.
All of the things will be yours to keep at the end of Haunting Happenings.

Okay, I have to go now I hear my Mother calling me.
It is time for dinner!
She made my favorite Snails and Salad!
See you tommorrow!

Days of the Week