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We’re weevily proud winners of the BAFTA KID'S VOTE and we couldn’t have done it without YOU! As a thank you to everybody for your support, here’s an exclusive wallpaper for you to collect! (code is BAFTA4BW2011) To pick up your free gift, enter the above code in the Mystery Code Machine in front of Lab’s Lab.


Binweevils is also a great game with puzzles, multiplayer game, single player games and even can even win compations. You can decorate your nest and if you play racing that is very fun at Dirt Vally you can even get gold trophy to put in your nest. Their is three race tracks; One race track is very easy and thats track one. (well i say that because ive got gold on track one, two and three but dont wory when u start if u arnt very good because pratise makes perfect!) Track twos a lot harder thats why you need to get a bronze in track one to be able to go onto tarck two. ( To get a bronze you need to get under 45 seconds. Silver 37 seconds and gold 30.) Once u get bronze on track two you go onto the hardist of all track three!!! As always you need to get under a certen time in this case 1.30 minutes to get bronze to get silver 1.15 and 1.00 for gold. (For track three it will take quite a long time to get good enough to get a bronze never mind a gold.) For bronze on track three you need to get 1.50 minutes or under 1.35 for silver and 1.20 for gold.


Moreover racing thiers lots of other things to do! ( ill give u a tip, if u buy plants for your garden you get mulch and xp from them! so more flowers means more mulch!!!) (Mulch is money on binweevils and lots of people say xp insted of expirence points.) In your nest youll start off with one room and a shelf aswell as a birth egg. (that tells people how long u been on binweevils.) If you want more things (that you will :) !!!) you need to get mulch. to get mulch thier five ways to get it. Number one you can get mulch by playing mini games like racing, number two if u harvest your plant you get mulch like i said ealyer, number three you can go too some places like castle game and when the spoons throw th mulch into the coldren, when it get full you get mulch, number four you can sell items that you dont need to get mulch and number five you can buy mulch.


If you want to get the most out of binweevils you can become a bin tycoon. With this you can buy specill items like cinamar items and get more rooms for your amazing nest. you also get acseess to tycoon island aswell as being able to train your bin-pet to juggle, sprint, spin, jump onto your weevily back and take him for walks. If that wasnt enough when you expand your garden to fit more plants in more plants means more mulch so why not. Alouth you need to pay for all the items with mulch its denfintly worth it. ( the only thing about tycoons need to pay a orice of real money.) But me and my freinds are tycoons and we think it worth the five pounds.


me and my freinds are high levels im level 41 and my freinds are around level 39 we have nine or ten rooms and have expanded our gardens to the max. Ive got all the rooms and i like training my binpet. ive got quite a good nest aswell as all my friends who are on it!