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Throat infection and throat pain

Many a times we get confused between sore throat and throat infection.  If we start with better insight in this direction ,then it would be easy to take control of the condition and cure it at the initial stage. Sore throat is the cause which eventually results into throat infection. And if you don’t start right at its onset then it gets worsened progressively.

Most common type of throat infection is pharyngitis, like many other types of inflammation it can be chronic or acute. Pharyngitis can result in very large tonsils which cause trouble in swallowing and breathing. Pharyngitis can be accompanied by a cough or fever, especially if caused by a systemic infection. Most of the acute cases are caused by viral infections which generally go on their own in 2-3 days and the other type which is affecting people is bacterial type. The symptoms can range from mild to severe. The sore throat associated with bacterial throat infection is usually described as starting rather suddenly, and the tonsils and the back of the throat may appear red and swollen. Swallowing is usually painful, and thus some individuals may have varying degrees of dehydration due to lack of adequate fluid intake. Over-the-counter cold medications may relieve cold and sore throat symptoms. However, the benefits of these drugs are minimal. Some cold medications include:

·         Pain relievers, such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen and naproxen, to relieve the aches and pains of a cold and sore throat. (Aspirinshould not be given to children because of its link to Reye's syndrome, a disorder that can cause brain damage and death.)

·         Decongestant nasal sprays to relieve a sore throat caused by postnasal drip -- nasal drainage that runs down your throat. (Be sure to stop using nasal decongestant sprays after three days, or you may have an increase in congestion when you stop them.)

There is a very useful product from Piramal for such acute condition called ‘Throatsil’ it is a liquid in spray dosage form it produces its action by targeting the site and delivering the drug.

Its 3 in 1 formula ( Benzocaine, Amylmetacresol, 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl alcohol) helps in relieving sore throat pain and also helps in fighting infection.

Throatsil  has :

Benzocaine – Acts on the nerve endings and relieves pain.

Amylmetacresol& 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl alcohol – Acts as antiseptic to fight infection and thus aid in quick improvements in the symptom.

            It gives fast relief in 2 simple steps:

1.     Spray inside mouth 2-3 times every 3-4 hours a day which should not exceed the limit i.e; not more than 16 sprays in 24 hrs.(For children of 12 yrs and older; use 1 spray every 4 hrs which means not more than 6 sprays in a day)

2.     Swallow so that the solution spreads to coat your throat and gives relief from unbearable pain that you experience while swallowing food and liquids.