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Is PhenQ the best diet pill in the UK? This question is often asked in forums by weight loss seekers. And why not? PhenQ diet pills are manufactured and sold exclusively by Bauer Nutrition, a British healthcare retailer. The company is responsible for a number of other weight loss products and is considered good. It has an excellent reputation and they support all their products with a 60-day money back guarantee. Bauer has an excellent reputation and is very confident that its products can deliver results.






It is possible that Bauer executives see PhenQ as their best diet pill. For one thing, PhenQ diet pills are manufactured and sold exclusively by Bauer Nutrition, a British healthcare retailer. The company is responsible for a number of other weight loss products and is considered good. It has an excellent reputation and they support all their products with a 60-day money back guarantee. Bauer has an excellent reputation and is very confident that its products can deliver results.




It is possible that Bauer executives see PhenQ as their best product. For one thing,  it is designed to offer the benefits of many weight loss supplements in a single dose and to allow people on a diet to eat and match a number of different supplements. But ideas that look good on paper often do not go beyond the theoretical stage.




Will Bauer's formulation be strong enough to meet the high expectations of customers? At the request of the general public, we have investigated more closely whether it is justified to entrust them with the "body they dream of" without needing Bauer's guaranteed assurance in their product.




PhenQ At a glance



Claims: Multiple benefits in weight loss, including fat burning, fat blocking and appetite suppression.



Positive: Excellent formula, excellent reputation and excellent customer feedback. 60-day money back guarantee and free shipping make this purchase attractive.



Negative: It is at the upper end of the price range, but is a premium product - the bulk option is of enormous value.








What is PhenQ and what are the announced benefits?



PhenQBauer's website says that their formulation can help banish fat by combining five different weight loss benefits into one pill.



PhenQ was developed to reduce weight loss by:




1. triggering the fat burning process



2. suppression of appetite



3. increase the energy level



4. improved mood



5. deliver a strong fat block.




But will their "new, unique slimming product" really deliver better results than the many other slimming pill options available? Let us see whether all this "top research" will bear fruit.




What is PhenQ?



The main ingredient is a RESET LACYS. It is an exclusive blend of cysteine and alpha-lipoic acid. It is a fairly new ingredient, but it is already making waves with promising results from early studies. Volunteers who received daily doses of a-LACYS RESET lost 3.44% of their body weight while increasing muscle mass by 3.8%. This suggests that the ingredient can provide safe weight loss for existing muscle tissue normally associated with low calorie dieting techniques.




Capsimax Powder is also an exclusive blend. It contains a mixture of pepper extract, vitamin B3 and black pepper. Capsicum is a natural appetite suppressant and some studies show that it can increase the metabolism by an amount that is sufficient for the body to burn calories 12 times faster than normal. Vitamin B3 can be useful to ensure that the energy does not run out because it helps the body convert food into energy. Black pepper is a natural fat burner, which also allows the absorption of other ingredients.




L-carnitine furmarate is an amino acid often found in nootropic mixtures because its presence has been shown to be effective in improving mood. Chromium picolinate is a long-established fat burner and caffeine is good for the energy supply. Caffeine is also a thermogenic fat burner and can help to lose weight by suppressing appetite. Calcium carbonate and Nopal are a useful combination, as both ingredients have the ability to block fat. Dietary fats contain many calories, so the use of any ingredient that can prevent these calories from being released can lead to credible weight loss results.




What former customers say about PhenQ



Read some customer comments:




"My love of food has always been my biggest disappointment and I could never say no to a sticky roll or an extra portion of French fries. PhenQ changed all that. I now eat much smaller portions and never eat between meals. “



Harmful side effects are most unlikely, but Bauer says that the formulation should not be used by certain user groups:




- Persons under 18 years



- People with health problems



- People who took heart, kidney  or cancer drugs



- Pregnant women



- Women who breastfeed a child




“Had trying new supplements every month for as long as I can remember and none of them worked. PhenQ was different. I could feel it from the beginning. My fat gradually disappeared and I soon added more holes to my belt. My three-week weighing showed that I had lost almost 15 pounds and I know that it was not through diet and exercise.”




Our final judgement



Does PhenQ offer the benefits of multiple weight loss supplements? Our assessment leads us to believe that this will be the case. The combination of ingredients used is easily able to support Bauer's claims, and customer feedback also suggests that the pills have the power to deliver results. The existence of such a long warranty gives us more confidence, so we are pleased to put our own reputation at stake by giving PhenQ our approval and adding it to our list of favorite products.




Where to buy PhenQ



All sales are made through the PhenQ website. A bottle of pills will last 30 days and will cost £45.95 / $69.95. Bulk storage is available and customers buying three bottles (£129.95 / $189.95) will get the best deal. The price per bottle is only £26 / $38 and is risk-free with free delivery.