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In recent years, the Belgians are interested more and more in trading binary options online.


This is because access to financial markets, long managed by professional traders. Today, all you need is a computer connected to the internet and a few euros on his bank card to invest in it.

Beware of scams of all kinds: The novice trader is exposed to several risks, some are inérants in trading as leverage but others are really the fact of conspiracy and say the crooks!

We often ask the question of what makes the Belgians enthusiasts online trading. The only logical answer is "leverage": it allows to increase its investment in 2, 5, 10 or even 100 times. The only risk is the possibility of losing the funds committed if the prediction is wrong. It is therefore necessary to be careful and know how to say "stop" when the losses become important.

Some platforms offer training, options and demos accounts to minimize the risk of loss.

However, they do not guarantee success during trading.

Just remember that financial markets are changing at any time and as professional traders who have several years of experience may fail.

The scam or falsehood of trend following binary option

To increase the chances of winning binary option, some traders invent trading methods  : the trend-following method and the Martingale is the best known. In recent years, these methods are used at online casino sites. Many testimonies confirmed that they are effective in the short term ... if you're lucky !! Generally, these methods lead to heavy losses. Avoid blindly adopt because they are more profitable for platforms .


When you find a site that boasts a method for binary options, he called trend following winning strategy, etc ... Miracle Method flee !! You have a good example here with

simple method

effective method

win easily

make lots of money

win fast (15 minutes) That alone !!!


So do not copy the miracle methods that promise to make big money in a short time. They are very active on internet sites which are strands with brokers they recommend.


The phenomenon of traders robots


A trading software or robot traders can treat the stock market news in real time. Its use allows to identify trends and decide to pass orders. With this type of software, binary options trading operations become easier and more accessible to novices. Today there are several programs that stand out for their functionality.


Some are especially designed for novices while others are intended for experienced traders wishing to automate their trades.


Again there are too many robots that promise windfall gains. The results of these robots are sisters exaggerated and false.

False testimonies sites binary options

To attract more and more victims to their platforms, some brokers create false testimony websites . They regularly publish articles on these sites to speak well on their platform.


These articles are then commented by robots or fictitious people who say that many of the most dubious platforms.

If you search on Google for queries like " make money "you will see these sites appear in the top positions: they tell the story of a girl or a guy who had financial problems and who discovered the method Trend following and now he or she earns € 300 a day on such binary option site. LIARS scam Those people do not exist. I put a picture above one of these sites.


So do not be surprised to read opposing views to reality on some blogs and forums.