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Batman: Vengeance


Unlimited electric Batarangs:
Press L1, R1, L2, R2 at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Hint: Plant Electrocution 2: "All Weapons" and "Unlimited Ammo" cheat:
You will start the Plant Electrocution 2 level by sliding down towards some holes in the ground. The second hole is not fatal. Fall into it and glide (to avoid minor damage). You will see a lit area. Glide down there and pick up the item you find inside. Use the grapnel to exit, jump out of the hole, and finish the slide. The item you picked up should be the key do the door right beside the vines behind the glass. Go inside and fight one of the "Plant Men". You will find an envelope that has a "C" on it in the room. When you finish the game, you can activate this cheat for all weapons and unlimited ammunition.

Normal Mode

Move / Cycle Gadgets: Left Analog Stick or Digital Pad

Punch: Square Button

Duck/Block: Circle Button

Action: Triangle Button

Jump/Glide: X Button

Bat Communicator: Select Button

Pause Game, Select Gadget, or Enter First Person Mode: R2

Reset Camera: R1

Flash Bombs: L1

Inventory: Start Button

First Person View

Move / Cycle Gadgets: Left Analog Stick or Digital Pad Aim Weapon: Right Analog Stick

Shoot Selected Gadget: Square or X Button

Duck with Weapon: Circle Button

Exit First Person View Mode: Triangle Button

Shoot Selected Gadget/Scope Zoom In: R1

Pause Game or Select Gadget: R2

Cycle Through Gadgets: L2

Scope Zoom Out: L1

Inventory: Start Button

Batcuffs (while behind or over enemies): Triangle Button

Cancel (inside menus): Triangle Button

Confirm (inside menus): X Button

Fighting Controls

Move: Left Analog Button

Punch: Square Button

Break Combat: Triangle Button

Block: Circle Button

Kick: X Button

Flash Bombs: L1

Activate Power Bombs: L2

Inventory: Start Button

Power Moves

When Batman's power meter is full to different degrees, you can execute power moves. Below is a guide to how full the meter must be, and how to execute the move.

The Hammer - 0 Points - Hold L2 and press the Square Button

The Clean Sweep - 20 Points - Hold L2 and press the X Button

Spin-Out - 40 Points - Hold the L2 button and press the Circle Button

The Take Down - 80 Points - Hold the L2 button and press the X Button, then the Circle Button.

Lights Out - 120 Points - Hold the L2 Button and press the Square Button, then the X Button.


A Girl To Die For - Part 1

After the cutscene, you will have control of Batman. Head down the ramp, which is located at the gap in the chain link fence. In the room at the end of the ramp, head left and go down the next ramp, and head towards the gap in the wall. In the area below there is steam, which will injure you if it touches you. Jump down to the first set of three crates. Now jump and glide across to the next set, and then the next box. Now, jump down (use your cape to slow your descent so that you won't be injured.) From where you landed, head left, then up the alleyway until you see a ladder on your right side (the game will tell you how to climb ladders, so this will be a good indication that you reached it.) At the top of the ladder, turn left and glide across to the next rooftop. Now turn and glide across to the rooftop to your right. Head upward till you reach the edge of this rooftop, and glide down. On the other side of a chain link fence will be a screaming woman and the bomb you saw in the cutscene. Move forward and open the gate in the fence (press the Triangle Button to open doors.) Move through the gate, and head towards the woman. There will be a cutscene, after which you will be carrying the woman. Run past the bomb (over the yellow striped area) and drop down. Head left and follow this path until you reach a sloped roof. At this point, another cutscene will take over, and Batman will slide down the roof on his own, with a massive explosion following him. After a cutscene of Batman setting the woman down on the ground, you'll see a sparkling yellow dot. This is a letter from the Joker (press Triangle to pick up objects when you see a sparkling spot.)

A Girl To Die For - Part 2

You will now see a cutscene of Batman and Batgirl, and you'll be in the Batcave. When you regain control of Batman, head right, down a short ramp, then head down a little bit and find the next ramp. Follow it up to the large steel doors. Open them, pass through, then open the next set of steel doors. You will now be in the Batcave's training room. Alfred will be explaining what to do here. First, you'll need to activate your Batgrapple (you can use the grapple when you see the flashing yellow Batgrapple symbol next to your health bar.) With your Batgrapple active, aim up at the yellow Batgrapple symbol on the bridge overhead. When your aiming crosshair turns red, fire the Batgrapple, and you will find yourself up on the platform. Move forward to pick up some Batcuffs. Now, turn to your left on the platform (I'm facing the wall, and now turning left.) Jump off and glide down to the platform below, which has a box of Batarangs on it. Now, jump and glide down to the ground level. Now, switch to your Batarangs, aim, and throw them at the red targets on the posts in the training room. Now, punch and kick the next post until it is destroyed. The next lesson is a lesson in stealth. Head into the other training room, by going through the door behind you. Now, head straight across the room to the other wall. Face the wall, and press the Triangle Button. Batman will lean up against the wall, and you can maneuver him by pressing left and right. Hold left until he walks all the way around the circle created by the beam, from the post. When you reach the wall with the blinking button on it, press the Triangle Button again to move away from the wall. Now, activate the switch, and the training will move on. We're now going to learn how to free fall, so head to the other training room. From the doorway, walk forward on the left side of the room until you find a small platform. Batman will automatically run out and jump off of the platform. While freefalling, use the left analog stick to move, the triangle button to speed up, and the square button to slow down. Your goal is to grab the item that is falling below you, before you hit the water. Once you grab the item, Batman will automatically shoot the Batgrapple and pull himself up. This will complete your training. There will now be a cutscene between Batman and Batgirl.

A Girl To Die For - Part 3

There will be a cutscene with The Joker and Harley Quinn. When you regain control of Batman, head forward and glide over to the next rooftop. Head to the right, and follow the rooftop around. Now, beat up the thug and handcuff him. Now, use the Batgrapple to pull yourself up to the next roof. Throw a Batarang at the thug here to knock the gun out of his hand, then beat him up and handcuff him. Now, move forward across the roof, and there will be large pipes with wire platforms on top. Jump out on the first one, then jump down between the pipes and glide down. There will be an item here. Pick it up, and locate the ladder on the wall. Climb up and now make your way across the pipes to the other side. Head up the ramp and towards the edge of the roof, and a cutscene will play out. Now, use the Batgrapple to cross over to the next roof. Beat up the thug here, and use the Batgrapple to head up to the next roof. Now, follow the metal walkway, glide over to the other metal walkway, and go through the door. Head down the hallway, and through the door on the left. Now, on this platform, use the Batgrapple to pass over to the other rooftop. Beat up the thug here, and head left towards the edge of the roof. Locate the break in the fence, stand here, and use the Batgrapple to cross over to the next roof. From where you land, turn around, and glide over to the platform slightly to the right and in front of you (it has walls on both sides, but is quite easy to glide to.) Now, turn around, and glide to the platform in front of you. From here, glide to the next platform in front of you. Now, run forward, jump off the edge of the roof, and glide towards the next rooftop, located directly in front of you. It's a tough glide, but Batman should grab the edge of the roof and pull himself up. From here, use the Batgrapple to reach the next rooftop. Head forward, then glide over to the left (you should see a platform with a ladder on it, glide over to that. If you miss just use the ladder to climb on up.) Now, walk forward, then turn and walk out onto the rainspout that's sticking off the building. Jump off and glide down towards the rooftop in front of you. This will be a VERY hard glide, as you barely make it, and Batman has to pull himself up to the ledge. Now head to the right, and when the Bat Communicator symbol begins to blink, press Select. Batman will talk to Batgirl. Afterwards, drop down and Batman will slide down the roof. As you near the edge of the roof, be sure to JUMP to the next rooftop, otherwise you will fall to your death. Batman will pull himself up onto the roof, and there will be a cutscene. You will have to fight a strong thug. Just throw a flash grenade (L1) and then handcuff the thug. That will end the fight very quickly. There will be a cutscene between Batman and Mary afterwards.

A Girl To Die For - Part 4

After the cutscene between Batman and Batgirl, you will be at the Gotham Bridge. Press select to talk to Batgirl, then disable the thug that is directly in front of you. Be sure to pick up the item box located next to where you entered the level. Head up the ladder, and drop down on the other side. Disable the two thugs here, and pick up the health box near the crane. Walk around the front of the truck, and locate the box of Batarangs. Notice that you can't just walk up and take them? Lean up against the truck, and slide along it to get the Batarangs and head into the next area. After the cutscene, disable the thug, pick up the handcuffs, and use the Batgrapple to pull yourself up to a platform on the bridge. Now just follow these platforms and ladders until you pass through a doorway. After the cutscene, use the Batgrapple to get up to the top of the bridge. Now you will have to fight The Joker.

A Girl To Die For - Boss Battle - The Joker

The Joker is riding around the bridge on a wrecking ball, and will try to smack you with it. Your goal here is to lure him into slamming into the metal support beams. While he's stunned from hitting the beam, use your Batarangs to smack him senseless. In this area there is a Heath Item and a Batarang Item that will come back infinitely, so don't worry about running out of health or Batarangs. The quickest strategy is just to stand by a pole. When you hear the Joker speaking, run away from the pole, turn around, and take aim in 3rd person mode. When the Joker talks, it means he has already taken aim, and will always hit where you were standing. After hitting The Joker nine or ten times with the Batarangs, there will be a cutscene and Batman will have to freefall to save Toby. After the next cutscene, you will have to fight the Joker in Hand to Hand Combat. He's not too hard to defeat, especially if you use your power move, The Hammer (L2 + Square). You can use The Hammer as soon as your power move bar begins to flash. If he pins you to the ground, you need to wiggle the left analog stick left and right really fast and really hard. After the cutscene, you will need to freefall to save Harley Quinn. As soon as the freefall starts, you need to move downward to avoid a beam that's right in front of where you start. After that just power dive and grab her, and Batman will pull himself up. There will now be a few cutscenes. Congratulations, you have now finished the mission, "A Girl To Die For."

In Cold Blood - Part 1

After the cutscene, which describes a new drug called Promethuim, you will be in control of Batman. Apparently Mr. Freeze has taken the man who invented Promethium hostage. Time to save him. Head forward until you reach a door covered by a huge chunk of ice. To the right of this will be a guard, trapped in ice. You need to save these guards, so punch and kick the block of ice until it cracks, freeing the guard. Now, head back to the door, and punch and kick the ice until it cracks. Head through the doorway, and glide down to the floor below. There will be another guard trapped in ice in front of you. Free him, and head right. Defeat the henchwoman and handcuff her. Now, break the ice that is blocking the doorway. Head to the top of the stairs, and break the ice, which is blocking your path. Search this room to find two item boxes, then exit through the door near the desk. Defeat the henchwoman here, and free the guard that is trapped in the ice. Pick up the item box here, then head out the door on the back wall. Head through the next door in front of you, and defeat the henchwoman to your right. Walk around the large glass pipe, and glide to the lower ledge on the pipe next to it (the next pipe is directly in front of you, from where you landed.) Head across the walkway to your right, and defeat the henchwoman here. Climb up the ladder to the next level of the pipe. Head around the pipe, and glide over to the next platform. It will be a pretty tough glide, since Batman can't reach it, and will have to pull himself up. Walk around this pipe, and climb up the ladder. Walk around this pipe, defeat the henchwoman, and cross the bridge. Head up the ladder, pick up the health item near it, and head across the bridge. Free the frozen security guard, and pick up Storage Area Key 1, which lands near him. Now, head to the middle of the bridge you just crossed. Turn around until you see a large, open doorway. Glide down to the ledge. Proceed forward, and Batman will use the Storage Area Key.

In Cold Blood - Part 2

From this doorway, head left, and up the ladder. Follow the walkway, and then jump on one of the moving platforms. When you're over the area with all the crates, glide down, pick up the Batarang Box, and head up the ramp. Free the guard here to receive Storage Area Key 2. Drop down to the lower level, and head to the left. There are two of Mr. Freeze's henchwomen here. Head around the right side of the large pile of ice, located in the middle of the room. Next, head behind the massive computer to free another guard. Next, run up the big pile of ice and jump onto the platform that's stuck in the middle of it. Walk up to the door at the end, and Batman will use the Storage Area Key 2, and pass through the door. After the cutscene with Mr. Freeze, there will be three henchwomen after you. Defeat them, and head up the large set of stairs in the back of the room. After the cutscene, you will notice that Mr. Freeze has frozen you to the ground. Wiggle your left analog stick left and right really fast to break free. Now, head through the large door in front of you for another cutscene.