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Search Engine Optimization And Marketing

Database driven sites and search engine optimisation

Engine keyword optimization search selection
In (read out as well Lee Seo Jung) days, much of the istes a built are database driven. (read out as well Optimization Search Engine ) the evolution ofthese database driven sites a niche market in behalf of database internet marketingprofessionals has evolved. That mmeans fact that your site is actually an application which retrieves data from a database managementsystem, parses the data and shows the result to the user. 18 monhths ago I was a person looking in behalf of a SEOprofessional in behalf of a database driven site I owned. Many professionals told me fact that it was impossible be in place.

My results show a different story, 6 months later my newdatabase driven site is now ranking exceptionally all right in behalf of its keywords (at a rate of the great ofSERP’s in behalf of over 75 keywords). These splash pages should have titles, h1 tags,content and inbound links relevant to the database result the page is linking to. The key to look about engine optimizing a database driven site is in building splashpages which link into the database. For example if linking to a page at a guess accommodation the splash page should haveaccommodation in the title, h1 tag, anchor text of links and in the satisfactory of the page. (read out as well Lee Seo Jung ) this splash page should link into the database results with the anchortext ‘accommodation’.

This way both the splash page and the results page are listed in Google, MSN and Yahoo. It is a solid way of getting keywords into the URL of the pageand is as well sincere friendly as with all right. The mod rewrite code is also a solid way of making database results any more friendly to the look about engines. A little time spent in implementing this code canresult in improved look about engine results. I tested this on two of my sites, 1 with thecode and all alone without.

The results. (read out as well Lee Seo Jung ) (read out as well Lee Seo Jung) ended way up getting the database resultspage indexed and page ranked but then the mod rewrite site got there quicker. Both (read out as well Lee Seo Jung) ended way up getting the database resultspage indexed and page ranked but then the mod rewrite site got there quicker.
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