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5 Things to Avoid After Atlanta Rhinoplasty

After you get an Atlanta rhinoplasty, you have to take things easy and devote sufficient time to your recovery in order to avoid jeopardizing your health.  This involves getting a lot of rest and down-time, of course, and simply taking things slow for a while.  But besides that, you also need to do a lot of active evasion of things that could put your nose in harm’s way.  Below are five of the activities you should look out for while recovering from a rhinoplasty.

1. Exercise – this is pretty much common sense, but it never hurts to point it out just for certainty.  This means you should lay off all forms of exercise if possible: note that even some exercises or routines you can do lying down or sitting down may involve you pulling your face every now and then, which often causes you to pull at the skin around the nose.  This can obviously affect healing adversely.

2. Tough fare at the table – as with the former activity, it is the face-pulling that actually causes problems here.  What you have to do is ensure that whatever you eat is soft enough that it requires a minimum of chewing.  The chewier a food is, the worse it is for your rhinoplasty recovery. 

3. Swimming – this is pretty much obvious as well.  The water from the pool could well contaminate or interact with your surgical wounds and hamper their healing, so you do not want to get your nose wet for quite a while.  Ask your doctor for tips on how to shower or bathe safely after a nose job and when you can go ahead and actually wet your nose already, so to speak.

4. Smoking – this is one of the main things to avoid after a nose job.  The smoke from a cigarette is composed of tiny particulates of ash that could contaminate wounds, so you should not let it come in contact with your nose until your nose heals completely. 

5. Exposure to the sun – we all know exposure to the sun is responsible for a lot of the aging issues people have with their skin.  It can also negatively affect those who have just had a rhinoplasty by discoloring the skin on their face.