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Indoor Gardening Tips

Almost every indoor gardener thinks that watering is the key to success with growing any indoor plant, but it's not. Many gardeners make the mistake of not learning more about their plants or the environment they are growing them in. They many times, end up over watering them.

Every plant has its own watering needs, to make sure that you water your plants correctly always make sure you follow this simple rule: never let your plants be too dry and never let them get too wet.

If you're using water from the tap, always make sure that its room temperature and if possible let the water sit overnight to ensure that the chlorine has time to dissipate because, chlorine in heavy doses can also kill plants as well.

Proper Drainage

Before purchasing pots or containers, make sure that you inspect the bottom of those containers to verify that they have holes in the bottom for proper drainage. Containers that don't have proper drainage can cause the water to pool up in the container, over-watering the plant or overfeeding it with organic nutrients and ultimately killing them.

Bath Time

Like anything else on earth plants also get dirty especially indoor plants which can get dirty with dust and grime from inside the house. To keep this from happening make sure that you keep a spray bottle of water handy and spray your plants occasionally to ensure that they stay nice and clean.


Like plants that are grown outdoors, indoor plants need air circulation too. To keep the air circulating inside your growing environment purchase a fan or a window mounted air conditioner.

Proper Records

To grow plants successfully indoors you should always keep records of your plants vital information, this includes the date that you purchased the plant, species, dates when you're supposed to fertilize it, and when you should re-pot it.