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35 Tools That Every Aspiring Writer Should Know Of

An aspiring writer is someone who aims to write. This kind of person is an amateur in the writing business. Somebody who has few or no experience at all in this field of work.
Starting to write with no prior experience is a truly difficult and exhausting task. The lack of experience, developing a unique style, grammar mistakes, being stuck at any given point in your work; these are the main problems an aspiring writer will face at the start of this long but rewarding journey. An aspiring writer is an individual who faces many unsolvable challenges. That is when he can turn to his old friend, namely the internet. There are lots and lots of websites which help the aspiring writer to overcome his difficulties.

  1. Summary Maker
    There are many times when a writer has no time to read a full document. This program summarises any document in seconds.
  2. Text Summarization
    Input the link of the page you want to summarise or, simply just copy and paste the text that needs summarization.
  3. Splitbrain
    Summarise any document or web page. Feel free to choose the optimal summarization ratio.
  4. Tools4Noobs
    Summarise any text you want. Set the threshold for the word number in your summarization.
  5. Summary Generator
    Very simple and problem-free. Just copy and paste the text you want to summarise.
  6. Autosummarizer
    Basic, free online text summarizer. Summarise any text in a matter of seconds.
  7. Intellexer
    This program is a proper semantic solution. It analyses the document, extracts the main ideas and makes a small summary.
  8. Resoomer
    Summarise any English or French text online with 1 mouse click.
  9. Summarizing
    Summarise any text in a matter of seconds. Set the exact length of your summary.
  10. Text Compactor
    Type or paste any text into this free online summarizer. Adjust the desired summarization ratio with the slider.
  11. Think with Google
    Keep yourself up to date with information from any industry you are interested in.
  12. Trello
    A very great program to store and organise all the information from your projects.
  13. Pocket
    You find any content that seems interesting, but you don’t have time to read it. Put it in your virtual pocket and return to it later.
  14. Google Trend
    This site keeps you up to date with the trending topics of mass media.
  15. Grammarly
    One of the best grammar checkers ever.100% precise and accurate grammar corrections.
  16. Hemingwayapp
    A great proofreading program that outlines even the slightest mistake. This program gives
    a readability score for your texts.
  17. 750 Words
    A great way to practice and develop your writing skills. A fun and intuitive program that gives points and cool statistics for your work.
  18. Twords
    A unique web app that reminds lazy aspiring writers to work. Twords helps you to write on a consistent basis.
  19. Help Me Write
    Hesitating about the topic of your next text? Ask your readers on every social media platform what they want to hear about.
  20. Hubspot
    A very great program that turns your ideas into readable texts.
  21. oTranscribe
    A free website that transcribes any audio file you want.
  22. Coffitivity
    You are ready to work, but you don’t have any musical inspiration. This site will solve that problem for you.

  23. E.ggtimer
    A great, free time management app. E.ggtimer sets you up to work intervals followed by short breaks. It helps you remain productive and inspired at the same time.
  24. Tomato-Timer
    This app uses the Pomodoro technique. Tomato-Timer sets you up 25-minute work intervals followed by short(5 minutes) or long breaks(10 minutes).
  25. Power Thesaurus
    Are you using the same word too many times? Just type in a word and this website will provide you with great synonyms.
  26. OneLook Thesaurus
    This website converts a group of words into 1 relevant synonym.
  27. Prompts
    Are you stuck at any given point with your writing? This IOS app will give you suggestions on what to write next.
  28. Pro Writing Aid
    This tool will check your text for any overused words or plagiarism.
  29. The Most Dangerous Writing App
    This a very unique and cruel app. This app sets you up writing sessions when you have to write consistently. If you stop for 3 seconds; everything you have previously written will be deleted by this evil program.
  30. Stayfocusd
    Spending too much time on social media, instead of working? This browser extension will limit the time you can spend on certain websites.
  31. UK-US Spelling
    Are you having any problems differentiating British and American spelling? Check out any world from this list!
  32. Wordcounter
    This tool ranks the most overused words in your text.
  33. Alchemy Language
    This tool extracts every keyword and main idea from any text.
  34. Read-O-Meter
    Copy and paste your text and this tool will give you an estimate reading time.
  35. Portent
    Dealing with lack of inspiration? Insert the main idea of your writing and this website will provide you with a wide selection of titles and reading material.