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The Seeking

In this section you are asked to give as much information the birth family as you know. If you are not a member of the direct family just do the best you can.

Your full name Relationship to lost Your email

Birth Mother's Information

First name Last name Name at time of giving birth Age State of birth Date of Birth State of Residents Currant email Race (white/black/asian/mexican...)

Birth Father's Information

First name Last name Age State of Birth Date of Birth State of Residents Currant email Race (white/black/asian/mexican...)

If you wish to keep any information private from the public, please see the "contact us" page. There you will find a phone number, mailing and email addresses. When submitting a written request for privacy please remember that the Registery will make a special post in a section named "private info. search". We will not post your name or anything about you. The only information that will be placed on this page will be the lost's name at birth and if known the adopted name. this is very important so that the lost will know someone from their birth family is seeking them. They will be instructed to contact the Registry. When private contacts have been made by all parties then the Registry will inform all interested parties.