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موقع عمار الهيتي

My Trip to Monster Island

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هذا الموقع الخاص بعمار الهيتي يبين فيه تراث مدينة هيت الاثرية ومدى عمقها التاريخي على مستوى العالم العربي والاسلامي.


Although Monster Island is a real place, the proprietors do not want the location to become too well known, fearing that twould then be overrun by the greatest monster of all: man. So my trip there was planned in secret and I had to remain blindfolded during my flight.

But it was all worth it, Monster Island was the best vacation I've ever had. Being able to walk up to a 20 foot high bug was just about the coolest thing in the world. I thought the giant ape and other "Monsters" on the island would be in cages, or inaccessible, but tare quite friendly and accessible.

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