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I am watching u studying Korean on through the skype screen at the moment, I see u being so stressed out and frustrated, I felt my heart aching. Those books are evil!! How much I wish my arm and hand can reach across the webcam, then I can stroke ur fringe back and touch ur slightly messy soft brown hair. How much I wanna hug u tighly in my arms and provide u warmth, giving ur head a shoulder to lend up on and close ur eyes while listening to my heart beat. Do u hear it? This heart beats for u and it will always be near when every u need it. Do u know I hate to see u frown? Everytime I see u frown, I wanna sooth ur forehead again and take ur worries away.

I love you,

Ada L

P.S. I actually think the word "I love you" have already been said and used by movies, dramas and other people for so many times, it lost its magic when expressing it is in the form of speaking and writing. I am starting to believe, the best way to show ur love is by actions.

me and Lala