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The Best Tips To Get You Through The College Years

College can be fun, despite all the work. The piece that follows offers great advice for navigating the college years and succeeding. Heed these recommendations carefully, because your choices will have substantial consequences.

Reach out to at least a couple peers per course. While it may seem strange, it's worth it. This allows all of you to be able to exchange notes with each other in case one of you has to miss class. This could also help you find someone to study with when you're not in class.

Do not depend on notes that others have taken. You do not know if they take good notes or not! It may be that you won't understand the person's shorthand, or they may not have written the information correctly.

Choose a school that you feel comfortable with attending. Worry about the financial side of things after you choose. Cost alone should not keep you from attending the college of your choice. There are many different ways to get the money for college, so choose one that suits you.

Consider whether attending college immediately after high school graduation is right for you. Some students actually benefit from a year off between high school and college. There is nothing wrong with that. Be thorough in your thinking prior to making either decision.

Try to eat on campus as a cost-cutting method. Eating all the time at restaurants or fast food places can really start to cost you financially and physically. Student meal plans are great, if a bit mundane. Use the money you would spend on junk food to buy gourmet but healthy snacks instead.

Look online before you buy any books from your campus bookstore. The web can be a great resource to save loads of money on books for college. You can find both new and used books available online.

You should get your money that you get back from your loans and grants deposited into your bank account instead of a prepaid card. Prepaid cards have large withdrawal charges and won't let you withdraw more than a certain amount daily. You will keep all of your money if you choose direct deposit.

In order to save money, consider going to community college first. You will be able to get a associates and then go to university if you want to. Doing this allows you to avoid the loans you might otherwise have had to take.

Keep your partying to a minimum on the evenings before a big exam. It is important that you are not groggy so that you can do well on your test. It's important that you're as prepared as possible for your exams so you can make the best possible grade, and if you aren't properly rested, your grade will be negatively impacted.

Sleep is vital when you enter college for a variety of reasons. College students who burn the candle at both ends often end up needing to repeat courses. If you plan ahead, you will be more likely to enjoy success.

Many freshman will have feelings of homesickness when they start college. But, these feelings should not distract you from school work You get used to college over time and begin to enjoy it more.

Hold off on getting credit cards until after college. Credit cards offered to college students have high rates, and temptation to abuse it can be strong when you don't have a lot of spending cash. Pay off your expenses with the money that you have to stay safe.

Always be cautious of the dangers of plagerism. This represents a serious matter that can result in expulsion for those who run afoul of the rules. Be certain to credit the author of any information you use when writing a paper.

Get involved in extra-curricular activities. There are many choices when it comes to groups including sororities and fraternities. Participate! You can meet new friends, make good impressions, and keep from getting home sick. Be sure that you do not commit to too many activities or groups. Your classes are most important.

Don't underestimate the importance of having fun in college. You shouldn't party every night, of course. Use the weekends to have fun.

Do not get a job during the first semester of your college. Use that semester to adjust to the schedule and learn what will work the best in terms of class scheduling and free time. If and when you decide to obtain a job, only work part-time.

Don't be late for your classes! You have to know when you must be in class and how long it will take to get there. Many professors don't like it when students come to class late. Don't get on his or her bad side.

If you're having a hard time in a class, don't think you're going to just snap out of it. Get help! Tutors are available all of the time, so take advantage of this opportunity.

Team up with other students to study. It can be very helpful to study in groups, particularly when you are preparing for a big exam. You will be able to teach others, and they can teach you. Teaching another student will help ensure that your knowledge is secure and ready for the big test.

College is a mix of hard work and fun, so keep this in mind. Stay focused, and you should come out on top in the end.



מי גולש בפורום פסיכומטרי?


5 פעמים בשנה, ב-5 מועדים שונים, נערכת ברחבי הארץ בחינה פסיכומטרית. ציוני הבחינה מחושבים ע"פ נוסחה סודית ומיוחדת שרק יחידי סגולה מכירים אותה. אגדה אורבנית מספרת שלמעשה אף אדם חי לא מחזיק בידיו את נוסחת החישוב במלואה והיא מפוזרת אצל כמה מומחי פסיכומטרי שכל אחד מהם גר במדינה אחרת ומוחזק בצינוק. בכל מקרה, בשל המצב המורכב הזה, לוקח זמן לחשב את הציון.

המרכז הארצי בדרך כלל מפרסם את הציונים של הבחינה כחודש אחריה. הציונים מתפרסמים באתר של המרכז ונשלחים במייל לנבחנים. היום של פרסום ציוני פסיכומטרי מתאפיין בתכונה רבה סביב אתר האינטרנט – כולם לחוצים לדעת כמה הם קיבלו ולרוב האתר קורס כתוצאה מעומס יתר. בעוד שבימים של פרסום הציונים מגיעים המון לגולשים לאתר של מרכז הארצי, בימים כתיקונם כמעט ולא מגיעים לשם גולשים. לעומת זאת, בימים שמיד אחרי מבחן פסיכומטרי הפופולריות של פורומים פסיכומטרים עולה מאוד. כל אותם נבחנים לחוצים, שלא מסוגלים "לשחרר" אחרי הבחינה רצים לאינטרנט ומשתפים זה את זה בשאלות שהם זוכרים, בהשוואה בין נוסחים שונים, ובפתרון משתף של שאלות. המשפט הכי נפוץ שתמצאו בכל פורום פסיכומטרי בימים כאלו הוא "זה בטח היה הפיילוט" – כולם מנסים לנחש ולהבין אילו שני פרקים מתוך ה-8 שהם פתרון לא ייכללו בחישוב הציון. במועדים האחרונים. מדובר בניסיון חסר תכלית, מאחר שזה כבר לא יעזור לאף אחד מהם. "חכמת בדיעבד" היא מפלטם של הטיפשים, אך נדמה שמספר גדל והולך של נבחנים לא מצליחים להימנע מההרגל המגונה הזה. הרבה פעמים גולשים בפורומים האלו גם מתחזים שכותבים שאלות ש"כאילו" הופיעו בבחינה ולמעשה כל מטרתם היא להטעות את הנבחנים ולזרוע פחד ובהלה. וכך יכולה להפרסם בפורום שאלה פסיכומטרית כזאת: 2 תפוזים מתגלגלים במורד גבעה בקצב של 2 מטרים בשניה, כמה זמן ייקח לאחד מהם להגיע לארגז שמונח בתחתית אם ידוע שגובה הגבעה 75 מטרים, השיפוע שלה הוא 30 מעלות, ומ-5 תפוזים אפשר להפיק חצי ליטר מיץ?

אז אל דאגה, אין כאלו שאלות במבחן פסיכומטרי – זה הרבה יותר קל בדרך כלל. אז שיהיה בהצלחה.


History of Evaluation tests in the 20th century



In 1916, an American researcher named Lewis Terman, who worked at Stanford University, developed an intelligence psychometric test called "Stanford - Binet IQ test". It was based on the methods developed by the French scientist Alfred Binet, with some adaptations. The new test included four main parts: verbal reasoning, quantitative skills, visual and abstract reason and short-term memory. The I.Q ​​test that are most commonly used these days  were developed in 1939 by David Wechsler, who believed that Stanford-Binet test put too much emphasis on the verbal section. He added parts of non-verbal intelligence to the exam. Alongside verbal tasks, questions of knowledge, arithmetic, vocabulary understanding and remembering numbers, Wechsler included performance tasks such as completing and arranging photos, arranging blocks, puzzles, mazes and more.



During the first half of the 20th century psychometric tests gained popularity and began to serve a variety of purposes, one of which was screening candidates for the army and particularly for command positions. In 1917, a researcher named Arthur Otis, who was a student of Binet and Terman, suggested to optimize the tests by applying a method of multiple-choice questions. This structure was accepted and is now used fully or partially in many types of evaluation tests around the world.



It is widely agreed that in order to be considered reliable, psychometric tests must meet several criteria:



Standardization - evaluation tests are based on a uniform scale, reflecting the ability of the examinee in relation to other examinees, using a standard scale.



Validity - valid psychometric test is such that reflects well the capabilities of the candidate according to his or her age. Since there is no consensus among researchers what exactly the capabilities that need to be measured, and since each psychometric test has different purposes, the measured abilities vary from one test to another. Thus, the "validity" refers to the ability of a specific psychometric test to reflect the specific abilities it was designed to measure. For example, the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation in Israel uses psychometric tests which examine verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and English, and does not measure other abilities, from the idea that these are the major abilities to check for screen candidates for academic studies.



Objectivity - questions and tasks do not discriminate on the basis of some of the participants social, cultural, or personality, and give equal opportunity to all examinees. In addition, evaluation of the psychometric test cannot be influenced by the examiner's subjective considerations.



Consistency - the intelligence of a person is considered to be consistent and stable, so the test results should be consistent. I.e. – the time or version of the test should not affect the score. If the same person is examined twice, the test result should be close to one another.