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How to Crowd Source For a Restaurant Business

Crowd sourcing is the act of funding a business using the internet. A good explanation of what crowd sourcing is can be like this. Traditionally, when a neighbour got sick, people would gather and fundraise for his hospital bills. Then after a while the money would be enough to ensure that he receives the best treatment possible. This is how crowd sourcing works where a person with an idea posts it in a website and people from the rest of the world are able to fund him. There are a number of crowdsourcing websites with the most common of them being kick-starter and indiegogo. While some people are usually financed to the full, other people end up with no investors at all. This article will explain some of the ways in which you can find your restaurant financing using crowd sourcing.

Make a good description

The first thing that you need to do is to come up with a good presentation/description of the project. this is because no one in  his right sense will be willing to fund a project he is not able to see the right description. So, it is important to use all types of descriptions such as text, images and even videos to explain your point.

Spread your idea

It is usually very important to make sure that your project is made popular in the social media. For instance, you can post the link to social media websites such as: facebook, Linkedin, twitter and pinterest among other sites. This will create a buzz in your project and make the crowd sourcing platforms be in a position to put it in the front page which will increase the chances of being funded. For your restaurant business, you need to come up with a title that is interesting.