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Doggy Do’s and Don’ts


For some people, training their dog seems like an impossible task. This is especially true for a dog that is constantly uncooperative and unresponsive. There are; however, important things to remember when trying to teach a dog. There is some truth to the saying: “you can’t teach old dog new tricks”. Like humans, dogs learn best at an early stage. While puppies may be cute and cuddly, extra efforts should be made to ensure that bad habits are slowly eliminated.


Not Such a Far-Fetched Idea


A proper mindset must always be maintained. An individual must remember that a puppy is just like any human person when growing up. They must be properly nourished; not just with food, but with love and affection. In this way, they will always have the right disposition and the strength to be trained well in observing household etiquette. Individuals should take an active role in teaching by combining methods of learning such as consistency and even a reward system. 


Maintenance of Man’s Best Friend


The process of training a dog is not an easy task and it will take a lot of patience. There will be failures along the way; but this is all part of learning; they are dogs after all. Whatever a dog responds to is a good place to start. It may even be interesting to find out what a dog will be capable of doing when given the right motivation. It should suffice to know that all these efforts would not have been in vain. Training is just the start of friendship that could last for many years.   

agility dog training