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Let my blog post help you identify the symptoms of (ADD) Attention Deficit Disorder Symptoms

Children with ADD Condition..

Children with the ADD condition requires an extra mile of love and understanding. And the more we know about ADD the more we could relate to them and know their struggles, whether in school, peers, ofcourse at home. Parents are mostly concern on how their children will perform outdoors meaning in schools, with other people that are not aware of their condition. Because as we all know some kids can be harsh of their playmates, when they see something different from them making jokes about them and bullying them and it really affects children with ADD growing up struggling on how to fit in and make people inform and understand their condition. 

You may all know that excessive talking or having trouble in playing any leisure activities are the most common ones. Together with Impulsivity where they tend to blurt out answers way before the question is done tempting in a conversation. Most ADD patients struggles on waiting for their turn like falling in line, numbered counters etc.  

Attention deficit disorder symptoms can show a number of different ways and no two people whether for adults or children will present with the same symptoms of ADD. In addition to that theres a possibility that a person could present himself

being passive while another person will completely be the opposite meaning he/she could be inattentive and cant be controlled and definitely some aggressive hyperactivity. Further signs for some kids with ADD or ADHD include difficulty in sustaining attention in certain task or assignments, not able to listen when directly spoken and some noticeably careless mistakes. 

 Being informed and having enough knowledge of people with ADD condition is a must...

Another sensitive raised question is What do bright students with innattentive ADD (ADHD) look like ? Children of above average intelligence, with few hyperactive/impulsive symptoms, typically pose no behavior problems in the classroom and often work hard to hide their ADD (ADHD)  struggles - especially if they are female. These children often do well in elementary school, where their intelligence more than compensates for the challenges posed by ADD. For some of these bright students, their unraveling begins in middle school when the demands for productivity, independence, and organization increase dramatically. This is a time when there is a sharply increased demand on the "executive functions" of  the brain. Because most research on ADD (ADHD) has been conducted on elementary school aged children, we have not paid adequate attention to executive function problems associated with ADD (ADHD). The possibility of ADD (ADHD) should not be rejected because your child is currently doing well academically. Even when academic performance is high, the hidden cost of ADD (ADHD) may be taking a toll. 

The child faces difficulty in maintaining attention in studies and play activities. They commit careless mistakes while doing their homework. Children often avoid schoolwork and homework Children suffering from ADD easily lose things like books, pencils and other tools.Children find it difficult to organize daily tasks and activities They often tend to forget one task very soon and bounce to the next task. This keeps on repeating and it becomes troublesome for the teachers and parents. 

For more information about the topic at hand, please visit ADD Symptoms.