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This project requires 4 students.

Hurry, there's no time to lose!!!

The year is 2020. Backwards time travel has just been invented, and during the celebrations, someone from the even more distant future has returned to your year to tell you that...

  • Ruffians from the future have traveled back to the past to prevent Abraham Lincoln from ever being elected president!!! These future-antagonists, with the help of their uncanny "Internet research" have given the Democratic Party's Stephen A. Douglas an unfair advantage, which, if left unchecked, could make him victorious!!!
  • Your visitors from the future urgently insist that you and three of your friends must go back in time to April 1860 and serve as Mr. Lincoln's campaign managers, countering evil-future-peoples internet research with some of your own, giving Mr. Lincoln the victory he urgently needs!!!

Task #1

Relevant Standards:
8.3.12.A: Evaluate the role groups and individuals from the U.S. played in the social, political, cultural, and economic development of the world.
8.3.12.D: Evaluate how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations in the U.S. have influenced the growth and development of the world.
  Ethnicity and race
  Working conditions
  Military conflict 
  Economic stability