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Mello Mic Productions is continuously auditioning singers and musicians. We are, of course, looking for talent and skill, but, trainability, adaptability, personality and ability to work well with other members of the performance troop are highly valued, as well. Often, we perform under the name “Mello Mike and Friends” and this means exactly what it says. Without a friendly, professional relationship the most important “harmony” we can create is, sadly, missing. The members of our troop who have been with us for awhile socialize with and support the projects of their fellow members. This builds a team effort and has resulted in a number of long term friendships. Prima Donnas, male, as well as female, tend to not last long in this troop. Auditions can be done at our rehearsal location or at one of our karaoke shows. Initially, I will access your basic vocal quality and capabilities. Later, we will determine your harmonizing skills so we may determine what types of music you are best suited for in our multiple genre formats. Then, I will assign you into singing groups where your abilities will be best suited. This process is vital to achieving the wide variety of “sounds” necessary to make our shows the quality presentations that will insure the popularity and profitability of our performance troop.

Please send an email to with the following information:

Rather have a paper copy of the audition material?