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[]Protoss Strategy[]

Alrighty..Nova, yeah I'm a newb compared to you. Or rising. But still. It'd be nice for a
section on diff race strategies. I prefer Protoss.

First off. If you happen to buy the StarCraft battle pack, do 1 thing: Burn the books, if you dont:
ignore all the crap the "official strategy guides" tell ya, as pretty much none of it can be put
to use on Bnet. I happen to like Multiplayer. Once you get even remotely decent at it, single player is
a pushover.

There's 6 main Protoss strategies, everything else is a variant.

1) Zealot Rush. First offensive unit on the tech tree. 3 of em can easily wipe a squad of
marines or zerglings. Early game anyhow.
2) Dark Templar Rush. Naturally cloaked. Big swords. 'Nuff said.
3) Cannon Rush. It's an acquired skill. I don't have it yet :(
4) Reaver Drop. Same principle as a cannon rush, cept for early-midgame.
5) Carriers! Supplement em with various units.
6) Dragoon Rush.

Zealots are the basic Protoss ground units. They cost 1ooM apiece,
and have a Supply req of 2, but its worth it. So start off.
Assuming your playing in a BGH style map,
set your 4 Probes to work. Slot at Least 3 more probes.
When you get 7, send one out to build a pylon. Place it nice.
I usually put it 3-4 block lengths in front of the nexus.
If your going to put them near the entrance, leave room to cluster
other pylons in diff formations.

Soon as 1 pylon is being warped, make sure you have least 3-4
more probes coming. Soon as the pylon clears, build a Gateway
In front and to the side of the 1st pylon. Add more pylons as cash
allows. Gateways are the priority, but you should have at least
58 Psi by the time ya start pumping zealots. Start producing them
soon as the 1st gateway clears. Add 3-5 more when you can, and
add probes alternating with gateways. If you have a sizable army
you might want to consider adding an Assimilator then a Forge, to upgrade your army. Or a Citadel....
Priority is to kill.

If your playin in a "Fastest" map, consider adding up to 20 Gateways, and around 20-30 probes on the
minerals. Psi limit should be 150+, closing on 200.

Bah...And for cryin out loud...don't forget
to set the rally point. Aim it towards the
center of your Gateway cluster, which
should be around the exit of your base.

And that's it. If you can't figure it out even now, shoot yourself and do the world a favor. Or possibly take some with you.

Dark Templar

The DT rush might be slightly harder for the first few games, but it's fun as hell to use.
Assuming your in a "Fastest" BGH map, set 4 Probes onto minerals as per usual. Slot till 7. At 7, build
a pylon, 2 if you have the cash (note above formations). Make sure the probe supply doesn't dry up.
Build an Assimilator after your initial pylons, on the front end. Soon as the Pylon(s) warp, build a Gateway.
Like all Protoss builds, speed is key. Especially with this. Build 2-3 Gateways to start. When the Assimilator
warps, set 2 probes into it. build at Least 2-3 more, with 2 probes apiece as they come. Don't neglect the
mineral supply though. By the time you have Gateways, at least 12-14 oughta be on the minerals.

Soon as the Gateway warps, build a Cybernetics Core, then a Citadel of Adun, then the Templar Archives.
Add a forge or 2 if you have the time.

In multi games, if your not teamed 2v2, 3v3 w/e, and theres more than 1 opponent, be prepared to switch
your build. DT build converts easiest into Dragoons. See below.

If your playin against comps, say in a 2v6 game, even if its
All terran, there'll be that initial rush. More than likely, your
Templara won't be there yet, or just arriving. Multiple ways
to avoid destruction. Of you anyhow.

1) Be a pussy and block the entrance of your base with pylons
on the front, and cannons behind. Clump the pylons in at least
groups of 2, so the cannons won't lose power if 1 is wiped.

2) Be a resourceful pussy. Build Tri / Quad formations of Pylons
and build cannons around the edges, circular pattern moving
outwards. Put these either near the base entrance, or slightly
infront of your Gateways, but not blocking them.

3) Pump Zealots. You'll have enough cash, and should have the Gateways to handle it.
Not too many, ie, more than 6-8, as you'll need the cash to cover Pylon construction and
Dark Templars.

Its not necessary, but recommended
that you get Forges x2 at least, and not neglect
your research. At the start, armor is
unnecessary. You won't be seen, you won't be hit.

Spend your resources elsewhere if need be,
but If there's extra use it on research. For the
dragoon conversion if need be.

CompStomp games are jokes. Almost as bad as playin a
Ally-End streak. If its 3v5 random, or 2v6 random its harder,
but otherwise ignore them. Unless you play to BS 'em :)

Terran comps esp. are no resistance. They don't build
detectors till lategame, and the units are deficient anyways
early game.


'Goons, like previously mentioned, are kickass anytime. The Protoss equiv. of the Hydralisk. Its easy to convert
from a DT build, since its been set up for major vespene collection, with lots of minerals.

From scratch: follow the DT build, but don't do the Citadel and the Templar Archives. Lots of Psi is required,
and Lots of Gateways. Build 1 cybernetics core for the Singularity Charge, and 3 Forges. Research each level
of Weapon, Armor, and Shield as it comes. If there's time / money build a Robotics facility and Observatory.
Send 1-3 Observers along with your main army. In case of cloaked units, or Lurkers. Don't bother upgrading
the observer stuff. Just escort / move click em onto the centre of the army.

Then pump dragoons. Cannon formations could be used to protect the base while your army is away, but its
easier just to make some more dragoons. Hold position em around key points.

From a DT build, just add the Robotics facility + Observatory, and perhaps more gateways. Don't let your
Psi supply run out.