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Halo hints

Flood fighting

There are diffrent ways to kill the flood there are smart, bad, and really stupid ways. Smart ways to to kill the flood is to use a shotgun. The shotgun is good for killing the little flood (aka balls) because the shotgun will sprayout lots of weeks shots that will kill them and you know when a ball is killed it it explodes and all the other balles around them will explode. A stupid way to kill balles is to throw a plasma grenade at them. It will stick to them and they will charge at you and they can catch up to you trust me i tested this. But a good thing about a plasma grenade is if you kill the flood with the grenade on it the grenade will explode got that okay now lets move on.

Let's move on to the assult rifle. I know what you beginers are thinking who havent meet the flood yet your thinkin you could kill all the flood at once with the assultrifle well your WRONGE!!!!! The flood will tear you appart. The only thing the assult riffle is good for is killing balls. The big flood will act like there invunerable to your bullets. You would be better of using a plasma pistols charged up attack than using an assultriffle. You would mutch rather have a plasma rifle than an assult riffle trust me. You got that good.

Now lets move on to the pistol. The pistols zoom will come in handy because if there is a charging fleet of flood with pregnets in the groupe you should shot the pregnets then the rest will get hurt bull you'll be left with a lot of balls. The pistol is one of three weapons that can kill the flood in one hit. But you must hit them in the right place. The right places are the head the neck ant the upper torso. And dont you dare make fun of the pistol. IT rocks okay.

The next weapon is the plasma rifle this paragraph wont be long. The plasma rifle has powerfull shots and good accuracy but the bad thing is that the rifle cant pick up ammmo you must pick up another gun.

The plasma pistol is next. The only good thing the plasma pistol is good for is tracking enemys that that jump at you and the chargeup shot is good at close range.

The sniper rifel is not worth using on the flood. You wont be able to fire accurately because the flood will be moving around to mutch. The only way I think you could use it for is if a flood is jumping at you, you pull the gun out at the last second and shoot them before they hit you. Or if you are an extreamley good shot you might be able to snipe them.

Now for the big guns. If your thinking the rocketlauncher will be great agianst the flood your wrong. The little flood will jump in front of the shot and blow up in your face. So if you find a rocket launcher just leave it.

The needeler is an okay weapon agenst the flood. The needelers shots will folow the guy until its out of power. And the nedeler will do 2 times as mutch damage because the shots explode almost on impact. If you have a choice between the nedeler agenst almost anyother weapon chose that.

Some peapol dont think that the frag grenade is a weapon but it is. The frag grenade is a very good good weapon agenst the flood. Except that the grenade might not blow up in time though. Thats the only drawback i see.

The last info i have for you agenst fighting the flood is dont even try to whack them with your gun. The onley reason to whack a flood is when a flood falls down but its not dead whack it on the ground.

Thats all the hints i have for you agenst the flood see my next segment on fighting the covonet on my next segment. If you have any hints that you would like me to add email me at

Covinet fighting made easey

Hi there it's me agin for more hints and stuff.I hoped you liked my last instalment of witch guns are good and witch guns are bad aginst the flood.I hoped you liked it.Im here to serve you and if you have any hints you would like me to add just email me at and ill sive you all the credit you need.Okay now lets get started.

Lets start out with the enemys were going to try to kill.The first guys i would like to talk about is the elits.If you dont know what an elite is then its the big blue guy with the plasmarifle sometimes he has a needeler a plasma sword and there sometimes cloaked.These are the comanders of the army.They lead the attack and one of the hardest to kill and they will hit you with there gun.The elits also have a shield mutch like yours so if you dont kill him the fist time you see him his sheild will come back okay.Also these units are the only units that can comand a tank a gost and a banshe.So if you see an elite heading for one of thoes then kill it or it will be alot worse.So you got that now lets move on.

The next unit we will talk about is the pitifull grunt.This is the worst unit i have ever seen besides the floods little ball things witch you can kill in one hit.The grunts are those little fat aliens that can talk english a little.The really only things you have to worry about is that they can throw grenades and you might run out of ammo killing them.

Now lets talk about a decent enemy the jackel.The jackle is the little guy with the shield there almost as bad as the grunt.The only thing that makes a diffrence is that the jackle has a portable plasma shield but you dont even need to use ammo to kill them. All you need is to charge them and hit them with the B button.Thats all you will proboaly need to know.

The next unit is the unit you will love to know about the hunter.The hunter is the really big guy with the fule rod cannon and it has a huge shield. That shield will difflect almost anything.So dont even try to shoot him fron the front soorerto tell you that all you greenhorns.Me and my friends have perfected a way to kill them with one hit.What you do is charge them then right befor he hits you jump up and you might get hurt but the weekpoint in their armor is in there back.So scence it takes them so long to turn around just shoot them in the back in there weekspot.Or you could just take the easey way out and shoot them with a rocketlauncher but i think it lacks tast so you chose.There weapon the fule rod cannon is so slow at fireing that you will easely be able to doge it if your paying attention.I think you will like that information.

Well thats all the information i have on your enemys see my next installment on weapons. I think you will like it alot so keep informed about halo with me. If you need anymore information about halo you would like me to add them email me at So tell your friends that cant beet a level about me. Also comeing soon i will talk abot all the levels.

The games weapon's

Hi its me.How you been doing.Now for the part most of you want is weapon's.Now this if for you triggerhapy greenhorns.Now i will tell you what guns are good and bad. I hope you like this because i enjoyed doing it.

The fist thing im gana talk about is the bread and butter of the human army you guessed it the assultrifle. The assult riffle is the primary weapon but not always the beast weapon. The assult rifle ha medium range and high firepower. It is a gas-operated magizen-fed.It fires a 7.62mm armor-piercing round.It is better used for short bursts of shoting insted of fuley automatic fiering.Verey good at melee combat. I hoped you are healped by that information.

Please dont laugh but im about to talk about my favorit gun the M6D pistol. The pistol is a recoil-operated magizine-fed handgun.It is issued with a smart-linked scope capable of 2x magnification (press right thumbstick). It fires a 12.7mm semi-armor-piercing, high-explosive rounds do you like that info. Now I hope you can see why I like it.

The next weapon is a persanol favorit from my halo groupe and im shure alot of you like this gun out there its the shotgun.This is a 12 round magizine fed pump action gun witch fires 8 gauge magnum (3.5") rounds. This gun is very effective from short to medium range but dont try to snipe out someone from long range. The shotgun's bullets will split into 8 little shardes of metel so if you try and kill someone from long range maby one sharde will hit your target. Wow that sounds nasty doesant it.

Next only a select few can master and i am one of the select few that have mastered it. I have got three hundred and twentey six hours of experiance with it. Its the sniper rifle. The sniper rifle is a four round magizine fed semi-automatic weapon with a smart-linked scope with two level of magnification.(press the right thumb stick in to get 2x magnification and press agin for 10x magnification) also in the sniper view if you press the white button and you will have night vision view. The sniper rifle has a 14.5mm armor piercing fin-stabilized discarding-sarbot rounds. WARNING:the 14.5x114mm APFSDS rounds is an anti-materiel munition. It can easily over-penitrate several armored soilders. Be sure of what is on the other side of your target before firing. The most guys i killed with one shot. I killed one elite and four grunts with one shot. And i did do that.

Now its time to let the alieans shine. The alieans do have a good arsenal. Let's start with the plasmarifle. This is a directed energy weapon. It is capible of either semi-automatic or fulley-automatic weapon (hold the rigt trigger to activate fulley automatic fire). Continuoes rapid fire will overheat the weapon-this in turn depleates the weapon's power core. I currently don't know how to replace or charge a power core. NOTE:This weapon will deplete it's energy source as you use it. It is wise to replace it as often as possible. This is a good weapon trust me, I often switch it for an assult rifle and don't call me a trator for likeing it.

Next weapon is the plasma pistol and its better than you think. The charged up attack is a very strong and when you lock onto a target it will folow it for a short time. This is a semi-automatic directed energy weapon. If you pull and hold the right trigger, the weapon may become over-charged: when the right trigger is relesed the bolt of energy will be relesed. But, after the bolt is relesed it will take a few seconds to dump extra waist.

The next weapon isn't given the reconishion it needs. But, very little is know abot the needler other than it is a magazine fed weapon capable of automatic fire. It's projectiles penetrate soft targets no matter what angle of impact. They ricochet of hard surfaces at obliqe angles, however, and are alway deflected by energy fields, the only excptions to this being the shields generated by the MJOLNIR battle suit and the elite's combat armor. The coposition and energy signature of it's projectile is unknoown. The manner of which the projectiles home is on their target is also unknown. This is a good gun in certin situations so give it a chance.

The next weapon isn't really a gun but I decided to talk about it. The statinary gun (aka shade) fires three plasma blastes at the same time. It look's like a anti vehicol weapon but is really used for infintry only. the operator sits directly behind the gun and armor control suit, but relies entirely on infitry support for protection to the side and rear.

I hope you like all the information I have given you on the weapon of halo. If you would like me to add anything to this just email me at and I'll read it and see if I can use it i'll add it. Wait next time for me to talk about the vehicols in halo. And remember im here for you and if you want me to ill talk to you over the internet if you need my help.

The transportation around halo

Hi there it's me. So how have you been doing. Well lets cut the small talk and get down to buisnes. Im here to talk about the vehicols of halo and I really hope you like it. Reamember if you have any information that you would like to add to my webpage and ill read it and see if I can put it on, And leave your name so i know whos name to give the hint credit to. So here we go.

Lets talk about my favorit vehicol the warthog. The M-12 warthog has three seats a driver, passenger, and gunner. It weighs 3.25 tons and its armed with a 12.7 mm three-barreled machine-gun. The m-12 light reconnaissance vehicol, or warthog , is a standard vheicol of the UEG armed forces. It is fast and manuverable, but prone to rollover during hard turnes. The three-barreled machine-gun is mounted in the rear of the vehicol. Armed passengers significantly increase the unit's anti-infintry capasity.

Now lets talk about the tank. Shure the tank only showes up in one level assult on the controle room it needs to be talked about. The tank has a marine absolute capasity of six. The main turet takes either two marines or one spartin to operate. The tank can either fire a 24mm rocket or fire the rotating machinegun. It has 4 sepret treds that have all terane capability. Now you know this is good so the tank is good.

Okay now lets talk abot some of the covinet stuff. As usual they use plasma but the cool thing is that the plasma automaticoly recharges in the vehicols. The bad thing about it is that the vehicols have health. The warthog can be blown up me and two other friends were blasting a warthog for hours and finaly it exploded. The tank i think youll have to shove it off a cliff. Speaking of cliffs i have an interesting story for you. One time while i was in the second level with my friend jeff adams the part when the two banshes attack you. I got out my pistol and blasted one and the other one i shot the piolet out of the banshe and the banshee landed on the river and it started moving away so i jumped of the cliff and got in just bareley and had enough time to fly it for a few seconds then i was shot down by a plasma burst witch really sucked.

Okay now lets talk about the gost witch is a really good it's very fast it handels bumbs verry well and you only need one pearson to drive and fire it and it's fun to go around on the internet with you friends and you get 4 gost's and just go around running evryone over and if one guy dies you still got 3 and it's pretty fun


Okay okay its me agin wohooooo sorry i have neglecting you guys ive been busy *shifty eyes*. So i am now here to talk to you about the newist of the new (hell i havent even played it yet but because of my reacherch im going to tell you all i can) give me about 3 weeks and ill tell you all that you need to know. So im about to tell you stuff that i reacherced off the internet so it may not be true okay and if you read something and prove its wrong email me at so lets get it stared in ha lets get is started in here (blacked eyed peas song.

Alrigh you have already heard of the new charecter the bruit well if you havent hes like and armor plated elite with a granade launcher and his head looks like an eel. Also i heard this from a friend of a friend (lol underground railroad talk) that the hunter dosent have a shield, im not to shre about it so prove me wrong. There is something called a adult jakel, hes just a jackel thats bigger melee combat dont work to well on it to well and has a stronger shield. Well thats all i got to say right now and ill talk to you in 3 weeks so goodnight
