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1. Total Annihilation, Exclusive Strategy Guide - Selby Bateman 2.

Total Annihilation Tips

Welcome to my Total Annihilation Tips site! This site is a collection of tips for the Arm and Core that I have discovered by playing Total Anniliation. Good Luck!

The Basic Overview

This is a collection of hints and tips for playing Total Annihilation with the Arm race. The Arm units are fast, agile, and lightly armored. They boast nominal weaponary and light armor. They are best used for hit-and-run missions, due to their light armor and weapons. They will not survive very long in a firefight with a Core unit.

Arm Buildings: A Quick Note

Arm buildings are very much like their corrosponding Core buildings. They build fast, partially because the Arm units tend to be cheaper than those of the Core. The Arm has good close-range perimeter defences, like the pop-up cannons and gardian plasma turret. If used correctly, the Arm defences provide excellent perimeter protection.

Building The Perfect Base

When building your base, you should remember three basic principles. The principles are, defence, production, and offense. For defense/protection of your base, you should ring the area with dragons teeth or another wall. After the wall, place defenders or other missile turrets to target aircraft, perhaps just a few flak guns. Place another wall behind the turrets, and leave a few holes in the perimeter for doors. Around the doors place plasma cannons or laser turrets. To achive production, you should place factories in the center, where they will not be at risk of attack by troops. Spread them out a bit, to reduce the risk of complete incapatation by nuclear missiles. The definition of Base Offense is a slippery one. While a base itself cannot, obviously, attack, long and short range weapons within the base can. Placing 1-4 long range plasma cannons, such as the Big Bertha, within your base will allow you to attack your enemy while staying out of harm's way. All the aspects of a base are related to one another. For instance, to be able to fire long-range weapons, you must have a large energy stockpile. So, you build more solar collectors, wind generators or fusion plants; Prodution!

Using The Long-Range Weapons

The Arm long-range weapons are very efficient and useful. The Big Bertha cannon is slightly less powerful then the Core's Plasma-firing cannon. The accuracy of the Bertha is much improved, however, and it's range is decreased. When several of these cannons are grouped together, with several complimentary fusion power plants to satisfy the Bertha's great demand for energy. Placing the cannons in a group significantly increases the chance of hitting a moving target, and maximizes the damage dealt to a stationary object. Another great expansion-pack weapon, the Vulcan rapid fire cannon, is an Arm long-range weapon. For a cost of about 1000 energy-per-second, the Vulcan unleashes a rapid fire barrage of molten plasma. It's just like the Big Bertha, except it fires about 120 shots-per-minute. The corrosponding Core unit, the Buzz Saw, is alike to the Vulcan, but fires slower and causes more destruction. The Toaster, the Core pop-up plasma cannon, pops quickly from its low-profile covering and decimates its opposition.

Using The Nuclear Missile Launchers

The Arm and Core's nuclear missile launchers are useful devices for annihilation of your enemy. They can deal extensive damage to buildings and units within the screen-radius of the nuclear blast. One blast will destroy most units, with the exception of the Krogoth and Commanders, and will destroy almost all buildings. Nuclear missiles are very expensive, and require about 200 energy and 11 to 12 metal for the duration of the building process. They require about 6-10 minutes to build and are launched directly from the building platform. Several missiles can be built, stored in the launcher building, and fired at your leisure. The missile launchers work most efficiently when coupled with radar. If the terrain of the enemy's base is not known, or if the terrain is not pre-mapped, it works best to fire nuclear missiles into collections of enemy dot on your radar. This way, you will either eliminate a large troop formation, resource collection facility, or factory cluster. In any case, it is extremely benificial to use nuclear missiles.

Arm-Specific Tips

Some of these tips require the Battle Tactics and Core Contingency expansion packs. A few of these tips do not require the expansions, but some do.

Using The Shooter KBots

The Arm shooter KBot is a highly specalized weapon capable of.